TOSHIBA Group Wins Order for 2,340 MW Goi Thermal Power Station Replacement Work

― To deliver a thermal efficiency of 64%, the highest in the world ―


Thermal Power

Order received / delivery

July 1 2019

Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation

Kawasaki, Japan — Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereinafter “Toshiba ESS”) and Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation (hereinafter “TPSC”) today announced that a consortium of the companies has won an EPC*1 contract that includes civil engineering for replacement work for the Goi Thermal Power Station from Goi United Generation LLC. (hereinafter “GIUG”), which is jointly funded by JERA Co., Inc. and JXTG Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation. The overall project economics offered by the consortium, such as cutting-edge technology including efficiency, construction results in both Japan and globally, and maintenance and service systems, are recognized and assessed by GIUG. The Goi Thermal Power Station will be an LNG-fueled combined cycle power plant with a power output of 2,340 MW, and is expected to start operation from 2024 to 2025.

Takao Konishi, Director and Senior Vice President of Power Systems Division at Toshiba ESS, commented, “We at Toshiba Group are proud to take part in the construction of a power plant with the highest global standards. Our group will continue to contribute to supplying stable power and realizing a low carbon society by providing state-of-the-art power generating technologies.”

Toshiba ESS will be in charge of the civil engineering, plant design, equipment supply, and construction work, while TPSC will be handling equipment installation. By combining General Electric’s most advanced gas turbines and Toshiba ESS’s highly efficient steam turbines and generators, the plant will be optimized to achieve a thermal efficiency of 64% (low heating value base*2). This achievement will renew Toshiba ESS’s world record in combined cycle power plant efficiency that was achieved by Chubu Electric Power’s Nishi-Nagoya Thermal Power Station No. 7-1 (currently JERA) in March 2018.

*1 EPC: Engineering Procurement and Construction
*2 Low heating value base, which excludes the evaporation heat of water vapor generated by fuel combustion.

Outline of Goi Thermal Power Station

Owner: Goi United Generation LLC.
Location: 1, Goi Kaigan, Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Generation capacity: 780 MW x 3 units (2,340 MW)
Fuel: Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Generation type: Gas turbine combined cycle
Start of operations: 2024-2025 (plan)
Thermal efficiency: 64% (low heating value base)
Scope of supply: EPC, including civil engineering

Conceptual Rendering and Site Location

 (Image courtesy of JERA)
(Image courtesy of JERA)

Information in the news release, including product prices and specifications, content of services and contact information, is current on the date of the news release , but is subject to change without prior notice.

News Release