Toshiba Completes its First Manufacturing of One of World's Largest Toroidal Field Coils for ITER

-Contribution to Achieving a Carbon-neutral Society by Attending to Next Generation Energy Project-


Nuclear Power

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June 8 2021

Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation

KAWASAKI, JAPAN―Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereafter “Toshiba ESS”) has announced today that it has completed its first manufacturing of toroidal field coils for ITER. This type of toroidal field coil has been entrusted by the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (hereafter “QST”) as one of the largest toroidal field coils in the world. (16.5 m in height, 9 m in width, with a gross weight of approximately 300 tons)

ITER is a thermonuclear experimental reactor under construction in Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France, that will be used to perform a scientific and technological feasibility study of nuclear fusion energy, which is expected to be one of the future energy sources, with the participation of seven Parties; Japan, the European Union, the United States, Russia, China, South Korea and India.
Nuclear fusion energy generates electric power by utilizing the heat generated from the reactions of atomic nuclei fusing together. This is the “dream energy” known as “the Sun on the Earth” because it can create large-scale power generation using massive amounts of heat energy similar to what happens inside the sun. Nuclear fusion reaction generates the energy through fusion of the atomic nucleus, so it does not create high-level nuclear waste or CO2. Because of this, it is expected to be the next generation of energy that can contribute toward controlling global warming.

ITER uses 18 toroidal field coils, with Toshiba ESS manufacturing 4 toroidal field coils and 6 coil cases. Toshiba ESS is going to support ITER continuously from the start of operation in 2025, beginning with the manufacturing of these first toroidal field coils, and is going to contribute toward achieving a carbon-neutral society by developing state-of-the-art energy technologies.

Shinya Fujitsuka, Director and Senior Vice President of the Power Systems Division at Toshiba ESS, said, “I’m pleased that we have successfully completed the first manufacturing of toroidal field coils for ITER. Toshiba ESS will continue to contribute to ITER, which will initiate plasma experiments in 2025 with QST, by supplying toroidal field coils and cases, which require highly precise processing technology to produce. Toshiba ESS obtained this technology through our knowledge and superior manufacturing ability developed over a long period of time for large equipment related to energy.”

Toshiba ESS will contribute to the research and development of the most advanced energy technologies using its fusion technology developed over many years.

First manufacturing of one of the largest toroidal field coils for ITER (Photo)

First manufacturing of one of the largest toroidal field coils for ITER Photo

Ceremony for the first manufacturing of one of the largest toroidal field coils for ITER (Photo)

Ceremony for the first manufacturing of one of the largest toroidal field coils for ITER Photo

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