Toshiba's Simplified Active Water Retrieve and Recovery System II Now Removing Cesium and Strontium from Contaminated Water at Fukushima Daiichi
Nuclear Power
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Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
- Toshiba ESS delivered SARRY™ II for TEPCO following delivery of SARRY™
- Toshiba ESS’s SARRY™ II to contribute to treatment of contaminated water

Kawasaki, Japan — Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Toshiba ESS) today announced that Simplified Active Water Retrieve and Recovery System II (SARRY™ II), which removes cesium and strontium from contaminated water, is now in operation at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Japan. The system was installed to improve the treatment capacity of contaminated water in addition to the SARRY™ that Toshiba ESS delivered in 2011.
SARRY™ II consists of pumps to draw out contaminated water, two filtration filters to remove oil, etc from the contaminated water, and four adsorption towers that remove radioactive material. The system will contribute to the treatment of contaminated water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Units 1-4.
“We are proud of installation of SARRY™ II, together with existing SARRY™, that will contribute to the completion of contaminated water treatment,” said Goro Yanase, Chief Nuclear Officer at Toshiba ESS. “We will continue to develop technologies that contribute to the decommissioning of the plant.”
At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, some of the groundwater flowing from the mountain-side to the sea is entering into the nuclear reactor building at a rate of approximately 150 tons/day. In the Mid-and-Long-Term Roadmap towards the Decommissioning of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Units 1-4, treatment of contaminated water is scheduled to be completed by 2020, and SARRY™ II is expected to contribute to accelerating the treatment.
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