News Release

Toshiba to Win Turbine Supply Contract for Onshore Wind Power in Abukuma, Fukushima

~Output to Reach Capacity of Approx. 147,000 kW; One of the Largest in Japan~

  • Renewable Energy
  • Order received / delivery

April 04, 2022

Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation

Kawasaki, Japan—Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereinafter “Toshiba ESS”) announced today that the company has won a major order from a joint venture, Fukushima Reconstruction Wind Power GK, to supply 46 wind turbines (totaling approx. 147,000 kW) as part of an operation and maintenance contract, including windmills and BOP*1, for the four onshore wind power plants*2 in the area of Abukuma, Fukushima Prefecture. With Fukushima Reconstruction Wind Power GK having recently started construction of the four wind power plants, Toshiba ESS will deliver GE’s 3.2 MW (3.2-103) wind turbines to these plants.


In recent years, governments around the world have been accelerating the adoption of renewable energy generation as a way to address climate change. Last year, the Japanese government announced the 6th Strategic Energy Plan, which includes the national electricity mix plan to increase the share attributable to renewable energy to 36 to 38% by 2030. Expectations are rising for renewable energy as a main power source to approach the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Fukushima Prefecture, promoting itself as a pioneer in introducing renewable energy, has set the renewable power generation target of exceeding the requirement to meet demand from the entire prefecture by around 2040.
Fukushima Reconstruction Wind Power GK was selected by Fukushima Prefecture in 2017 to receive a grant to promote the Project. The specific plan is to install 46 wind turbines with a height of 148 meters in a wind farm built along a ridge stretching over Tamura City, Okuma Town, Namie Town, and Katsurao Village in the Abukuma area. This will be one of the largest onshore wind power generation projects in Japan when completed in the spring of 2025 as scheduled. The Project is designed to have a total output capacity of approx.147,000 kW, which can meet the power demand of 120,000 households on an estimated annual basis.


Toshiba ESS has strengths in the installation and operation of renewable energy power generation facilities, such as wind and solar power, in Japan, as well as in connecting to substation networks, and superior engineering capabilities. GE’s 3.2 MW wind turbines are highly efficient and reliable, and have a proven track record in Japan. Thus, this large-scale order was received in recognition of our technological capabilities and GE’s wind turbine performance.


Shigehiro Kawahara, Vice President of the Energy Aggregation Div. at Toshiba ESS, said, “Toshiba ESS is proud to have received this major order, and will take this opportunity to continue to accelerate business development for onshore wind power in Japan and contribute to the spread of wind power generation and the realization of carbon neutrality.”


*1: BOP(Balance of Plant): Facilities and equipment in the power plant excluding wind turbine generators
*2: Abukuma Wind Power Plant Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4Write the annotation text in a small font size

Reference : Business Overview


Business Name    Abukuma Wind Power Generation Business
Business Entity  Fukushima Reconstruction Wind Power GK 
Investors  Sumitomo Corporation, JED, Fukushima Mirai Kenkyukai, JWE, Fukushima Electric Power, Shimizu Corporation, Obayashi Clean Energy Corporation, RENOVA, and Shinobuyama Fukushima Power
Project Location  Tamura City, Okuma Town, Namie Town, and Katsurao Village, in Fukushima Prefecture 
Total Output Approx. 147,000 kW  
Schedule  Construction started in 2022; scheduled completion in spring of 2025


Information in the News Release, including product prices and specifications, content of services and contact information, is current on the date of the News Release , but is subject to change without prior notice.