Toshiba Completes Its Second Manufacture of One of World's Largest Toroidal Field Coils for ITER
-Contributing to the Achievement of a Carbon-Neutral Society by Researching and Developing Cutting-Edge Energy Technologies-INFORMATION
Nuclear Power
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Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
KAWASAKI,JAPAN―Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereafter "Toshiba ESS") has announced today that it has completed its second manufacture of toroidal field coils for ITER. This type of toroidal field coil has been entrusted by the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (hereafter "QST") as one of the largest toroidal field coils in the world (16.5 m in height and 9 m in width, with a gross weight of approximately 300 tons per unit). This second toroidal filed coil was delivered to France following the manufacture and delivery of the first toroidal field coil in June 2021.
ITER uses 18 toroidal field coils, of which Toshiba ESS manufactures 4 of them, in addition to 6 coil cases for European toroidal field coils. Toshiba ESS is going to support ITER continuously from the start of operation in 2025, beginning with the manufacture of these first toroidal field coils.
Toshiba ESS is going to contribute toward achieving a carbon-neutral society by researching and developing state-of-the-art energy technologies.
Toshiba ESS’s second completed toroidal field coil (Photo)
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