Ishikariwan Shinko Power Plant Unit 1 Now in Operation
― HEPCO’s first liquefied natural gas-fueled thermal power plant ―NEWS RELEASE
Thermal Power
Order received / delivery
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation

KAWASAKI—Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Toshiba ESS) is pleased to announce that today Ishikariwan Shinko Power Plant Unit 1, a high-efficiency combined cycle power plant, started commercial operation. The plant is owned and operated by Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. (hereinafter referred to as HEPCO) and has a capacity of 569.4 MW.
Ishikariwan Shinko Power Plant Unit 1 was built to replace the aging thermal power plants in Hokkaido, and also to secure greater reliability in power supply, by diversifying the types of fuels and reducing the reliance on the particular power plants.
Toshiba ESS had received the order for the power generation system as a prime contractor in 2014 and started construction in 2015. Toshiba ESS optimized the overall system design of the plant by combining its own steam turbine and generator with a gas turbine manufactured by General Electric Company, and achieved high efficiency and flexible operability that led to the plant supplying clean and economical electricity.
“We are proud to be a part of this major project for Ishikariwan Shinko Power Plant Unit 1,” said Takao Konishi, Vice President of the Thermal & Hydro Power Systems & Services Div., Toshiba ESS. “We will continue to contribute to the realization of a low-carbon society and stable power supply by delivering eco-friendly and highly efficient technologies.”
Outline of Ishikariwan Shinko Power Plant Unit 1
Location: 5, Zenibako, Otaru, Hokkaido
Capacity: 569.4 MW
Fuel: Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Thermal efficiency: Approx. 62% (LHV base*)
*Low heating value base, which excludes the evaporation heat of water vapor generated by fuel combustion.
Information in the news release, including product prices and specifications, content of services and contact information, is current on the date of the news release , but is subject to change without prior notice.