Newly developed "H2One™ Multi Station" will be built in Tsuruga city
Refills fuel cell vehicles, and provides power to buildings and electric vehiclesNEWS RELEASE
Hydrogen Energy
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
Tsuruga, Japan- Tsuruga City in Fukui Prefecture (Tsuruga) and Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (Toshiba ESS) held a ceremony today to commemorate the basic partnership agreement installing hydrogen supply chain infrastructure at Tsuruga city. A hydrogen supply chain will be constructed from this fiscal year until FY 2021.
The Toshiba ESS-built “H2One™ Multi Station” system is consisting of a single-container type“H2One™” and “H2One™ Station Unit”. More specifically, this system incorporates the “H2One™” which supplies electricity to buildings and electric cars, and the “H2One&trade Station Unit” which can completely refill eight hydrogen fuel cell vehicles*1 per day in three minutes each.
The “H2One™ Multi Station” does not require have safety personnel on-site and it can supply electricity and heat to evacuation shelters to accommodate 300 people over three days in emergencies and power outages.
Mr. Takanobu Fuchikami, Tsuruga City Mayor said, “I am working on formulating our ‘Plan for Formation of a Harmonious Hydrogen Society’, and actively pushing forward with the implementation of hydrogen energy. I believe the construction will help accelerate our hydrogen implementation efforts.”
Mr. Mamoru Hatazawa, President and CEO of Toshiba ESS, commented, “I am pleased to install H2One MultiStation™ for the first time. We are delighted to support Tsuruga city efforts with our CO2-free hydrogen solutions. ”
Beginning this revolutionary hydrogen supply chain in the Hokuriku area, Tsuruga and Toshiba ESS are working to realize clean hydrogen society.
Note 1: Calculated using the average annual mileage of cars in Japan
Illustration of this system

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