Products and technical services
Toshiba's hydrogen business
The reduction of CO2 emissions is needed to curb global warming. Hydrogen energy has been attracting a lot of attention since hydrogen power generation does not emit CO2. As a leading energy company, Toshiba will realise green energy supply by using hydrogen technology, which is one of the energies that Toshiba has cultivated as a leading company.
Initiatives for carbon neutrality
For a sustainable society, there are various issues to be solved, such as global warming and abnormal weather. Now, Japan and other countries around the world are aiming for "carbon neutrality". This is to curb greenhouse gas emissions and curb temperature rise. More than 90% of greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide in Japan.
①Reduce carbon dioxide emissions
●Use of renewable energy
Most of the carbon dioxide currently emitted comes from energy. To reduce this emission, the conversion to renewable energy with low carbon dioxide emissions is underway, and the national target is to raise the ratio of renewable energy to 50-60% by 2050.
However, the output of renewable energy tends to fluctuate due to the influence of the weather, so adjustment technology is required to secure stable power.
●The role of hydrogen
Hydrogen is considered to be a carbon-neutral key technology. Only water, not carbon dioxide, is generated during power generation. By storing the surplus of renewable energy as hydrogen, it can be used at different times and places. It becomes possible to:
● Use it as power for adjustment power
● Use it outside the power sector
Hydrogen makes effective use of renewable energy and contributes to carbon neutralization.
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Toshiba's hydrogen energy related business
① Hydrogen energy that does not emit carbon dioxide
Toshiba contributes to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the technology of "Produce・Store・Use" Hydrogen.
② Effective use of carbon dioxide
There are areas where it is difficult to control carbon dioxide emissions, as part of the hot heat utilization and industrial process sector. Toshiba has developed and emitted a technology to separate and recover the emitted carbon dioxide and a new technology that decomposes carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and can convert it into chemicals and fuel. We are also working on the recycling of carbon dioxide.
History of Toshiba's hydrogen energy systems
Toshiba commenced the development of fuel cell systems in the 1960s. Since then, Toshiba has continually developed hydrogen-related technologies.