Participation in External CSR and Sustainability Initiatives Organizations

Participation in External CSR and Sustainability Initiatives Organizations

Toshiba Group promotes participation and collaboration with industry associations, government bodies, international organizations, NGOs/NPOs and other external CSR organizations and initiatives.

Toshiba Group is a member/supporter of the following CSR-related organizations and initiatives:

UN Global Compact

In January 2004 Toshiba joined the United Nations Global Compact, pledging to adhere to universal principles covering human rights, labor and the environment. The Global Compact is a voluntary corporate citizenship initiative proposed by then UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 1999 at the World Economic Forum (annual meeting in Davos). The Global Compact envisages that in the course of business, companies’ fulfillment of their corporate social responsibilities through compliance with internationally recognized principles concerning human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption will lead to the world’s sustainable development.

As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, in 2007, Toshiba participated as an advisory in the project utilizing GRI guidelines for “Communication on Progress (COP),” a report of the progress on the implementation of Global Compact principles.

Toshiba declares its compliance with such citizenship initiative in the President’s message sent outside the company and also clarifies the implementation progress of the ten principles of the Global Compact by submitting a COP advanced level report once per year.

Then President Tadashi Okamura signed the Global Compact in January 2004.


10 Principles of the UN Global Compact

Human Rights

1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and

2. make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Labor Standards

3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
4. the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
5. the effective abolition of child labor; and
6. the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
8. undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
9. encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies


10. Businesses should work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.

RBA Membership

The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) is the electronics industry’s CSR promotion organization committed to fulfill CSR for labor, occupational health and safety, the environment, and ethical standards throughout the supply chain. It was founded in October 2004, and more than 190 companies have joined world-wide. Toshiba joined in June 2011 to promote CSR across the supply chain based on a global standard. Since 2017, we have, as an initiative of the RBA Japan Network, which is comprised of RBA member companies in Japan, been building awareness and understanding of the RBA Code of Conduct through translation support and outreach meetings. We have also been engaged in activities to resolve common issues.

  • EICC changed its name to RBA in October 2017.

Participation in the STS Forum

The Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum is a platform which aims to ensure appropriate development of science and technology, gathering scientists, policymakers, business leaders, journalists, and others in one place to discuss and exchange opinions about issues related to science and technology as well as society from the perspective that these are issues shared by humanity. Toshiba has participated in the STS Forum since 2004 as a board member and council member and actively involved in setting directions of the forum's activities. In addition to attending annual general conferences, we also participate in science and technology dialogues held in countries around the world. At the annual general conference held in October 2022 (19th STS Forum), which was held in person for the first time in three years, an executive officer of the Company participated as a speaker at a session themed around “Negative Carbon Technologies,” and introduced the Toshiba Group’s solutions aimed at achieving zero carbon and negative emissions. He showed the field trial in SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) manufacturing using P2C (Power to Chemicals) technology, which is a joint project with other companies, and the operational status of the BECCS (Bio Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage) demonstration facility using the world’s first 100% biomass fuel, and stated that it is necessary to realize solutions that utilize decarbonization technology.

Participation in BSR

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) is a global nonprofit organization for promoting activities of sustainability which was established in the U.S. in 1992. BSR has over 250 members comprising global organizations and companies, and Toshiba joined in 2003. Since joining, we have participated in human rights working groups and seminars held by BSR.

Participation in CBCC

Council for Better Corporate Citizenship (CBCC) is an association, established in 1989 by Keidanren (Federation of Economic Organizations), which facilitates the acceptance of Japanese companies by regional communities overseas as good corporate citizens, and more recently, promotes CSR activities and assists companies in their practice. Toshiba joined CBCC from its establishment, and currently takes part in activities as a member of the planning committee.

Acquired Approval of the Science Based Targets (SBT)

The Science Based Targets (SBT) are the targets set by companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 5 to 15 years, which are consistent with those of the Paris Agreement. Toshiba Group to achieve carbon neutrality throughout its entire value chain by FY2050, as a milestone, and we aim to reduce GHG emissions by 70% by FY2030 compared to the FY2019 level. In 2020, the reduction target was approved by the SBT initiative as aligned with the science-based targets required by the Paris Agreement, and thus received SBT certification. In addition, we have submitted new reduction targets to the SBT initiative in accordance with the SBT initiative's updated standard. 

Endorsing the Recommendations of The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

TCFD is a private-sector task force established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board in order to enhance climate-related information disclosure of companies.

Toshiba Group endorsed its support for the TCFD recommendations released in 2017, and is working to disclose information on our climate change initiatives.

Toshiba Group also participates in the TCFD Consortium, which aims to encourage endorsing institutions in Japan to work together to enhance ESG information disclosure.

Participation in CDP

CDP is an international non-profit organization that calls on businesses and regional governments to promote environmental initiatives. In FY2022, Toshiba Group received an "A-" rating for the response to climate change and "B" rating for water security in surveys conducted by CDP. In addition, in the Supplier Engagement Rating, which is an assessment of engagement with suppliers on climate change, Toshiba Group was recognized as a “Supplier Engagement Leader,” which was the highest acclaim.

Participation in GX League

GX* League was established as a framework for business groups with ambitious targets towards carbon reduction to voluntarily trade emissions to achieve their goals while investing in emissions reduction. The league has been in full-scale operation since FY2023 (secretariat: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, among others).Through this framework, we aim to create an environment in which Japanese companies that take on the challenge of becoming carbon neutral can lead the transformation of the entire economic and social system and the creation of new markets, and demonstrate their competitiveness in international business. The Toshiba Group will participate in the verification processes and discussions of the League’s collaborative efforts by industry, government, and academia, and contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050 and the realization of a sustainable, growth-oriented society.

  • Abbreviation of green transformation

Participation in the Carbon Neutral LNG Buyers Alliance

Toshiba Corporation and 14 other companies have come together to establish the Carbon Neutral LNG (CNL) Buyers Alliance on March 9, 2021. The Alliance was established through the concerted efforts of Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd., which procures and supplies CNL, and the remaining companies, which purchase CNL, with the aim of spreading the use of CNL and increasing its utility value toward the achievement of a sustainable society. Choosing carbon neutral energy is an important solution that will contribute toward tackling climate change and the SDGs, as well as directly lead to ESG management.
The companies participating in the Alliance will work to increase the recognition of CNL in society and carry out initiatives to improve its evaluation by investment institutions and establish its position within the various systems in Japan with the aim of contributing toward Japan’s achievement of a carbon neutral society by 2050.

Participation in Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)

In July 2018, Japanese companies, local governments, research institutions, and NGOs established Japan Climate Initiative (JCI). It is a network committed to strengthening communication and exchange of strategies and solutions among all actors that are implementing climate actions in Japan. More than 780 organizations, as of August 2023 in Japan became the members of JCI today. Toshiba Group became a member of JCI in FY2020, supporting the network’s declaration of “Joining the front line of the global push for decarbonization from Japan.”

Participation in the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity

This alliance is a coalition of front-runners and supporters in Japan (secretariat: Ministry of the Environment) established to promote various measures to achieve the 30by30 target of protecting over 30% of the land and sea areas by 2030, which is one of the goals of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. As a member of the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity, Toshiba Group will contribute to the expansion of the OECM* promoted by the Ministry of the Environment through biodiversity conservation activities in green space in domestic sites and areas surrounding those sites.

* Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures:
Areas mainly outside the protected areas that contribute to biodiversity conservation.They are areas conserved by initiatives of the private sector and other areas whose management with a primary purpose other than conservation eventually contributes to protecting the natural environment.In Japan, a program to certify such areas as  Japan`s OECM has already been implemented.

Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation

This initiative is participated in by 277 companies and organizations (as of June 2023) who are committed to activities stipulated in the “Keidanren Declaration on Biodiversity and Action Guidelines” (revised version) or who support its overall purpose. It is intended to disseminate the diverse activities of the Japanese business community worldwide and further deepen and expand those activities. As a member company, Toshiba Corporation will continue to contribute to achieving the goal of the initiative.

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