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Sustainability Management

Toshiba Group has long positioned “Committed to People, Committed to the Future.” as the main text of our Basic Commitment, the expression of our unwavering determination to contribute to society’s development through our business activities. Grounded in this commitment, as a member of a society that faces issues that include energy shortages, resource depletion, and climate change, we have taken initiatives to help solve issues by considering the impact of our corporate activities on society over the long-term, rather than simply pursuing short-term profits. To further advance the initiatives and strengthen our activities to contribute to social sustainability, the Board of Directors resolved the Toshiba Group Sustainability Policy. Toshiba Group promotes sustainability management to enhance its corporate value.

Toshiba Group Sustainability Policy

Toshiba Group Sustainability Policy

The Basic Commitment of Toshiba Group is “Committed to People, Committed to the Future.”. This commitment is the foundation of Our Purpose: an unwavering drive to make and do things that lead to a better world. Toshiba Group aims to solve issues facing our society and to contribute to its development through our business.
Toshiba Group considers the long-term impact of its corporate activities on society and takes action to address the material issues we identify. In accordance with the Standards of Conduct for Toshiba Group, we place the highest priority on life, safety, and compliance (observance of laws, regulations, social norms, and ethics), and drive sustainability management in cooperation with our stakeholders in order to enhance our corporate value. We comply with international standards and seek opinions from the experts thus enabling us to make responsible decisions regarding our commitment to society.

  1. Toshiba Group contributes to the sustainable development of society by developing and producing products and services which enrich lives. It does so by bringing together its history of creativity, technological strength and advanced quality that it has long cultivated.
  2. Toshiba Group proactively works to reduce environmental impacts throughout its entire value chain with the goal of positively addressing various global environmental issues.
  3. Toshiba Group supports internationally recognized principles on human rights, and respects the human rights of every stakeholder who contributes to its activities, including customers, shareholders and employees.
  4. Toshiba Group works with suppliers to promote sustainable procurement activities which take into account such matters as human rights and the environment.
  5. Toshiba Group’s sustainability management approach incorporates a long-term perspective to protect and maintain its sustainable growth.
  6. Toshiba Group reports on its sustainability objectives, activities and results to promote a constructive dialogue and trusted relationships with stakeholders.

October 21, 2021

In order to develop sustainably as a company, Toshiba Group strives to strengthen E (environment), S (social), and G (governance) and implement sustainability management as steps to build ethical and transparent management foundations. At the same time, we will make efforts to create and provide rich value in collaboration with our various stakeholders, such as our customers, shareholders and investors, suppliers, employees, and local communities. We conduct all corporate activities fairly and honestly, guided by the Standards of Conduct for Toshiba Group.

Sustainability Management Structure

In 2003 Toshiba established an in-house organization to promote CSR, and has put in place a promotion system that covers the Group. As companies are urged to make more effort to help solve global issues represented in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and help create a sustainable society, we established the Sustainability Management Division in April 2021. Incorporating a sustainability perspective into management, we promote ESG and SDGs activities through all of our corporate activities.
To take this initiative a step further and strengthen integrated management with the management policy and strategy, the functions of the Sustainability Management Division were transferred to the Strategic Planning Division in April 2024. We convene the Sustainability Strategy Committee twice a year to discuss and decide on policies and strategies related to the sustainability of Toshiba Group and to set the direction of key issues. The Committee is chaired by the President and CEO, and its members include the executives in charge of sustainability-related matters, the business managers of Toshiba Corporation and key Group companies*1, the presidents of listed subsidiaries and some Group companies*2, and the corporate staff division managers with responsibilities related to sustainability. Positioned under the Sustainability Strategy Committee is the Sustainability Promotion Committee. This committee considers specific measures and prepares action plans for the matters decided by the Sustainability Strategy Committee. Additionally, the Toshiba Group Environmental Management Committee (renamed from the Corporate Environmental Management Committee in April 2024) deliberates and decides on important environmental measures and policies, such as Toshiba Group’s Basic Policy for the Environment. The Non-financial Information Disclosure Committee approves the disclosure of ESG information included in our Integrated Report and Sustainability Report.The Sustainability Promotion Committee is chaired by the executive in charge of sustainability, while the Toshiba Group Environmental Management Committee is chaired by the executive in charge of the environment. Both Committees meet twice a year in principle.
The executive in charge of sustainability and environment regularly report the status of measures being taken and receive supervision and advice at the Board of Directors meetings.

  •  Key Group companies: Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation, and Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation
  • Listed subsidiaries and some Group companies: Toshiba Tec Corporation, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation, and NuFlare Technology, Inc.

Sustainability Management Structure

The main details of the initiatives undertaken at each committee meeting in FY2023 are as follows:

Sustainability Strategy Committee
FY2022 summary, FY2023 key themes, KPIs linked to material issues, human rights due diligence, supplier human rights risk survey, environmental management, ESG evaluation agency evaluation results, response to the UK and Australian Modern Slavery Acts, Toshiba Group DEIB policy

Sustainability Promotion Committee
FY2022 summary, FY2023 plan and key themes, KPIs linked to material issues, ESG evaluation agency evaluation results, human rights due diligence, sustainability surveys from customers, key environmental measures

Corporate Environmental Management Committee(former name)
FY2022 activity results and FY2023 activity plans, formulation of the Eighth Environmental Action Plan promotion items and KPIs, reports related to environmental risk compliance

Non-financial Information Disclosure Committee
Confirmation and approval of information presented in the sustainability website and Integrated Report


Details of the Sustainability Strategy Committee meetings are reported to the Board of Directors to receive supervision and advice.


The Sustainability Promotion Committee monitors the progress of sustainability-related measures such as KPIs based on material issues.
See below for material issues and KPIs.

Increasing Employee Awareness of Sustainability

In order to raise sustainability awareness of employees in Toshiba Group, the President and CEO reaffirms the philosophy of Basic Commitment of the Toshiba Group at every opportunity, such as the start of each half-year term, at company ceremonies, and at start-of-year addresses. The importance of implementing sustainability management is also communicated. We also conduct sustainability management-related training for newly hired employees and newly appointed managers as well as annual e-learning for all employees in line with the Standards of Conduct for Toshiba Group in areas such as the environment, information security, respect for human rights, engineering ethics, compliance with antitrust laws and prohibition of bribery.

Toshiba Group’s Sustainability Month

Since FY2006, Toshiba Group has designated December as Sustainability Month (renamed from CSR Month in FY2020). During this month, we hold seminars on topics such as human rights, and concentrate on social contribution activities at each of the Group companies and business sites.
In FY2023, the President and CEO stated, “For Toshiba Group, which is contributing to the realization of carbon neutrality and a circular economy through digitalization, the realization of a sustainable society is the most important management strategy. Each and every person working at Toshiba Group should think about what we can do with regard to ‘Committed to people, Committed to the Future.' Speak freely, and take concrete action, which will lead to technological diversity and provide a path to solving global issues.”

During this period, we broadcast a lecture by Director Hashimoto on the corporate activities and individual actions that should be taken to achieve the ideal form of sustainability management.
We also utilized our internal website to distribute the content aimed at deepening knowledge of ESG and the Toshiba Group’s sustainability management as well as seminars on human rights, and also to share examples of social contribution activities and health and safety activities that were commended for their excellence.
Additionally, in FY2023, an annually-held Toshiba Group Volunteer Days event took place at the beginning of December, which is around the International Volunteer Day on December 5, to provide volunteering opportunities for all Toshiba Group employees.
Moving forward, we will continue to work to raise each employee’s awareness of sustainability.