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Environmental Data

Various data on Toshiba Group's environmental activities are available here.

Overview of Environmental Impacts

Toshiba Group quantifies its environmental impacts at each stage of the life cycle of its products and services — from materials procurement, manufacturing, distribution, customer use, to collection and recycling.

Response to Climate Change

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Across the Value Chain

As climate change becomes an increasingly serious issue, companies must monitor and manage not only their own GHG emissions but also emissions generated across their entire value chain. Based on the GHG Protocol*1, which provides international standards for calculating GHG emissions, and the Ministry of the Environment's Basic Guidelines for Calculating GHG Emissions throughout the Supply Chain, Toshiba Group monitors and calculates indirect GHG emissions generated outside the scope of its own business activities (Scope 3) in addition to its own emissions (Scope 1 and 2). Toshiba Group will continue working effectively throughout product lifecycles by quantitatively analyzing emissions accordingly.
Category 11 (GHG emissions through the use of sold products) accounts for a high percentage of emissions across the value chain. We will therefore continue to promote the development of energy technologies to realize decarbonization and to improve the energy efficiency of products. We are also cooperating with suppliers to reduce Category 1 (GHG emissions through the use of purchased products and services). Going forward, we will consider calculating GHG emissions using data obtained from our main suppliers.
GHG emissions through the use of sold products account for a high percentage of emissions across the value chain. We will therefore continue to promote the development of energy technologies to realize decarbonization and to improve the energy efficiency of products.

*1 The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol): Guidelines for calculating and reporting GHG emissions formulated by companies, NGOs, and government organizations under the leadership of the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)


Category   Categories covered by calculations FY2019
calculation results
(10,000 t-CO2) *2
calculation results
(10,000 t-CO2)
1 Purchased goods and services 623 644*3
2 Capital goods 31 60
3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 15 13
4 Transportation and distribution (upstream) 18 17
5 Waste generated in operations 1 1
6 Business travel 2 1
7 Employee commuting 4 4
8 Leased assets (upstream) 0.3 0
Toshiba Group Direct emissions (Scope 1) 32 22
Indirect emissions associated with energy use (Scope 2) 77 32
9 Transportation and distribution (downstream) 25 22
10 Processing of sold products
11 Use of sold products*4 58,408 31,842
12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 1 1
13 Leased assets (downstream)
14 Franchises
15 Investments 150 157
Total 59,387 32,816
Category   Categories covered by calculations FY2019
calculation results
(10,000 t-CO2) *2
calculation results
(10,000 t-CO2)
1 Purchased goods and services 623 644*3
2 Capital goods 31 60
3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 15 13
4 Transportation and distribution (upstream) 18 17
5 Waste generated in operations 1 1
6 Business travel 2 1
7 Employee commuting 4 4
8 Leased assets (upstream) 0.3 0
Toshiba Group Direct emissions (Scope 1) 32 22
Indirect emissions associated with energy use (Scope 2) 77 32
9 Transportation and distribution (downstream) 25 22
10 Processing of sold products
11 Use of sold products*4 58,408 31,842
12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 1 1
13 Leased assets (downstream)
14 Franchises
15 Investments 150 157
Total 59,387 32,816

*2 Some figures were reviewed when SBT certification was renewed (March 2024).
*3 Some suppliers have applied primary data in their calculations for FY2023 results. The figure when calculated using the conventional calculation method is 584 (10,000 t-CO2 ).
*4 Emissions include products and services that directly consume energy when used, as well as products and services related to energy supply, such as thermal power generation.

Activities at Our Sites

Total GHG emissions*5

Rate of improvement*6 of total energy-derived CO2 emissions per unit activity*7

*5 CO2 emission coefficients for electricity are calculated using emission coefficients provided by power companies.
*6 The rate of improvement per unit activity of output with FY2020 as 100%.
*7 Basic-unit uses values such as production output, the number of products manufactured, the number of people, the total floor area, etc., that are related to energy-derived CO2 emissions associated with manufacturing.
*8 The target value is set at 1% improvement over the results of the previous year.

Activities in Products and Services

Reduction of GHG emissions during power supply*9 (compared to FY2019)

Avoided GHG emissions through introduction of renewable energy*10 (cumulative total)

Avoided GHG emissions during product use*11 (cumulative total)

*9 The reduction rate of GHG emissions from products and services associated with power supply, such as thermal power generation.
*10 Cumulative total volume of avoided GHG emissions by products and services associated with power supply such as water, geothermal, and solar power generation over the three years.
*11 Cumulative total volume of avoided GHG emissions by products and services associated with power consumption, such as social infrastructure products over the three years.

Response to the Circular Economy

Activities at Our Sites

Rate of improvement*12 of the total volume of waste generated per unit activity*13

Waste volume*15

*12 The rate of improvement per unit activity of output with FY2020 as 100%.
*13 Basic-unit uses values such as production output, the number of products manufactured, the number of people, the total floor area, etc., that are related to the total volume of waste generated associated with manufacturing.
*14 The target value is set at 1% improvement over the results of the previous year.
*15 Obtained by deducting the volume of objects with value from the total volume of waste generated (excluding sites engaged in waste treatment and power generation).

Activities in Products and Services

Amount of resources saved*16 (cumulative total)

Amount of plastic resources recycled*17 (cumulative total)

*16 Cumulative total volume of resources conserved due to lighter product weights and longer product lives over the three years.
*17 Cumulative total volume of recycled plastics and bioplastics used over the three years.

Consideration of Ecosystems

Activities at Our Sites

Rate of improvement*18 of the amount of water received per unit activity*19

Rate of improvement*18 of the total amount of chemicals discharged per unit activity*21

*18 The rate of improvement per unit activity of output with FY2020 as 100%.
*19 Basic-unit uses values such as production output, the number of products manufactured, the number of people, the total floor area, etc., that are related to the amount of water received associated with manufacturing.
*20 The target value is set at 1% improvement over the results of the previous year.
*21 Basic-unit uses values such as production output, the number of products manufactured, the number of people, the total floor area, etc., that are related to the total amount of chemicals discharged associated with manufacturing.

Environmental Accounting

Environmental Costs (FY2023) Unit: million yen

Category Description FY2023
Investments Costs
Business area costs Reduction in environmental impacts 4,300 5,934
Upstream/downstream costs Green procurement, recycling, etc. 25 167
Administration costs Environmental education, EMS maintenance,
tree planting on factory grounds, etc.
22 2,040
R&D costs Development of environmentally conscious products, etc. 127 6,260
Public relations costs Support for local environmental activities, donations, etc. 0 11
Environmental damage restoration costs Restoration of polluted soil, etc. 0 140
Total 4,473 14,552
Category Description FY2023
Investments Costs
Business area costs Reduction in environmental impacts 4,300 5,934
Upstream/downstream costs Green procurement, recycling, etc. 25 167
Administration costs Environmental education, EMS maintenance,
tree planting on factory grounds, etc.
22 2,040
R&D costs Development of environmentally conscious products, etc. 127 6,260
Public relations costs Support for local environmental activities, donations, etc. 0 11
Environmental damage restoration costs Restoration of polluted soil, etc. 0 140
Total 4,473 14,552

Environmental Benefits *22 (FY2023)

Category Description Reductions in environmental impacts Benefits measured as a monetary value (million yen) Calculation method
(A) Actual benefits Costs that can be measured directly as a monetary value, such as electricity and water charges Energy -579,000 (GJ) -2,003 Reductions in electricity charges and waste processing costs compared to the previous year, plus sales of valuables.
Waste 6,878 (t) 3,003
Water 219,640 (m³) 535
Total monetary benefits 1,536
(B) Assumed benefits Reductions in environmental impacts measured as a monetary value Reductions in the amount of chemicals discharged 1,211 (t) 20,951 To obtain monetary values, we assessed the impact of different substances by using the equivalent amount of cadmium for each substance, which we calculated based on environmental standards and on threshold limit values for chemical substances specified by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH-TLV), and then multiplying such amounts by the damage compensation for cadmium contamination. In order to compare different environmental impacts by the same standard, reductions in environmental impacts on the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and soil compared to the previous year are shown alongside monetary amounts that represent the values of such reductions.
Total monetary benefits 24,022  
Category Description Reductions in environmental impacts Benefits measured as a monetary value (million yen) Calculation method
(A) Actual benefits Costs that can be measured directly as a monetary value, such as electricity and water charges Energy -579,000 (GJ) -2,003 Reductions in electricity charges and waste processing costs compared to the previous year, plus sales of valuables.
Waste 6,878 (t) 3,003
Water 219,640 (m³) 535
Total monetary benefits 1,536
(B) Assumed benefits Reductions in environmental impacts measured as a monetary value Reductions in the amount of chemicals discharged 1,211 (t) 20,951 To obtain monetary values, we assessed the impact of different substances by using the equivalent amount of cadmium for each substance, which we calculated based on environmental standards and on threshold limit values for chemical substances specified by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH-TLV), and then multiplying such amounts by the damage compensation for cadmium contamination. In order to compare different environmental impacts by the same standard, reductions in environmental impacts on the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and soil compared to the previous year are shown alongside monetary amounts that represent the values of such reductions.
Total monetary benefits 24,022  

*22 Reductions in environmental impacts for actual and assumed benefits indicate differences between FY2023 and FY2022.Negative benefits indicate that the increase in environmental impacts exceeded reductions due to increases in production and other factors.

Third-party Verification

Scope of the Verification

  • GHG Emissions Caused by Business Processes:
    GHG emissions generated by Toshiba and its Group companies in Japan and overseas (Scopes 1 and 2*23)
    We selected and verified two sites (Tokai Works of Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd. and Semiconductor System Engineering Center Office, Toshiba Electronic Devices and Storage Corporation).
  • GHG Emissions Caused by Use of Products Sold:
    GHG emissions caused by use of products sold by Toshiba and its Group companies in Japan and overseas (Scope 3 Category 11*24)

*23 Scopes 1 and 2: GHG emissions generated by Toshiba through use of fuels and electricity as well as in the manufacturing process (Scope 1: direct emissions; Scope 2: indirect emissions)
*24 Scope 3 Category 11: GHG emissions caused by use of products and services produced and sold during the year covered by the report (including GHG emissions products and services associated with power supply such as power plants since FY2020)


Based on research conducted in accordance with Toshiba Group's policies and standards as well as with ISO14064-3*25, it was concluded that there are no significant items that have not been disclosed or covered by the report.

*25 ISO14064-3: Specification with guidance for the verification and validation of greenhouse gas statements

Methods of Calculation

  • CO2 emissions caused by use of fuels: Calculated by the method set by Toshiba Group based on the Ministry of the Environment's Manual for Calculating and Reporting GHG Emissions (Version 4.9)
  • CO2 emissions coefficient for electricity purchasing: Provided by each power company
  • Greenhouse gases other than CO2: Calculated by the method set by Toshiba Group using the Global Warming Potential (GWP) in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • CO2 emissions caused by use of products sold: Calculated by aggregating the emissions estimated to be generated during use of products in the future for the year the products were sold