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Toshiba Group’s Material Issues
Toshiba Group’s Material Issues

Fair Evaluation and Talent Development

Toshiba Group states “We turn on the promise of a new day” in The Essence of Toshiba. To achieve this, we are creating and promoting an open corporate culture, and have established fair evaluation systems while seeking to fully develop and deploy talents in order for our sincere, richly diverse and autonomous human resources with a passion for change to work together and to generate new value based on a vision of the future of the company.

KPIs to Be Addressed and Achievements

Engagement score in the employee engagement survey*1

FY2022 Achievement 57 pt
FY2023 Target 57 pt*2
FY2023 Achievement 57 pt
FY2024 Target 58 pt
FY2022 Achievement 57 pt
FY2023 Target 57 pt*2
FY2023 Achievement 57 pt
FY2024 Target 58 pt

Number of AI experts*2

FY2022 Achievement 2,100
FY2023 Target 2,200
FY2023 Achievement 2,300
FY2022 Achievement 2,100
FY2023 Target 2,200
FY2023 Achievement 2,300

Percentage of employees using AI*3

FY2024 Target 30 %
FY2024 Target 30 %
  • All Group companies participating in the survey are included.(Reference: In FY2022, 87 Toshiba Group companies in Japan and overseas participated. And in FY2023, 95 Toshiba Group companies in Japan and overseas participated.)
  • At Toshiba, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation, Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Tec Corporation, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation
  • Employees throughout the entire Toshiba Group in Japan who use PCs in their daily work.

FY2023 Key Achievements

  • Exceeded our FY2023 AI experts development target of 2,200 people.
  • Introduced a course on digital transformation in the level-specific training, and strengthened efforts to inspire and develop employees to “turn on the promise of a new day.”
  • The WEoT* Mirai Workshop (Program for Developing Next-Generation Female Leaders) for female employees was held, accelerating the movement toward advancing women’s careers and increasing the ratio of female exempt employees.
    * WEoT:Woman Empowerment of Toshiba

Policy on Fair Evaluation and Talent Development

To “turn on the promise of a new day,” the Toshiba Group Human Resources Policy provides total support for people with a sincere passion for transformation who envision the company’s future and cooperate with one another to create new value.

Toshiba Group Human Resources Policy

People who take on new challenges will be highly evaluated and rewarded for their actions and performance.

[Talent (management, assignment, and training)]
People who lead growth and innovation and take on new challenges will be assigned and trained.

A highly creative and productive organization will be created where each person can play an active role.

In accordance with the Toshiba Group Human Resources Policy, we implement the following initiatives.


People who take on new challenges will be highly evaluated and rewarded for their actions and performance.

Since FY2020, Toshiba Group introduced a new human resource system that clarifies the roles that employees should play in the organization, and appropriately evaluates and compensates for competency and achievements of employees who have a venturing spirit and who, as the first penguins, continue to innovate toward a new future, regardless of age and length of service.
We have changed our qualification system from one based on employees’ ability to perform their duties to a role-based grading system that clarifies employees’ roles in the organization and determines the grade based on those roles.
Evaluations are determined by performance evaluation (reflected in wages and bonuses), which evaluates individual performance and contribution through goal management on an organizational basis, and competency evaluation, which evaluates the behavior expected of each role-based grade in the spirit of The Essence of Toshiba.
The competency evaluation of the head of the organization is determined by referring to the evaluation by junior colleagues (Multifaceted Evaluation). Then, the overall evaluation is determined by performance evaluation and competency evaluation and used for reviewing promotion or demotion in the role-based grade.
Bonuses are performance-linked, and the amount paid is determined by (i) the portion calculated for each role-based grade, (ii) the portion reflecting company performance, and (iii) the additional portion for individuals based on the results of the performance evaluation. The portion reflecting company performance described in (ii) is reflected in the amount of bonuses paid, with the aim of fostering a sense of responsibility for company performance among employees (up to approximately 30% reflected for general personnel and up to approximately 50% for exempt employees). As for the performance evaluation described in (iii), the supervisor provides appropriate feedback to the employee, not only on performance evaluation but also on competency evaluation, having discussions for future growth.


People who lead growth and innovation and take on new challenges will be assigned and trained.

Toshiba Group considers the development of successors and executive candidates to be important management tasks. Accordingly, we implement the Succession Plan to systematically select and develop successors for all management positions, from business managers to chief foremen. The Succession Plan includes a diversity quota for all positions, and at least one of the candidates should be from the following categories to be registered: female employees, employees under age 35, or non-Japanese employees. Our aim for this quota is to create an organization rich in diversity.
As part of the Succession Plan, candidates for key positions in the whole Group, such as business managers and corporate staff division managers, are selected as the Next 150. Together with the Future 300, which selects high potential employees under age 35, and WEoT30 (Woman Empowerment of Toshiba), which selects female employees who can be candidates for managerial positions with the aim of increasing the size of our human resource pool and empowering our female employees, they are intensively trained and nurtured in the Next & Future Executive Talent Development Program for early development. In each program, Corporate executive offices themselves actively participate in a variety of training measures, including dialogue with the CEO and mentoring with senior management. We also offer candidate-specific programs, such as implementing strategic rotations in different departments, and sending employees to internal and external business schools.
In addition, we have introduced a human resource system under which personnel with outstanding expert skills in the areas of focus for the Group are designated as Jokyu Experts (Distinguished Expert), who are then appointed as Chief Fellows, Senior-Fellows, or Fellows according to their level of expertise. We aim to enhance Jokyu Experts’ (Distinguished Experts) expertise through the assignment and training that are optimal for them. At the same time, we will systematically develop and appoint Jokyu Experts, as a means to strengthen our competitive edge in business.


A highly creative and productive organization will be created where each person can play an active role.

Toshiba Group has prepared guidelines for establishing organizations to optimize decision-making processes and to encourage open-minded communication between supervisors and junior colleagues. Organizations are established and managed based on these guidelines which specify the maximum number of organizational levels and the number of subordinate organizations, as well as the appropriate number of their constituent members.

Training System for Talent Development

Cultivating Global-Minded Talents

Toshiba Group focuses on training to develop well-rounded global-minded talents who have deep cross-cultural understanding and the ability to perform their jobs through direct communication with stakeholders around the world as part of its efforts to ensure that diverse human resources can play an active role and grow. We provide Liberal Arts Training*1 to develop well-rounded individuals who can embrace diversity and have the ability to think things through in each level of responsibility.
In addition, we aim to develop global-minded personnel through international joint program such as the Overseas Management Course, which helps to promote understanding of different cultures and nurture bridge-builders*2 both inside and outside Japan.
Toshiba has a long history of region-specific education, with programs held in Europe and Asia launched more than 20 years ago. To enhance our education programs, the Toshiba China Academy and Toshiba University in the United States provide training courses in China and the Americas, respectively.

  • Liberal Arts: Develop intellectual capabilities and techniques to deepen understanding in various subjects
  • A bridge-builder: Our term for talented personnel who can foster smooth communication between our Japanese companies and overseas subsidiaries

Global Talents Development Program

Cultivating AI Experts

Toshiba Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality and a circular economy through digitalization, and is working to increase the number of AI engineers necessary to promote digital transformation (DX). The number of AI engineers has increased from 750 in FY2019 to 2,300, exceeding our FY2023 target of 2,200, and we are further strengthening and training AI experts. For example, we launched an AI engineer training program in collaboration with the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo in the first half of FY2019. We are training approximately 400 highly-skilled AI experts by holding training sessions for approximately 50 people each, twice a year. We have also set up programs based on employees’ knowledge and requirement levels, such as basic courses to provide AI knowledge, practical courses to perform hands-on training using AI tools, and courses specializing in deep learning, as part of our efforts to enhance in-house education. The Toshiba Group’s AI experts are active in various business fields, contributing to improving the environmental performance of products and services as well. Please refer to "Toshiba AI Technology Catalog" for the results of research and development to date.

A panel discussion at the final project presentation of the Toshiba AI engineer training program
 (Learners participated online)

Training Programs

Toshiba Group has various training systems to help form a common ground of understanding among employees and programs based on requirements at each career level.

Main training programs (for Toshiba Group’s regular employees)

Training category Outline
Basic training and development A program that is designed to help employees learn about the actions and values that form the shared basis for all members of the Toshiba Group, such as compliance* education and Liberal Arts Training.
* For non-regular employees as well
Global training and development A program that seeks to develop global-minded people who can perform their duties not only in their countries or regions, but also at a global level, by accepting cross-cultural differences and directly communicating with Toshiba Group companies or stakeholders around the world.
Training and development based on levels of responsibility A program that seeks to improve basic knowledge, skills, and management capabilities required for employees assigned to a new position (leader, manager, etc.). This program also includes training to continuously improve the management capabilities required of managers, as well as education aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills required for global business early.
Job-type based training and development Aims to equip employees, based on their career stages, with knowledge and skills required for different job functions.
Training and development for management talents Training program for a select group of individuals who are candidates to take up managerial/leadership positions in Toshiba Group. The training is held for senior management as well.
Training category Outline
Basic training and development A program that is designed to help employees learn about the actions and values that form the shared basis for all members of the Toshiba Group, such as compliance* education and Liberal Arts Training.
* For non-regular employees as well
Global training and development A program that seeks to develop global-minded people who can perform their duties not only in their countries or regions, but also at a global level, by accepting cross-cultural differences and directly communicating with Toshiba Group companies or stakeholders around the world.
Training and development based on levels of responsibility A program that seeks to improve basic knowledge, skills, and management capabilities required for employees assigned to a new position (leader, manager, etc.). This program also includes training to continuously improve the management capabilities required of managers, as well as education aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills required for global business early.
Job-type based training and development Aims to equip employees, based on their career stages, with knowledge and skills required for different job functions.
Training and development for management talents Training program for a select group of individuals who are candidates to take up managerial/leadership positions in Toshiba Group. The training is held for senior management as well.

Talent Development Program Roadmap (Toshiba Group in Japan)

Talent Development Program Roadmap (Toshiba Group overseas)

Participation in education / training (Toshiba Group)

  FY2020*1 FY2021*1 FY2022*2 FY2023*2
Number of employees who participated in company-wide standardized educational programs/training for the year 68,046 (cumulative) 82,321 (cumulative) 126,513 (cumulative) 128,476 (cumulative)
Total cost of company-wide standardized educational programs/training 2,700 million yen 3,900 million yen 3,014 million yen
(2,914 million yen for Japan / 100 million yen for overseas)
3,100 million yen
(3,000 million yen for Japan / 100 million yen for overseas)
Total time of company-wide standardized educational programs/training 527,357 hours 637,988 hours 980,476 hours 995,686 hours
Training time per employee (average) 7.4 hours 9.1 hours 9.2 hours 9.5 hours
  FY2020*1 FY2021*1 FY2022*2 FY2023*2
Number of employees who participated in company-wide standardized educational programs/training for the year 68,046 (cumulative) 82,321 (cumulative) 126,513 (cumulative) 128,476 (cumulative)
Total cost of company-wide standardized educational programs/training 2,700 million yen 3,900 million yen 3,014 million yen
(2,914 million yen for Japan / 100 million yen for overseas)
3,100 million yen
(3,000 million yen for Japan / 100 million yen for overseas)
Total time of company-wide standardized educational programs/training 527,357 hours 637,988 hours 980,476 hours 995,686 hours
Training time per employee (average) 7.4 hours 9.1 hours 9.2 hours 9.5 hours
  1. At Toshiba Group companies in Japan (except that the “total cost of company-wide standardized educational programs / training” includes Toshiba Group companies overseas)
  2. At Toshiba Group companies in Japan and overseas

We have shifted from the formerly predominant face-to-face training to online training. As a result, most of the training sessions have been available online since the second half of FY2020. However, in consideration of the effectiveness of the training sessions, from FY2022, some will be held in a hybrid format combining both online and face-to-face sessions.

Using Full-fledged Career Development Systems

Toshiba supports the career development of each employee in an effort to maximize his/her current and future job performance.
The Performance Management System was previously implemented on an individual basis, giving each employee an opportunity to review and discuss job objectives and job performance with their supervisors. To enhance the creativity and productivity of the entire organization, however, this is now implemented on an organizational basis. In addition, the Career Design System provides each employee with an annual opportunity to discuss and share their views with supervisors on long-term career development plans as well as on mid-term goals for skill acquisition, improvement, and the way to utilize such skills. In FY2023, we confirmed that 85% of all employees received regular reviews.

Implementation of reviews aimed at career development in FY2023 (Toshiba)

Reviews implemented for 85% of all employees
By attribute Male 86%, Female 80%
Exempt employees 83%, General employees: 86%
Reviews implemented for 85% of all employees
By attribute Male 86%, Female 80%
Exempt employees 83%, General employees: 86%

We introduced the 360-Degree Survey in FY2015 to look at managers and senior management from various perspectives with regard to their day-to-day work performance and activities, with perspectives including those of themselves, as well as of their junior colleagues, peers, and supervisors. The survey is implemented every other year, and the most recent one was implemented in FY2023 with 86 employees, including senior management. In addition, in line with the introduction of the new human resource system in FY2020, we have changed the former 360-Degree Survey for managers to a Multifaceted Evaluation and established a system to conduct it annually starting in FY2021. The major aims of these initiatives are to encourage the growth of the participants by objectively identifying their strengths and weaknesses on a regular basis, and to enhance their leadership, which will lead to creating a more sound organization and organizational operation. Managers are expected to embrace the survey results and use the results to improve themselves and workplace communication, as steps to create a better corporate culture.

From FY2020, as part of the overall review of the human resource system, we introduced various programs to support employees’ autonomous and proactive career development. By creating an environment where each employee aims to enhance their potential and achieve continuous growth without having to passively endure constraints and changes in their environment, we will revitalize the organization and increase corporate value.

Programs to support employees’ autonomous and proactive career development (Toshiba and key Group companies*1)

System name Outline Achievement (Number of participants and implementation rate)
  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Career development training for each age group Training for each age group to support employees’ autonomous career development Number of participants
(Implementation rate*2)
Training for age 35 315(93%) 306
Training for age 45 551(96%) 440
Training for age 50 816(97%) 843
Training for age 55 965(96%) 1,150 (95%) 1,078
Interview with career advisors A program that supports the career development of individual employees through interviews with internal
 career advisors, leading to organizational revitalization
Number of interviewees 1,753 1,926 1,835
System name Outline Achievement (Number of participants and implementation rate)
  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Career development training for each age group Training for each age group to support employees’ autonomous career development Number of participants
(Implementation rate*2)
Training for age 35 315(93%) 306
Training for age 45 551(96%) 440
Training for age 50 816(97%) 843
Training for age 55 965(96%) 1,150 (95%) 1,078
Interview with career advisors A program that supports the career development of individual employees through interviews with internal
 career advisors, leading to organizational revitalization
Number of interviewees 1,753 1,926 1,835
  • Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation, and Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation
  • Percentage of eligible participants for the training who actually participated

Programs to support employees’ autonomous and proactive career development (Toshiba and key Group companies*)

System name Outline   Achievement
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Career Challenge System System that enables employees with strong motivation and interest to apply for jobs posted internally by each division and screened for transfer Number of employees transferred 91 127 116 97
Second job

Program that allows employees to take a second job that meets certain conditions on a request-basis

  • Full-scale introduction from FY2023 following a trial since FY2020
Number of employees who started a second job 58 123 205 307
External transfer Program that revitalizes the organization through personnel exchanges with companies and organizations outside the Group, leading to new value creation Number of newly dispatched employees 2 6 3 2
Next Career Support Program Program that supports employees aged 50 or older who wish to pursue new careers outside the company, such as changing jobs, starting a business, or taking on challenges in new fields by using their skills Number of applicants 25 41 60 55
System name Outline   Achievement
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Career Challenge System System that enables employees with strong motivation and interest to apply for jobs posted internally by each division and screened for transfer Number of employees transferred 91 127 116 97
Second job

Program that allows employees to take a second job that meets certain conditions on a request-basis

  • Full-scale introduction from FY2023 following a trial since FY2020
Number of employees who started a second job 58 123 205 307
External transfer Program that revitalizes the organization through personnel exchanges with companies and organizations outside the Group, leading to new value creation Number of newly dispatched employees 2 6 3 2
Next Career Support Program Program that supports employees aged 50 or older who wish to pursue new careers outside the company, such as changing jobs, starting a business, or taking on challenges in new fields by using their skills Number of applicants 25 41 60 55
  • Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation, and Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation

Employee Engagement Survey

Toshiba Group has conducted the employee engagement survey (TEAM Survey) every year since FY2003, as a way to gain feedback from employees. Through this survey, we periodically monitor the level of understanding among our employees towards the Company’s various measures, and how firmly rooted they are. We strive to improve the issues that emerge and leverage them to enhance the corporate culture.
In FY2023, we conducted an anonymous survey targeting around 72,000 employees in 95 Toshiba Group companies in Japan and overseas, and received responses from approximately 92% of the employees. The survey assesses engagement, including employees’ level of understanding of company measures, whether their working conditions allow them to demonstrate their abilities, and their degree of satisfaction in working for the Group. Since FY2015, the survey also features questions regarding how the President and CEO and top management are perceived, the status of compliance and other measures. Looking at the results for FY2023, “ethics” (compliance awareness) and “degree of satisfaction” were among the items that were highly rated. The “Engagement score,” a key indicator, was ranked as 57 points (at all 95 companies that participated in the survey).

Based on these survey results, in order for management and employees to come together, our top management is taking the lead in declaring a commitment to build a workplace environment where everyone can voice their opinions frankly. By transmitting information from the Company, transmitting messages from top management, and disclosing information more actively, we are making an endeavor to build an open corporate culture.
In addition, in FY2023 we prepared and implemented an action plan for each workplace to create an environment that prioritizes change and improvement to the corporate culture. We also held seminars for managers to foster a sense of ownership. In addition, we created action plans at the corporate level and held seminars by business area to share issues specific to various business characteristics as well as to discuss actions to address such characteristics. Furthermore, as a Group-wide action, we considered action plans involving top management, and we directly disclosed the results to all employees. In this way, each workplace, the company, and the Group as a whole aim to improve organizational capabilities by acting as a driving force.

Establishment of Consulting Service

Toshiba has established the Toshiba Hotline (operating 24/7) for providing information and consulting on action that may be problematic relative to laws, regulations, social norms, corporate ethics, the Standards of Conduct for Toshiba Group, or internal regulations. The aim of the hotline is to prevent risks related to breaches of compliance such as legal violations and fraudulent transactions, and to promote the resolution of problems. Under this system, all employees working in Toshiba Group in Japan, including non-regular employees, can anonymously consult the hotline personnel on concerns they may have on such matters as workplace culture and interpersonal relations, personnel conditions, or harassment, by phone or e-mail.
In FY2023, 108 cases concerning harassment and other issues in the workplace were reported to the Toshiba Hotline, and, excluding anonymous consultations, in each case we undertook measures that included conducting hearings with the person who made the report and related parties after obtaining the consent of the reporter.