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ESG Data Collection


Response to climate change

Items FY2021 Achievements FY2022 Achievements FY2023 Achievements Scope Posted pages
Business activities
  Scope1,2 GHG emissions (Toshiba Group) Total GHG emissions (10,000 t-CO2)*1 103 77 54 Toshiba Group
Environmental value certificates (non-fossil fuel certificates) (10,000 t-CO2) 12 21.5 38 Toshiba Group
Energy-derived CO2 emissions per unit activity
(compared to previous year) (%) *2
96 87 97 Toshiba Group
Products & services
  Products and services associated with power supply Reduction of GHG emissions during power supply
(Base year: FY2019) (%)*3
69.3 70.4 63 Toshiba Group
Contribution to GHG reduction through introduction of renewable energy
(cumulative total from FY2021) (10,000 t-CO2)*4
838 5,033 6,074 Toshiba Group
Products and services associated with power consumption GHG reduction during product use
(cumulative total from FY2021) (10,000 t-CO2)*5
2,564 3,779 4,947 Toshiba Group
Business activities/Products & services
  Scope3 GHG emissions (downstream/upstream) (10,000 t-CO2) Purchased goods and services (Category1) 1,316 1,269 644*6 Toshiba Group
Capital goods (Category2) 49 53 60 Toshiba Group
Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 (Category3) 6 13 13 Toshiba Group
Transportation and distribution (upstream) (Category4) 2 3 317 Toshiba Group
Waste generated in operations (Category5) 1 1 1 Toshiba Group
Business travel (Category6) 0.5 1 1 Toshiba Group
Employee commuting (Category7) 4 4 4 Toshiba Group
Leased assets (upstream) (Category8) 0.2 - - Toshiba Group
Transportation and distribution (downstream) (Category9) 19 23 22 Toshiba Group
Processing of sold products (Category10) - - - Toshiba Group
Use of sold products (Category11) *7 Products and services associated with power supply *8 16,580 9,644 31,842 Toshiba Group
Products and services associated with power consumption *9 6,804 3,379 Toshiba Group
End-of-life treatment of sold products (Category12) 0.9 1 1 Toshiba Group
Leased assets (downstream) (Category13) - - - Toshiba Group
Franchises (Category14) - - - Toshiba Group
Investments (Category15) - - 157 Toshiba Group
Items FY2021 Achievements FY2022 Achievements FY2023 Achievements Scope Posted pages
Business activities
  Scope1,2 GHG emissions (Toshiba Group) Total GHG emissions (10,000 t-CO2)*1 103 77 54 Toshiba Group
Environmental value certificates (non-fossil fuel certificates) (10,000 t-CO2) 12 21.5 38 Toshiba Group
Energy-derived CO2 emissions per unit activity
(compared to previous year) (%) *2
96 87 97 Toshiba Group
Products & services
  Products and services associated with power supply Reduction of GHG emissions during power supply
(Base year: FY2019) (%)*3
69.3 70.4 63 Toshiba Group
Contribution to GHG reduction through introduction of renewable energy
(cumulative total from FY2021) (10,000 t-CO2)*4
838 5,033 6,074 Toshiba Group
Products and services associated with power consumption GHG reduction during product use
(cumulative total from FY2021) (10,000 t-CO2)*5
2,564 3,779 4,947 Toshiba Group
Business activities/Products & services
  Scope3 GHG emissions (downstream/upstream) (10,000 t-CO2) Purchased goods and services (Category1) 1,316 1,269 644*6 Toshiba Group
Capital goods (Category2) 49 53 60 Toshiba Group
Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or 2 (Category3) 6 13 13 Toshiba Group
Transportation and distribution (upstream) (Category4) 2 3 317 Toshiba Group
Waste generated in operations (Category5) 1 1 1 Toshiba Group
Business travel (Category6) 0.5 1 1 Toshiba Group
Employee commuting (Category7) 4 4 4 Toshiba Group
Leased assets (upstream) (Category8) 0.2 - - Toshiba Group
Transportation and distribution (downstream) (Category9) 19 23 22 Toshiba Group
Processing of sold products (Category10) - - - Toshiba Group
Use of sold products (Category11) *7 Products and services associated with power supply *8 16,580 9,644 31,842 Toshiba Group
Products and services associated with power consumption *9 6,804 3,379 Toshiba Group
End-of-life treatment of sold products (Category12) 0.9 1 1 Toshiba Group
Leased assets (downstream) (Category13) - - - Toshiba Group
Franchises (Category14) - - - Toshiba Group
Investments (Category15) - - 157 Toshiba Group

Response to the circular economy

Items FY2021 Achievements FY2022 Achievements FY2023 Achievements Scope Posted pages
Business activities
  Total volume of waste generated (10,000 t) 8.6 9.4 7.8 Toshiba Group
Total waste volume per unit production
(compared to previous year) (%)
96 101 96 Toshiba Group
Waste volumes (10,000 t) *10 3.0 3.0 2.3 Toshiba Group
Volume of end-of-life products recycled (1,000 t) 75 66 164 Toshiba Group
Final disposal volume (1,000 t) 0.42 0.54 0.82 Toshiba Group
Products & services
  Amount of recycled plastics used
(cumulative total from FY2021) (t) *11
808 1,552 2,353 Toshiba Group
Amount of resources saved
(cumulative total from FY2021) (10,000 t) *12
11 20 29 Toshiba Group
Input materials (1,000 t) 482 450 221.0 Toshiba Group
Major products shipped (1,000 t) 359 228 182.0 Toshiba Group
Weight of end-of-life products recycled (t) 18,031 2,760 Information in preparation Toshiba Group
Collection amount of end-of-life products (t) 22,016 4,357 Information in preparation Toshiba Group
Amount of end-of-life products disposed after recycling (t) 3,985 1,597 Information in preparation Toshiba Group
Items FY2021 Achievements FY2022 Achievements FY2023 Achievements Scope Posted pages
Business activities
  Total volume of waste generated (10,000 t) 8.6 9.4 7.8 Toshiba Group
Total waste volume per unit production
(compared to previous year) (%)
96 101 96 Toshiba Group
Waste volumes (10,000 t) *10 3.0 3.0 2.3 Toshiba Group
Volume of end-of-life products recycled (1,000 t) 75 66 164 Toshiba Group
Final disposal volume (1,000 t) 0.42 0.54 0.82 Toshiba Group
Products & services
  Amount of recycled plastics used
(cumulative total from FY2021) (t) *11
808 1,552 2,353 Toshiba Group
Amount of resources saved
(cumulative total from FY2021) (10,000 t) *12
11 20 29 Toshiba Group
Input materials (1,000 t) 482 450 221.0 Toshiba Group
Major products shipped (1,000 t) 359 228 182.0 Toshiba Group
Weight of end-of-life products recycled (t) 18,031 2,760 Information in preparation Toshiba Group
Collection amount of end-of-life products (t) 22,016 4,357 Information in preparation Toshiba Group
Amount of end-of-life products disposed after recycling (t) 3,985 1,597 Information in preparation Toshiba Group

Consideration of ecosystems

Items FY2021 Achievements FY2022 Achievements FY2023 Achievements Scope Posted pages
Chemical substance management
  Business activities Emissions of substances targeted for reduction (t) 877 1,041 922 Toshiba Group
Total amount of chemicals discharged per unit production
(compared to previous year) (%)
87 91 116 Toshiba Group
Amount of chemical substances handled (t) 11,759 11,696 12,770 Toshiba Group
Emissions to the atmosphere Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts”  Toshiba Group
Emissions to the hydrosphere Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts”  Toshiba Group
Soil and Groundwater Purification Amount of VOCs collected from groundwater (kg) 223.9 99.6 100.9 Toshiba Group
Preventing Contamination and Reducing Contamination Risks Rate of compliance with the Structural Design Guidelines (%) Toshiba Group in Japan 97.5 98.1 95.7 Toshiba Group
Toshiba Group overseas 99.4 98.4
Water resource management
  Business activities Amount of water received (million m³) 20 18 18 Toshiba Group
Amount of water received per unit production (compared to previous yearl) (%) 91 104 99 Toshiba Group
Amount of water received by type Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts”  Toshiba Group
Water reused (10,000 m³) 36 35 34 Toshiba Group
Water recycled (10,000 m³) 37 27 23 Toshiba Group
Conservation of Biodiversity Number of sites that carried out biodiversity activities Approx. 60 Approx. 60 Approx. 60 Toshiba Group
Items FY2021 Achievements FY2022 Achievements FY2023 Achievements Scope Posted pages
Chemical substance management
  Business activities Emissions of substances targeted for reduction (t) 877 1,041 922 Toshiba Group
Total amount of chemicals discharged per unit production
(compared to previous year) (%)
87 91 116 Toshiba Group
Amount of chemical substances handled (t) 11,759 11,696 12,770 Toshiba Group
Emissions to the atmosphere Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts”  Toshiba Group
Emissions to the hydrosphere Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts”  Toshiba Group
Soil and Groundwater Purification Amount of VOCs collected from groundwater (kg) 223.9 99.6 100.9 Toshiba Group
Preventing Contamination and Reducing Contamination Risks Rate of compliance with the Structural Design Guidelines (%) Toshiba Group in Japan 97.5 98.1 95.7 Toshiba Group
Toshiba Group overseas 99.4 98.4
Water resource management
  Business activities Amount of water received (million m³) 20 18 18 Toshiba Group
Amount of water received per unit production (compared to previous yearl) (%) 91 104 99 Toshiba Group
Amount of water received by type Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts” Please look at “Overview of Environmental Impacts”  Toshiba Group
Water reused (10,000 m³) 36 35 34 Toshiba Group
Water recycled (10,000 m³) 37 27 23 Toshiba Group
Conservation of Biodiversity Number of sites that carried out biodiversity activities Approx. 60 Approx. 60 Approx. 60 Toshiba Group

Enhancement of the Basis of Environmental Management

Items FY2021 Achievements FY2022 Achievements FY2023 Achievements Scope Posted pages
Ensuring of Environmental Risk Management and Compliance Number of legal violations 1 1 0 Toshiba Group
Amount of specified CFCs possessed (t) 12.8 13.6 142 Toshiba Group
CFC leaks (t-CO2) 1,586 1,468 966 Toshiba Group
Storage and Management of PCB PCB detoxification outsourcing expenses (billion yen) 14.8 13.5 8.0 Toshiba Group
Environmental Management Structure Number of ISO 14001-certified sites *13 54 56 51 Toshiba Group
Environmental accounting
  Environmental costs Business area costs Reduction in environmental impacts Investments
(million yen)
2,303 1,972 4,300 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
5,473 7,347 5,934 Toshiba Group
Upstream / downstream costs Green procurement, recycling, etc. Investments
(million yen)
392 117 25 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
418 278 167 Toshiba Group
Administration costs Environmental education, EMS maintenance, tree planting on factory grounds, etc. Investments
(million yen)
16 19 22 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
2,294 2,196 2,040 Toshiba Group
R&D costs Development of environmentally conscious products, etc. Investments
(million yen)
240 151 127 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
19,421 10,728 6,260 Toshiba Group
Public relations costs Support for local environmental activities, donations, etc. Investments
(million yen)
0 0 0 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
11 11 11 Toshiba Group
Environmental damage restoration costs Restoration of polluted soil, etc. Investments
(million yen)
0 0 0 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
160 355 140 Toshiba Group
Total investments (million yen) 2,951 2,259 4,473 Toshiba Group
Total costs (million yen) 27,777 20,914 14,552 Toshiba Group
Environmental benefits Actual Benefits *14 Energy Reductions in environmental impacts (GJ) -2,009,800 24,700 -579,000 Toshiba Group
Benefits measured as a monetary value
(million yen)
-3,310 -9,837 -2,003 Toshiba Group
Waste Reductions in environmental impacts (t) -6,930 -10,129 6,878 Toshiba Group
Benefits measured as a monetary value
(million yen)
-848 -2,990 3,003 Toshiba Group
Water Reductions in environmental impacts (m3) -666,851 197,533 219,640 Toshiba Group
Benefits measured as a monetary value
(million yen)
27 -1,225 535 Toshiba Group
Total monetary benefits (million yen) -4,132 -14,052 1,536 Toshiba Group
Assumed benefits *14 Reductions in the amount of chemicals discharged (t) -73 -509 1,211 Toshiba Group
Benefits measured as a monetary value (million yen) -2,895 21,368 20,951 Toshiba Group
Total monetary benefits (million yen) -7,027 7,316 24,022 Toshiba Group
Items FY2021 Achievements FY2022 Achievements FY2023 Achievements Scope Posted pages
Ensuring of Environmental Risk Management and Compliance Number of legal violations 1 1 0 Toshiba Group
Amount of specified CFCs possessed (t) 12.8 13.6 142 Toshiba Group
CFC leaks (t-CO2) 1,586 1,468 966 Toshiba Group
Storage and Management of PCB PCB detoxification outsourcing expenses (billion yen) 14.8 13.5 8.0 Toshiba Group
Environmental Management Structure Number of ISO 14001-certified sites *13 54 56 51 Toshiba Group
Environmental accounting
  Environmental costs Business area costs Reduction in environmental impacts Investments
(million yen)
2,303 1,972 4,300 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
5,473 7,347 5,934 Toshiba Group
Upstream / downstream costs Green procurement, recycling, etc. Investments
(million yen)
392 117 25 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
418 278 167 Toshiba Group
Administration costs Environmental education, EMS maintenance, tree planting on factory grounds, etc. Investments
(million yen)
16 19 22 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
2,294 2,196 2,040 Toshiba Group
R&D costs Development of environmentally conscious products, etc. Investments
(million yen)
240 151 127 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
19,421 10,728 6,260 Toshiba Group
Public relations costs Support for local environmental activities, donations, etc. Investments
(million yen)
0 0 0 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
11 11 11 Toshiba Group
Environmental damage restoration costs Restoration of polluted soil, etc. Investments
(million yen)
0 0 0 Toshiba Group
(million yen)
160 355 140 Toshiba Group
Total investments (million yen) 2,951 2,259 4,473 Toshiba Group
Total costs (million yen) 27,777 20,914 14,552 Toshiba Group
Environmental benefits Actual Benefits *14 Energy Reductions in environmental impacts (GJ) -2,009,800 24,700 -579,000 Toshiba Group
Benefits measured as a monetary value
(million yen)
-3,310 -9,837 -2,003 Toshiba Group
Waste Reductions in environmental impacts (t) -6,930 -10,129 6,878 Toshiba Group
Benefits measured as a monetary value
(million yen)
-848 -2,990 3,003 Toshiba Group
Water Reductions in environmental impacts (m3) -666,851 197,533 219,640 Toshiba Group
Benefits measured as a monetary value
(million yen)
27 -1,225 535 Toshiba Group
Total monetary benefits (million yen) -4,132 -14,052 1,536 Toshiba Group
Assumed benefits *14 Reductions in the amount of chemicals discharged (t) -73 -509 1,211 Toshiba Group
Benefits measured as a monetary value (million yen) -2,895 21,368 20,951 Toshiba Group
Total monetary benefits (million yen) -7,027 7,316 24,022 Toshiba Group
  • CO2 from electricity is calculated using emission coefficients provided by power companies.
  • For the basic-unit goals for the greenhouse gas, values related to the amount of energy used in manufacturing (nominal production volume, number of units produced, number of people, total floor area, etc.) are used. For the basic-unit goals for waste, water, and chemical substances, nominal production volume units based on physical volume are used as indicators that can be used to evaluate activities.
  • The reduction rate of GHG emissions from products and services associated with power supply, such as thermal power generation (compared to FY2019). The calculation method is as follows: 
    GHG emissions from power generation for FY2021 onward due to newly installed or upgraded facilities are calculated into a reduction rate from emissions in FY2019. The arithmetic mean for the results during the period of the Seventh Environmental Action Plan is used.
  • Contribution to GHG reduction by products and services associated with power supply such as hydroelectric, geothermal, and photovoltaic power generation. The calculation method is as follows:
    Obtain the difference between average GHG emissions per unit of all thermal power generation (coal, gas, oil) and GHG emissions per unit of renewable energy generation and multiply it by output, operation rate, facility utilization rate, expected service life, etc. Aggregate the cumulative total volume of contribution to GHG reduction due to power generation in FY2021 onward attributable to newly installed or upgraded facilities.
  • Contribution to GHG reduction by products and services associated with power consumption, such as social infrastructure products. The calculation method is as follows:
    Obtain the difference between total GHG emissions of assumed substitute products and total GHG emissions of shipped products and multiply it by the expected service life. Aggregate the cumulative total volume of the three years.
  • FY2023 result is calculated using primary data from some suppliers. If calculated using the conventional method, the figure would be 5.84 million t-CO2.
  • Emissions include products and services that directly consume energy during use, as well as products and services related to energy supply, such as thermal power generation.
  • For example, power plants
  • Social infrastructure products, building-related products (lighting equipment, elevators and escalators), retail and printing equipment, power devices, etc.
  • Obtained by deducting the volume of objects with value from the total volume of waste generated (excluding sites engaged in waste treatment and power generation).
  • Cumulative total volume of recycled plastics and bioplastics used
  • Cumulative total volume of resources conserved due to lighter product weights and longer product service lives over the three years. The calculation method is as follows:
    [Total volume of input materials for assumed substitute products - Total volume of input materials for shipped products]
  • As of September 1, 2024
  • Reductions in environmental impacts for actual and assumed benefits indicate differences between current and previous year.
    Negative benefits indicate that the increase in environmental impacts exceeded reductions due to increases in production and other factors.


Items FY2021
Scope Posted pages
Total number of shareholders 228,187
(as of March, 2022)

(as of March, 2023)


Number of shares issued
433 million 433 million - Toshiba
Total number of suppliers (cumulative) Approx. 11,000 Approx. 10,000 Approx. 13,000 Toshiba Group
Number of consolidated subsidiaries 282 253 240 Toshiba
Number of employment by gender (%) 116,224 106,648 105,331 Toshiba Group
Male 86,748
Female 29,476
Number of Toshiba employees
3,673 3,712 5,818 Toshiba
Male (Number)
Female (Number)
Number of Toshiba Group employees in Japan (excluding Toshiba) 66,788 62,775 60,397 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
Male (Number)
Female (Number)
Number of overseas Toshiba Group employees 45,763 40,161 39,116 Toshiba Group overseas
Male (Number)
Female (Number)
Number of exempt employees (out of all employees)(Including managerial positions and officials equivalent to exempt employees) 14,804 17,285 16,812 Toshiba Group
Toshiba (non-consolidated) 1,284 1,241 1,803 Toshiba
Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba) 13,520 12,690 11,805 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
Toshiba Group overseas - 3,354 3,204 Toshiba Group overseas

Number of fixed-term-contract employees (Non-regular employees)
* The actual figures for fiscal year 2021 are "Number of part-time and casual employees among total employees (excluding those with a total contract period of less than one year)"
760* 8,798 9,342 Toshiba Group
Toshiba (non-consolidated) 61* 327 594 Toshiba
Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba) 699* 6,747 7,249 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
Toshiba Group overseas - 1,724 1,499 Toshiba Group overseas
Number of employment by region 116,224 106,648 105,331 Toshiba Group
Japan 70,461 66,487 66,215
China 9,043 7,230 7,071
Asia & Oceania 27,557 23,709 22,815
North America 5,451 5,588 5,602
Central & South America 628 657 706
Europe & Africa 3,084 2,977 2,922
Number of employment by business domain 116,224 106,648 105,331 Toshiba Group
Energy Systems & Solutions 14,410 14,229 13,163
Infrastructure Systems & Solutions 19,876 18,971 17,681
Building Solutions 22,423 16,018 15,927
Retail & Printing Solutions 18,799 18,875 19,061
Storage & Electronic Devices Solutions 22,421 20,753 19,413
Digital Solutions 8,239 7,733 7,488
Others 10,056 10,069 12,598
An average age of employees (years) 46.7 47.1 47.4 Toshiba Group in Japan
Toshiba (non-consolidated) 45.6 46.1 47.0 Toshiba
Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba) 46.8 47.1 47.5 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
An average length of service (years) 20.5 20.8 20.8 Toshiba Group in Japan
19.2 19.8 21.1 Toshiba
Male - 20.1 21.8
Female - 18.4 18.9
20.5 20.9 20.8 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
Male 20.8
(including Toshiba)
21.2 21.1
Female 18.3
(including Toshiba)
18.8 18.8
Turnover rate (Persons who retired for personal reasons only) 1.6 1.8 2.0 Toshiba and key Group companies
The average annual salary (yen) 9,311,347 9,311,347 8,493,659 Toshiba
Average for male 9,344,765 9,836,885 8,926,306
Average for female 7,359,615 7,536,642 7,020,934
Average for female / Average for male (%) 78.8% 76.6% 78.7%
Starting monthly salary in Japan (yen)
() : Percentage of minimum wage
Master graduate 251,000
Collage graduate 227,000
Higher professional school graduate 196,000
High school graduate 173,000
Status of Toshiba Union Number of members 14,636 14,294 13,804 Toshiba and key Group companies
Percentage of Toshiba Union members (%) 96.2 96.4 96.4
Number of employees posted overseas 424 434 365 Toshiba, key Group companies, and some other Group companies *1
94 94 111 Toshiba  
330 340 254 Key Group companies, and some other Group companies *1  
Employment status of new graduates in Toshiba Group in Japan
():Planned figures
Toshiba Group in Japan
Business administrative staff / Sales staff 190
R&D / engineers 910
Technical operators 120
Employment status of new graduates in Toshiba and key Group companies
():Planned figures
Toshiba and key Group companies
Business administrative staff / Sales staff 70
R&D / engineers 300
Technical operators 20
Number of female recruits (new graduates) Business administrative staff / Sales staff 27 32 45 Toshiba and key Group companies
R&D / engineers 41 45 40
Percentage of female recruits (new graduates)
(  ): Target ratio (%)
Business administrative staff / Sales staff 38
Toshiba and key Group companies
R&D / engineers 14
Number of employees in mid-career employment Toshiba and key Group companies 100 138 180 Toshiba Group in Japan
Consolidated companies in Japan 310 560 710
Number of female employees in executive and in managerial positions 327 333 340 Toshiba and key Group companies
Percentage of female employees in executive and in managerial positions (%) 5.5 5.8 6.2 Toshiba and key Group companies
Number of employees with disabilities 570 587.5 582.5 Toshiba (including a special subsidiary company)
Percentage of employees with disabilities (%) 2.52 2.60 2.60 Toshiba (including a special subsidiary company)
Number and percentage of non-Japanese employees Number of non-Japanese employees 344 354 359 Toshiba and key Group companies
Percentage of non-Japanese employees 1.5 1.5 1.5
The average total number of annual actual working hours per employee 1,999 2,003 1,966 Toshiba
The average annual overtime working hours per employee 310 301 299 Toshiba
Percentage of annual paid vacation taken by Toshiba employees (%) 73.7 76.7 75.6 Toshiba and key Group companies (excluding Toshiba TEC Corporation)
Number of childcare leave Male 94
(utilization rate 15%)
(utilization rate 35.9%)
(utilization rate 40.2%)
Toshiba and key Group companies
Female 289 274 96*2
Number of paternity leave Male 150
(utilization rate 34%)
(utilization rate 23.9%)
(utilization rate 19.6%)
Toshiba and key Group companies
Number of family care leave Male 5 10 6*2 Toshiba and key Group companies
Female 5 5 4*2
Number of nursing care seminars held from FY2015 to FY2023 (cumulative) 229
(From FY2015 to FY2021)
(From FY2015 to FY2022)
(From FY2015 to FY2023)
Toshiba Group in Japan
Short-time shift Male 15
15 15 Toshiba and key Group companies
Female 384 364 336
Status of Toshiba Corporate Pension Plan Number of companies 84 83 74 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants Approx. 62,000 Approx. 60,000 Approx. 59,000
Status of health insurance association Number of business owners 165 160 143 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of persons subscribed (including retirees and dependents) Approx. 188,900 Approx. 178,500 Approx. 169,000
Status of a selective welfare system Number of companies 22 25 32 Toshiba Group in Japan
Target employees Approx. 40,000 Approx. 42,530 Approx. 45,805
Acquisition status of ISO45001 certification Number of companies that acquired the certification in Japan 42 36 35 Toshiba Group in Japan
Of all personnel from companies acquired in Japan (%) 72.8 79.5 76
Number of companies that acquired the certification in foreign countries 26 27 29 Toshiba Group overseas (excluding Toshiba Tec Group)
Of all personnel from surveyed companies acquired abroad (%) 81.4 84.7 83
Number of OHS Management Meetings held 2 2 2 or more*2 Toshiba
Number of Central OHS Committee Meetings held 1 1 1 Toshiba
Number of Toshiba Group OHS Supervisor Meetings held 1 1 1 Toshiba Group in Japan
Fatality due to work-related accidents 1 1 3 Toshiba Group
Occurrence of Occupational Accidents in Japan Total 94 94 103 Toshiba Group in Japan
Without lost workdays
68 65 68
Lost workday 25 29 33
1 0 2
The number of accidents resulting in lost workdays or more severe impacts, excluding death in overseas 55 44 49 Toshiba Group overseas (excluding Toshiba Tec Group)
Severity rate of work-related accidents 0.05 0.005 0.103 Toshiba Group in Japan
*Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, the number of lost time injuries occurring in a workplace per 1 million man-hours worked
0.16 0.18 0.23 Toshiba Group in Japan
Frequency rate of all accidents
*The number of accidents occurring in a workplace per 1 million man-hours worked
0.57 0.60 - Toshiba Group in Japan
Injury rate per 1,000 workers (all accidents)
*The number of lost-time injuries occurring in a workplace per 1,000 workers
1.16 1.19 1.34 Toshiba Group in Japan
High risk of cerebral heart disease High blood pressure requiring more than normal consideration (%) 3.0 3.2 3.3 Toshiba Group in Japan
High blood sugar requiring more than normal consideration (%) 2.3 2.3 2.4
Metabolic syndrome patients (%) 34.3 34.6 34.6 Toshiba Group in Japan
Patients 16.9 17.5 18.6
Preliminary group 17.4 17.1 16.0
Number of participants in education on OHS 59,757 62,730 62,484 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of AI experts 1,800 2,100 2,300 At Toshiba and key Group companies, Toshiba Tec Corporation, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation
Number of employees who participated in company-wide standardized educational program/training for the year 82,321
(Toshiba Group in Japan)
126,513 128,476 Toshiba Group
Total cost of company-wide standardized educational program/training (million yen) Toshiba Group - 3,014 3,100 Toshiba Group
Toshiba Group in Japan 3,900 2,914 3,000 Toshiba Group in Japan
Toshiba Group overseas - 100 100 Toshiba Group overseas
Total time of company-wide standardized educational programs/training (hours) 637,988
(Toshiba Group in Japan)
980,476 995,686 Toshiba Group
Training time per employee (average) (hours) 9.1
(Toshiba Group in Japan)
9.2 9.5 Toshiba Group
Engagement score in the employee engagement survey *4 (pt) 63 55 57 Toshiba, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation, and Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation.
Number of training programs for harassment held 1 1 1 Toshiba and key Group companies
Implementation status of reviews aimed at career development (%) 90 91 85 Toshiba
Job transfers involving use of open recruitment in Toshiba Group 127 116 97 Toshiba and key Group companies
Employee Engagement Survey Number of companies that conducted the survey 79 87 95 Toshiba Group
Received responses (%) Approx. 92 Approx. 93 Approx. 92
Rate of human rights-related seminars for sustainability leaders held Implementation rate (%) - 100 100 Toshiba, key Group companies, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, and Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation
Participation rate in human rights education programs (e-learning) under the Standards of Conduct for Toshiba 99 99 99 Toshiba Group
Implementation rate of human rights impact assessments in our own company’s businesses Implementation rate (%) - 100 - Toshiba, key Group companies, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, and Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation
Human rights awareness seminars Number of seminars held 130 140 170 Toshiba Group in Japan
Total number of participants (cumulative) 12,000 18,000 32,000
Procurement component ratio by business segment Energy and infrastructure 47 51 51 Toshiba Group
Electric devices 35 27 28
Others 18 22 21
Procurement component ratio by region Japan 70 70 74 Toshiba Group
Asia (Including China and India) 29 29 24
Europe / Others 1 1 2
Number of new suppliers Approx. 3,000 Approx. 2,000 Approx. 2,700 Toshiba Group
Number of companies participated in briefings for suppliers (cumulative) 9,095 4,395 2,556 Toshiba Group
Number of suppliers covered by surveys (CSR Surveys) (cumulative) 10,869 5,135 4,897 Toshiba Group
Number of suppliers covered by on-site audit (cumulative) 647 403 293 Toshiba Group
Number of suppliers subject to guidance & support and suspension of transactions (cumulative) Guidance and Support 570 323 281 Toshiba Group
Suspension of transactions 2 4 0
Percentage of new suppliers consenting to Toshiba Group Procurement Policy (%) 91.4 100 100 Toshiba Group
Environmental management assessment of suppliers (%) Rank S - 5 - Toshiba Group
Rank A - 24 -
Rank B (requires guidance) - 70 -
Below Rank B (requires guidance) - 1 -
Number of suppliers where we conducted our Sustainable Procurement Survey*5 (cumulative) 10,885 12,622 13,014 Toshiba Group
Participation rate of Group procurement employees in sustainable procurement training (%) 33 41 100 Toshiba Group  (excluding Toshiba Tec Corporation)
Number of reports by “Clean Partner Line” that is supplier whistleblower system 2 2 3 Toshiba Group
Number of companies conducted a conflict minerals survey (cumulative) Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, Gold (3TG) 770 930 717 Toshiba Group
Cobalt 250 240 295
Ratio of R&D expenses to sales (%) 4.6 4.7 4.9 Toshiba Group
Breakdown of R&D expenses R&D expenses (billion yen) 151.9 156.4 - Toshiba Group
Breakdown by solutions(%)
Energy System Solutions 8 8 10
Infrastructure System Solutions 14 14 11
Building Solutions 14 14 6
Retail & Printing Solution 14 14 19
Electronic Devices & Storage Solutions 27 27 35
Digital Solutions 4 4 5
Others 18 18 16
Patent portfolio by country (%) Japan 47 47 47 Toshiba Group
USA 26 26 24
China 10 10 12
Others 17 17 17
Patent portfolio by business (%) Energy System Solutions 14 15 11 Toshiba Group
Infrastructure System Solutions 16 15 12
Building Solutions 10 10 8
Retail & Printing Solution 18 18 22
Electronic Devices & Storage Solutions 18 19 18
Digital Solutions 4 4 2
Battery Business 4 4 1.5
Laboratory 15 14 25
Others 1 1 0.5
Status of QMS certified
(From the left: As of October 2021, as of October 2022, as of October 2023)
Targeted sites 97 88 97 Toshiba Group
Certified sites 88 83 92
Percentage of certificate 91 94 95
Number of participants in quality training programs (cumulative) 891 1,103 1,051 Toshiba Group in Japan and China
Number of incident reports under Consumer Product Safety Act 7 6 2 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants in education and training on customer satisfaction 78,718 74,330 72,280 Toshiba Group in Japan
Social contribution activities: total expenditure and its constituent parts Total expenditure (billion yen) 1.24 1.49 1.36 Toshiba Group
Breakdown by contents (%)
Science and Technology Education (%) 67 62.3 69.3
Promotion of Sports and Culture (%)
16 8.9 6.0
Social Welfare (%)
1 0.5 2.0
International Exchanges and Friendships (%)
4 9.5 5.9
Nature Conservation (% 1 2.7 3.7
Support for Disaster Recovery (%)
1 0.4 1.5
Healthcare (%)
1 0.2 0.3
Other (%) 9 15.6 11.3
Number of social contribution programs (annually) 751 968 972 Toshiba Group
Number of employees participated in Toshiba Group Volunteer Days Approx. 43,200 Approx. 70,000 Approx. 69,000 Toshiba Group
Items FY2021
Scope Posted pages
Total number of shareholders 228,187
(as of March, 2022)

(as of March, 2023)


Number of shares issued
433 million 433 million - Toshiba
Total number of suppliers (cumulative) Approx. 11,000 Approx. 10,000 Approx. 13,000 Toshiba Group
Number of consolidated subsidiaries 282 253 240 Toshiba
Number of employment by gender (%) 116,224 106,648 105,331 Toshiba Group
Male 86,748
Female 29,476
Number of Toshiba employees
3,673 3,712 5,818 Toshiba
Male (Number)
Female (Number)
Number of Toshiba Group employees in Japan (excluding Toshiba) 66,788 62,775 60,397 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
Male (Number)
Female (Number)
Number of overseas Toshiba Group employees 45,763 40,161 39,116 Toshiba Group overseas
Male (Number)
Female (Number)
Number of exempt employees (out of all employees)(Including managerial positions and officials equivalent to exempt employees) 14,804 17,285 16,812 Toshiba Group
Toshiba (non-consolidated) 1,284 1,241 1,803 Toshiba
Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba) 13,520 12,690 11,805 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
Toshiba Group overseas - 3,354 3,204 Toshiba Group overseas

Number of fixed-term-contract employees (Non-regular employees)
* The actual figures for fiscal year 2021 are "Number of part-time and casual employees among total employees (excluding those with a total contract period of less than one year)"
760* 8,798 9,342 Toshiba Group
Toshiba (non-consolidated) 61* 327 594 Toshiba
Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba) 699* 6,747 7,249 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
Toshiba Group overseas - 1,724 1,499 Toshiba Group overseas
Number of employment by region 116,224 106,648 105,331 Toshiba Group
Japan 70,461 66,487 66,215
China 9,043 7,230 7,071
Asia & Oceania 27,557 23,709 22,815
North America 5,451 5,588 5,602
Central & South America 628 657 706
Europe & Africa 3,084 2,977 2,922
Number of employment by business domain 116,224 106,648 105,331 Toshiba Group
Energy Systems & Solutions 14,410 14,229 13,163
Infrastructure Systems & Solutions 19,876 18,971 17,681
Building Solutions 22,423 16,018 15,927
Retail & Printing Solutions 18,799 18,875 19,061
Storage & Electronic Devices Solutions 22,421 20,753 19,413
Digital Solutions 8,239 7,733 7,488
Others 10,056 10,069 12,598
An average age of employees (years) 46.7 47.1 47.4 Toshiba Group in Japan
Toshiba (non-consolidated) 45.6 46.1 47.0 Toshiba
Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba) 46.8 47.1 47.5 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
An average length of service (years) 20.5 20.8 20.8 Toshiba Group in Japan
19.2 19.8 21.1 Toshiba
Male - 20.1 21.8
Female - 18.4 18.9
20.5 20.9 20.8 Toshiba Group in Japan (excluding Toshiba)
Male 20.8
(including Toshiba)
21.2 21.1
Female 18.3
(including Toshiba)
18.8 18.8
Turnover rate (Persons who retired for personal reasons only) 1.6 1.8 2.0 Toshiba and key Group companies
The average annual salary (yen) 9,311,347 9,311,347 8,493,659 Toshiba
Average for male 9,344,765 9,836,885 8,926,306
Average for female 7,359,615 7,536,642 7,020,934
Average for female / Average for male (%) 78.8% 76.6% 78.7%
Starting monthly salary in Japan (yen)
() : Percentage of minimum wage
Master graduate 251,000
Collage graduate 227,000
Higher professional school graduate 196,000
High school graduate 173,000
Status of Toshiba Union Number of members 14,636 14,294 13,804 Toshiba and key Group companies
Percentage of Toshiba Union members (%) 96.2 96.4 96.4
Number of employees posted overseas 424 434 365 Toshiba, key Group companies, and some other Group companies *1
94 94 111 Toshiba  
330 340 254 Key Group companies, and some other Group companies *1  
Employment status of new graduates in Toshiba Group in Japan
():Planned figures
Toshiba Group in Japan
Business administrative staff / Sales staff 190
R&D / engineers 910
Technical operators 120
Employment status of new graduates in Toshiba and key Group companies
():Planned figures
Toshiba and key Group companies
Business administrative staff / Sales staff 70
R&D / engineers 300
Technical operators 20
Number of female recruits (new graduates) Business administrative staff / Sales staff 27 32 45 Toshiba and key Group companies
R&D / engineers 41 45 40
Percentage of female recruits (new graduates)
(  ): Target ratio (%)
Business administrative staff / Sales staff 38
Toshiba and key Group companies
R&D / engineers 14
Number of employees in mid-career employment Toshiba and key Group companies 100 138 180 Toshiba Group in Japan
Consolidated companies in Japan 310 560 710
Number of female employees in executive and in managerial positions 327 333 340 Toshiba and key Group companies
Percentage of female employees in executive and in managerial positions (%) 5.5 5.8 6.2 Toshiba and key Group companies
Number of employees with disabilities 570 587.5 582.5 Toshiba (including a special subsidiary company)
Percentage of employees with disabilities (%) 2.52 2.60 2.60 Toshiba (including a special subsidiary company)
Number and percentage of non-Japanese employees Number of non-Japanese employees 344 354 359 Toshiba and key Group companies
Percentage of non-Japanese employees 1.5 1.5 1.5
The average total number of annual actual working hours per employee 1,999 2,003 1,966 Toshiba
The average annual overtime working hours per employee 310 301 299 Toshiba
Percentage of annual paid vacation taken by Toshiba employees (%) 73.7 76.7 75.6 Toshiba and key Group companies (excluding Toshiba TEC Corporation)
Number of childcare leave Male 94
(utilization rate 15%)
(utilization rate 35.9%)
(utilization rate 40.2%)
Toshiba and key Group companies
Female 289 274 96*2
Number of paternity leave Male 150
(utilization rate 34%)
(utilization rate 23.9%)
(utilization rate 19.6%)
Toshiba and key Group companies
Number of family care leave Male 5 10 6*2 Toshiba and key Group companies
Female 5 5 4*2
Number of nursing care seminars held from FY2015 to FY2023 (cumulative) 229
(From FY2015 to FY2021)
(From FY2015 to FY2022)
(From FY2015 to FY2023)
Toshiba Group in Japan
Short-time shift Male 15
15 15 Toshiba and key Group companies
Female 384 364 336
Status of Toshiba Corporate Pension Plan Number of companies 84 83 74 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants Approx. 62,000 Approx. 60,000 Approx. 59,000
Status of health insurance association Number of business owners 165 160 143 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of persons subscribed (including retirees and dependents) Approx. 188,900 Approx. 178,500 Approx. 169,000
Status of a selective welfare system Number of companies 22 25 32 Toshiba Group in Japan
Target employees Approx. 40,000 Approx. 42,530 Approx. 45,805
Acquisition status of ISO45001 certification Number of companies that acquired the certification in Japan 42 36 35 Toshiba Group in Japan
Of all personnel from companies acquired in Japan (%) 72.8 79.5 76
Number of companies that acquired the certification in foreign countries 26 27 29 Toshiba Group overseas (excluding Toshiba Tec Group)
Of all personnel from surveyed companies acquired abroad (%) 81.4 84.7 83
Number of OHS Management Meetings held 2 2 2 or more*2 Toshiba
Number of Central OHS Committee Meetings held 1 1 1 Toshiba
Number of Toshiba Group OHS Supervisor Meetings held 1 1 1 Toshiba Group in Japan
Fatality due to work-related accidents 1 1 3 Toshiba Group
Occurrence of Occupational Accidents in Japan Total 94 94 103 Toshiba Group in Japan
Without lost workdays
68 65 68
Lost workday 25 29 33
1 0 2
The number of accidents resulting in lost workdays or more severe impacts, excluding death in overseas 55 44 49 Toshiba Group overseas (excluding Toshiba Tec Group)
Severity rate of work-related accidents 0.05 0.005 0.103 Toshiba Group in Japan
*Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, the number of lost time injuries occurring in a workplace per 1 million man-hours worked
0.16 0.18 0.23 Toshiba Group in Japan
Frequency rate of all accidents
*The number of accidents occurring in a workplace per 1 million man-hours worked
0.57 0.60 - Toshiba Group in Japan
Injury rate per 1,000 workers (all accidents)
*The number of lost-time injuries occurring in a workplace per 1,000 workers
1.16 1.19 1.34 Toshiba Group in Japan
High risk of cerebral heart disease High blood pressure requiring more than normal consideration (%) 3.0 3.2 3.3 Toshiba Group in Japan
High blood sugar requiring more than normal consideration (%) 2.3 2.3 2.4
Metabolic syndrome patients (%) 34.3 34.6 34.6 Toshiba Group in Japan
Patients 16.9 17.5 18.6
Preliminary group 17.4 17.1 16.0
Number of participants in education on OHS 59,757 62,730 62,484 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of AI experts 1,800 2,100 2,300 At Toshiba and key Group companies, Toshiba Tec Corporation, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation
Number of employees who participated in company-wide standardized educational program/training for the year 82,321
(Toshiba Group in Japan)
126,513 128,476 Toshiba Group
Total cost of company-wide standardized educational program/training (million yen) Toshiba Group - 3,014 3,100 Toshiba Group
Toshiba Group in Japan 3,900 2,914 3,000 Toshiba Group in Japan
Toshiba Group overseas - 100 100 Toshiba Group overseas
Total time of company-wide standardized educational programs/training (hours) 637,988
(Toshiba Group in Japan)
980,476 995,686 Toshiba Group
Training time per employee (average) (hours) 9.1
(Toshiba Group in Japan)
9.2 9.5 Toshiba Group
Engagement score in the employee engagement survey *4 (pt) 63 55 57 Toshiba, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation, and Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation.
Number of training programs for harassment held 1 1 1 Toshiba and key Group companies
Implementation status of reviews aimed at career development (%) 90 91 85 Toshiba
Job transfers involving use of open recruitment in Toshiba Group 127 116 97 Toshiba and key Group companies
Employee Engagement Survey Number of companies that conducted the survey 79 87 95 Toshiba Group
Received responses (%) Approx. 92 Approx. 93 Approx. 92
Rate of human rights-related seminars for sustainability leaders held Implementation rate (%) - 100 100 Toshiba, key Group companies, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, and Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation
Participation rate in human rights education programs (e-learning) under the Standards of Conduct for Toshiba 99 99 99 Toshiba Group
Implementation rate of human rights impact assessments in our own company’s businesses Implementation rate (%) - 100 - Toshiba, key Group companies, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, and Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation
Human rights awareness seminars Number of seminars held 130 140 170 Toshiba Group in Japan
Total number of participants (cumulative) 12,000 18,000 32,000
Procurement component ratio by business segment Energy and infrastructure 47 51 51 Toshiba Group
Electric devices 35 27 28
Others 18 22 21
Procurement component ratio by region Japan 70 70 74 Toshiba Group
Asia (Including China and India) 29 29 24
Europe / Others 1 1 2
Number of new suppliers Approx. 3,000 Approx. 2,000 Approx. 2,700 Toshiba Group
Number of companies participated in briefings for suppliers (cumulative) 9,095 4,395 2,556 Toshiba Group
Number of suppliers covered by surveys (CSR Surveys) (cumulative) 10,869 5,135 4,897 Toshiba Group
Number of suppliers covered by on-site audit (cumulative) 647 403 293 Toshiba Group
Number of suppliers subject to guidance & support and suspension of transactions (cumulative) Guidance and Support 570 323 281 Toshiba Group
Suspension of transactions 2 4 0
Percentage of new suppliers consenting to Toshiba Group Procurement Policy (%) 91.4 100 100 Toshiba Group
Environmental management assessment of suppliers (%) Rank S - 5 - Toshiba Group
Rank A - 24 -
Rank B (requires guidance) - 70 -
Below Rank B (requires guidance) - 1 -
Number of suppliers where we conducted our Sustainable Procurement Survey*5 (cumulative) 10,885 12,622 13,014 Toshiba Group
Participation rate of Group procurement employees in sustainable procurement training (%) 33 41 100 Toshiba Group  (excluding Toshiba Tec Corporation)
Number of reports by “Clean Partner Line” that is supplier whistleblower system 2 2 3 Toshiba Group
Number of companies conducted a conflict minerals survey (cumulative) Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, Gold (3TG) 770 930 717 Toshiba Group
Cobalt 250 240 295
Ratio of R&D expenses to sales (%) 4.6 4.7 4.9 Toshiba Group
Breakdown of R&D expenses R&D expenses (billion yen) 151.9 156.4 - Toshiba Group
Breakdown by solutions(%)
Energy System Solutions 8 8 10
Infrastructure System Solutions 14 14 11
Building Solutions 14 14 6
Retail & Printing Solution 14 14 19
Electronic Devices & Storage Solutions 27 27 35
Digital Solutions 4 4 5
Others 18 18 16
Patent portfolio by country (%) Japan 47 47 47 Toshiba Group
USA 26 26 24
China 10 10 12
Others 17 17 17
Patent portfolio by business (%) Energy System Solutions 14 15 11 Toshiba Group
Infrastructure System Solutions 16 15 12
Building Solutions 10 10 8
Retail & Printing Solution 18 18 22
Electronic Devices & Storage Solutions 18 19 18
Digital Solutions 4 4 2
Battery Business 4 4 1.5
Laboratory 15 14 25
Others 1 1 0.5
Status of QMS certified
(From the left: As of October 2021, as of October 2022, as of October 2023)
Targeted sites 97 88 97 Toshiba Group
Certified sites 88 83 92
Percentage of certificate 91 94 95
Number of participants in quality training programs (cumulative) 891 1,103 1,051 Toshiba Group in Japan and China
Number of incident reports under Consumer Product Safety Act 7 6 2 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants in education and training on customer satisfaction 78,718 74,330 72,280 Toshiba Group in Japan
Social contribution activities: total expenditure and its constituent parts Total expenditure (billion yen) 1.24 1.49 1.36 Toshiba Group
Breakdown by contents (%)
Science and Technology Education (%) 67 62.3 69.3
Promotion of Sports and Culture (%)
16 8.9 6.0
Social Welfare (%)
1 0.5 2.0
International Exchanges and Friendships (%)
4 9.5 5.9
Nature Conservation (% 1 2.7 3.7
Support for Disaster Recovery (%)
1 0.4 1.5
Healthcare (%)
1 0.2 0.3
Other (%) 9 15.6 11.3
Number of social contribution programs (annually) 751 968 972 Toshiba Group
Number of employees participated in Toshiba Group Volunteer Days Approx. 43,200 Approx. 70,000 Approx. 69,000 Toshiba Group
  • Consolidated companies in Japan that outsource work related to employees posted overseas to outsourcing companies
  • From FY2023, only new applicants using childcare and family care leave are counted (excludes those who continue to use leave from the previous year).
  • From the second half of FY2023, to increase the frequency of meetings, the Conference has been held at weekly executive meetings in which the President and CEO and other executive officers share information, exchange ideas, and make decisions for the entire company, to facilitate timely discussions.
  • Uses the average point scores from responses to two engagement-related questions (three in FY2021) in the employee engagement survey
  • Sustainable Procurement Survey: a survey to evaluate suppliers’ CSR initiatives. Conducted 100% at key suppliers


Items FY2021
Scope Posted pages
Number of directors 12 11 10 Toshiba
Number of outside directors 10
10 9 Toshiba
Number of female directors 1 1 1 Toshiba
Percentage of outside directors on Toshiba’s Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, and Compensation Committee 100 100 100 Toshiba

Number of attendees in the ordinary general meeting of shareholders 183 198 346 Toshiba
Number of meetings of the Board of Directors 20 20 16
(Number of sessions until December 2023)
Participation in education for “Standards of Conduct for Toshiba Group” (%) Japan 99.4 99.6 99.4 Toshiba Group in Japan
Overseas 98.3 95.9 100 Toshiba Group overseas
Number of reports received by whistleblower system Toshiba Hotline 148 133 137 Toshiba Group in Japan
Audit Committee Hotline 34 32 25
Status of breaches to laws related to anticorruption Exposure through price cartel 0 0 0 Toshiba Group
Exposure through bribery 0 0 0
Political contributions (yen) 0 0 0 Toshiba
Number of incidents of important information leakage 2 0 0 Toshiba Group
Number of violations of product safety regulations 0 0 1 Toshiba Group
Number of violations of regulations relating to information and labeling for products and services 0 0 0 Toshiba Group
Number of violations of the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations 0 0 0 Toshiba Group in Japan
Status of senior management compliance seminar Number of training sessions held 1 2 1 Senior management in Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants 
230 460 220
Number of participants in accounting compliance training Approx. 87,000 Approx. 102,000 Approx. 105,000 Toshiba Group
Number of participants in the e-learning program on the Subcontract Act 71,947 70,593 56,584 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants in the learning program on the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law 77,125 75,246 73,528 Toshiba Group in Japan
Status of workplace meetings to improve internal controls and corporate culture
(* Status of CSR workplace meetings in FY2021)
Number of meetings held 1* 1 0 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants Approx. 97,000 74,884 0
Self-assessment of cyber security management maturity *1 3.2 3.4 3.58 Key Group companies, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation, Toshiba Development & Engineering Corporation
Items FY2021
Scope Posted pages
Number of directors 12 11 10 Toshiba
Number of outside directors 10
10 9 Toshiba
Number of female directors 1 1 1 Toshiba
Percentage of outside directors on Toshiba’s Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, and Compensation Committee 100 100 100 Toshiba

Number of attendees in the ordinary general meeting of shareholders 183 198 346 Toshiba
Number of meetings of the Board of Directors 20 20 16
(Number of sessions until December 2023)
Participation in education for “Standards of Conduct for Toshiba Group” (%) Japan 99.4 99.6 99.4 Toshiba Group in Japan
Overseas 98.3 95.9 100 Toshiba Group overseas
Number of reports received by whistleblower system Toshiba Hotline 148 133 137 Toshiba Group in Japan
Audit Committee Hotline 34 32 25
Status of breaches to laws related to anticorruption Exposure through price cartel 0 0 0 Toshiba Group
Exposure through bribery 0 0 0
Political contributions (yen) 0 0 0 Toshiba
Number of incidents of important information leakage 2 0 0 Toshiba Group
Number of violations of product safety regulations 0 0 1 Toshiba Group
Number of violations of regulations relating to information and labeling for products and services 0 0 0 Toshiba Group
Number of violations of the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations 0 0 0 Toshiba Group in Japan
Status of senior management compliance seminar Number of training sessions held 1 2 1 Senior management in Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants 
230 460 220
Number of participants in accounting compliance training Approx. 87,000 Approx. 102,000 Approx. 105,000 Toshiba Group
Number of participants in the e-learning program on the Subcontract Act 71,947 70,593 56,584 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants in the learning program on the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law 77,125 75,246 73,528 Toshiba Group in Japan
Status of workplace meetings to improve internal controls and corporate culture
(* Status of CSR workplace meetings in FY2021)
Number of meetings held 1* 1 0 Toshiba Group in Japan
Number of participants Approx. 97,000 74,884 0
Self-assessment of cyber security management maturity *1 3.2 3.4 3.58 Key Group companies, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation, Toshiba Development & Engineering Corporation
  • Self-assessment of cyber security management maturity: This refers to the self-assessment aimed at visualizing the current maturity level of cyber security management to enable each company to understand the gap between targets and reality. There are five evaluation levels, with maturity levels evaluated by categories such as governance, risk management, incident response, educational program.