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Environmental Management Structure

Group-wide Structure

Toshiba Group has been developing a structure to ensure appropriate decision-making and initiatives on sustainability issues.
Important policies, strategies and measures related to sustainability are discussed at Sustainability Strategy Committee, chaired by the President and CEO, and held twice a year. Among items on the meeting agenda, critical issues that are deeply related to management are reported from the Executive in Charge of Sustainability and Executive in Charge of Environment to the Board of Directors meetings, and then reflected in our Group’s management strategy.
The following are recent examples of major environmental reports at the Board of Directors meetings.

  • FY2022: Toshiba Group's carbon-neutral promotion scheme and the setting of renewed SBTs (Science Based Targets) as well as the setting of non-financial KPIs associated with Toshiba Group’s material issues, including response to climate change, were reported.
  • FY2023: Toshiba Group's measures to achieve its GHG reduction targets (such as the linkage with Performance Evaluation System, promotion of Internal Carbon Pricing system, and specific proposals to expand procurement of renewable energy) were reported.

More detailed measures and target management related to environment are shared and discussed at Toshiba Group Environmental Management Committee meetings (chaired by the Executive in Charge of Environment), which is established under Sustainability Strategy Committee. Toshiba Group Environmental Management Committee meeting is held twice a year and comprises business division managers, managers of key production sites, environmental promotion managers of key Group companies and corporate staff division managers as members. What is shared and discussed here is disseminated by key Group companies to Group companies and sites under them.
Under Toshiba Group Environmental Management Committee, there are three subcommittees: Planning Meeting, which promotes planning-related activities such as policies, management and information disclosure, Product Meeting, which promotes the development of environmentally conscious products and technologies, and Business Process Meeting, which promotes efforts to reduce the environmental impacts at production sites. With these subcommittees, detailed plans are developed, issues are identified, solutions are explored, and information is shared to strengthen initiatives across the Group. Under the sub-committees, specialized working groups set themes and engage in activities that cover a wide variety of fields.

Toshiba Group Environmental Management Structure

Toshiba Group also has introduced evaluation of non-financial aspects to its executive compensation system. In the individual evaluation for performance-linked compensation of Toshiba's Corporate Officers as well as some senior executives at Group companies, special contributions for environmental management, including response to climate change, are taken into account. The evaluation items include the status of progress toward GHG reduction and other environment-related targets, development and provision of products and services that contribute to the environment, initiatives for achieving carbon neutrality, and improvement of external evaluations concerning the environment.
Using the same evaluation items as for officers, we also evaluate the environmental management of our key Group companies. Their results are reflected in each company's performance evaluation as well as each company's employee bonuses.

Audit and Evaluation System

Toshiba Group evaluates activities for environmental management from both "process" and "performance" perspectives. The evaluation for "process" is conducted under the "Toshiba Group Environmental Audit System" framework, based on management status and the system for encouraging each organization’s Environment Division, Technology Management Division, and Site Management Division to carry out environmental activities. To evaluate "performance," Toshiba Group conducts "Environmental Management Level Assessment" of business divisions and key Group companies at the end of the fiscal year to check the results of each activity and incorporate the results in the performance evaluation.

Audit and Evaluation System (Overview)

(1) Toshiba Group Environmental Audit System

Toshiba Group conducts the following three types of internal audits with the aim of evaluating the status of the environmental management structure, compliance, facility management, and other relevant areas within Toshiba Group, and holds discussions to identify and solve problems.

  1. Environmental Management Audit
    Key Group companies are audited to confirm the status of policies and systems, environmental risk management and compliance, and activity results of the Environmental Action Plan.
  2. Environmental Technology Audit of Products
    Technology departments in business divisions are audited to check compliance with relevant legal requirements and the ECP* standards set for each product (group) to secure environmental quality and the progress of ECP creation activities, which have the goal of creating products that contribute to reducing environmental impacts.
  3. Environmental Audit of Sites
    Production sites and non-production sites with high electricity usage are audited to check their environmental management status, control status of each environmental issue type (water discharge, air pollution, noise, waste, chemicals, energy consumption, etc.) at representative facilities, and to check the compliance system to see whether they are obeying applicable laws and regulations, agreements, and rules, among others.

Furthermore, at sites with relatively low environmental impacts that fall outside the scope of [3] Environmental Audit of Sites, self-audits are conducted in each Group company using the same standard.

  • Environmentally Conscious Products

Toshiba Group Environmental Audit System

(2) Environmental Management Level Assessment (Linked with the Performance Evaluation System)

Toshiba Group conducts Environmental Management Level Assessment on business divisions and key Group companies. We select the progress of the Environmental Action Plan, initiatives for the achievement of carbon neutrality, evaluation and awards from inside and outside the company for environmental activities as performance evaluation criteria and evaluate their levels from various perspectives. We also submit the evaluation results to the Performance Evaluation Committee and reflect the Environmental Management Level Assessment results in the performance evaluation results of each evaluated company.

ISO 14001 certification

In promoting environmental management, we place importance on worksite environmental efforts as well, and currently, 51 sites of Toshiba Group have become ISO 14001 certified.
In many business domains, we are striving to obtain integrated certification that covers their headquarters, sales offices, production sites, and their group companies to develop comprehensive environmental management systems.

Number of ISO 14001-certified Sites

Business domains Number of certified sites
Toshiba Corporation 1
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation Group 7 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation Group 1
Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation Group 13 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation Group 4 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation Group 3 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Tec Corporation Group 10
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Group 4 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation Group 3 (including integrated certification)
Battery Division 3
Other 2
Total 51
Business domains Number of certified sites
Toshiba Corporation 1
Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation Group 7 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation Group 1
Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation Group 13 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation Group 4 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation Group 3 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Tec Corporation Group 10
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Group 4 (including integrated certification)
Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation Group 3 (including integrated certification)
Battery Division 3
Other 2
Total 51
  • As of August 1, 2024

Environmental Education

In order to raise the level of our environmental activities, we provide environmental education to all employees. Our environmental education scheme consists of (1) management and general education, (2) specialized education, and (3) ISO 14001 education*. We implement curricula appropriate for different posts, occupational roles, and specializations.

  • Conducted for each certified organization. 

Environmental Education System