Toshiba Group’s corporate activities involve relationships with diverse stakeholders.
The relationships and dialogue with respective stakeholders can be summarized as follows:

With its wide range of products—from electronic devices to social infrastructure systems—Toshiba Group has a diverse range of customers, including individual and corporate customers as well as government and public bodies. Feedback from our customers is the origin of all our ideas. All Toshiba Group employees operate from a customer perspective so as to increase customer satisfaction.

Key responsibilities

  • Supplying products in a stable manner
  • Providing reliable, safe products and services that offer great value
  • Creating environmentally conscious products and services
  • Promoting universal design
  • Providing appropriate product information
  • Offering excellent customer relations and support
  • Managing customer information appropriately

Major means of identifying stakeholders’ views and requests

  • Routine sales activities
  • Call center (via phone, email, etc.)
  • Exhibitions

We receive opinions and requests for products and services in our daily operations, which are shared among related departments, and use them to improve product quality and repair services.

Key content for customers

Toshiba has approx. 230,000 shareholders. Of the 430 million shares issued, 23.9% are held by financial institutions, 18.1% by individuals and others, and 49.5% by overseas investors (as of March 31, 2023).
Toshiba Group aims to increase total shareholder return (TSR) through maximizing its corporate value.

Key responsibilities

  • Disclosing information in a timely and appropriate way
  • Providing an appropriate return of profits
  • Maintaining and enhancing corporate value
  • Responding to socially responsible investment (SRI) and ESG investment

Major means of identifying stakeholders’ views and requests

  • General meeting of shareholders
  • Shareholder newsletters
  • Dialogue with institutional investors and securities analysts
  • Reports (securities report, integrated report, etc.)
  • Website (investor relations, sustainability, environment, etc.)

Toshiba will continue to actively disclose risk and other information by enhancing the Group-wide disclosure structure so as to align with the interests of our shareholders and investors.

Dialogue with Shareholders [Point of contact: Legal & Compliance Division and Strategic Planning Division]

General Meeting of Shareholders

The ordinary general meeting of shareholders for 183th fiscal year was held on June 28, 2022, attended by 198 people, and deliberated on proposals for amendment of the Articles of Incorporation and for the election of directors. As a result, while approval was granted for both proposals, one of the thirteen elected directors resigned after the conclusion of the meeting. Accordingly, the current Board of Directors consists of twelve directors, of which, two are directors who concurrently serve as executive officers and ten are outside directors.
The ordinary general meeting of shareholders for 184th fiscal year was held on June 29, 2023, attended by 346 people, and deliberated on proposals for the election of directors. As a result, while approval was granted for the proposal. Accordingly, the current Board of Directors consists of eleven directors, of which, one is a director who concurrently serve as an executive officer and ten are outside directors.
For ordinary general meetings of shareholders for 181th fiscal year onward, the meeting is streamed live online to allow shareholders who are not physically attending the meeting to view the proceedings.

Publication of Shareholder Newsletters

Toshiba Group strives to communicate with individual shareholders through our shareholder newsletters.

Dialogue with Investors [Point of contact: Strategic Planning Division]

Dialogue with Institutional Investors and Securities Analysts

We hold various briefings including those for business results held on the same day as our quarterly business results announcements. During FY2022, all briefings were distributed online due to COVID-19. Our executive officers including the President and CEO have been holding dialogues with major shareholders and major institutional investors from Japan and overseas. The dialogues have been held at the same frequency as before via a video or audio conference.
Outside directors also meet with major shareholders and major institutional investors from Japan and overseas to promote engagement.

Enhancement of IR Website

On our IR website, we endeavor to provide all investors, including individual investors, with fair, timely and easy-to-understand information disclosure that helps them make investment decisions. In response to requests from investors, we provide video data, including live streaming, of presentations and Q&A sessions during major briefings. Our website also features a questionnaire regarding the content of our website.

Key content for shareholders and institutional investors

Toshiba has a cumulative total of 10,000 recurring suppliers worldwide (as of March 31, 2023). We ask suppliers to cooperate with the Toshiba Group Procurement Policy and strengthen partnership with them to help solve social issues through business activities.

Key responsibilities

  • Selecting suppliers fairly and engaging in fair trading practices
  • Respecting human rights in the supply chain
  • Promoting environmental management in the supply chain

Major means of identifying stakeholders’ views and requests

  • Daily procurement activities
  • Various monitoring (monitoring at site, sustainability surveys, etc.)
  • Clean Partner Line

Dialogue with Suppliers [Point of contact: Procurement Division]

Requesting Suppliers to Promote CSR Management

Toshiba Group promotes sustainable procurement activities with the aim of improving both corporate value and the value of its customers, while also striving to build sound partnerships with suppliers through fair trading in compliance with procurement-related laws and regulations. We request all our suppliers, who play an important role in the Toshiba Group companies’ production and services, to consent to and put into practice the Toshiba Group Procurement Policy. We perform monitoring of various kinds, strive to understand any issues present and to help implement corrective measures accordingly, work together with our suppliers to fulfil our corporate social responsibilities, and build relationships based on mutual understanding and trust.

Key content for suppliers


Toshiba Group has 253 consolidated subsidiaries with approx. 110,000 employees, including approx. 70,000 in Japan and approx. 40,000 overseas (as of March 31, 2023).
Toshiba Group states “We turn on the promise of a new day” in The Essence of Toshiba. To achieve this, we are creating and promoting an open corporate culture, and have established fair evaluation systems while seeking to fully develop and deploy talents in order for our sincere and richly diverse human resources with a passion for change to work together and generate new value based on a vision of the future of the company.
Toshiba group promotes DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging) based on the belief that a corporate culture in which people channel the differences (diversity) of each and every employee into strengths and feel fulfilled and grow through various challenges while demonstrating their abilities will lead to innovation that will lead to Basic Commitment of the Toshiba Group, "Committed to People, Committed to the Future.".

Key responsibilities

  • Conducting fair assessment and treatment
  • Respecting human rights
  • Promoting DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging)
  • Optimizing human resources and promoting their growth
  • Supporting diverse working styles
  • Maintaining and enhancing skills and capabilities
  • Ensuring occupational health and safety

Major means of identifying stakeholders’ views and requests

  • Employee morale survey (TEAM Survey)
  • Dialogue, information exchange meetings
  • 360-Degree survey for top executives
  • Competency evaluation of the head of the organization (Multifaceted Evaluation)
  • Workplace meetings
  • Providing information through an in-house website
  • Whistleblower system (Toshiba Hotline and Audit Committee Hotline)
  • In-house communication magazine
  • Labor-management negotiation

Dialogue with Employees [Point of contact: Human Resources and Administration Division, Legal & Compliance Division, and Corporate Communications Division]

Messages from Top Executives

Top executives deliver messages to Group employees on the importance of promoting sustainability, improving customer satisfaction, raising quality, ensuring legal compliance, and other key concerns.

Employee Morale Survey (TEAM survey) and Disclosure of Results

Toshiba Group has conducted the employee morale survey (TEAM survey) every year since FY2003, as a way to gain feedback from employees. Through this survey, we periodically monitor the level of understanding among our employees towards the company’s various measures, and how firmly rooted they are. We strive to improve the issues that emerge and leverage them to enhance the corporate culture. The survey assesses employees’ understanding of company measures and whether their working conditions allow them to demonstrate their abilities. There are also questions regarding how the President and CEO and top management are perceived, the status of compliance and other measures, which are subsequently verified.

360-degree Survey and Multifaceted Evaluation

We conduct the 360-Degree Survey to look at managers and senior management every other year. And we also conduct the Multifaceted Evaluation to look at heads of each organization every year. We examine them from multifaceted perspectives with regard to their day-to-day work performance and activities, with perspectives including those of themselves, as well as of their junior colleagues, peers, and supervisors. The major aims of these initiatives are to encourage the growth of the participants by objectively identifying their strengths and weaknesses on a regular basis, and to enhance their leadership, which will lead to creating a more sound organization and organizational operation.

Workplace Meetings

We hold workplace meetings to discuss various themes, so that managers and the employees they manage can talk and think together at a workplace level, and share feelings and opinions, in order to build a work environment where everyone feels free to discuss any matter. Such themes include verification of compliance awareness and improvement of operational processes. Increasing understanding of differences in individual philosophies among employees helps create a better workplace environment for the future.

Key content for employees

Toshiba Group has major business sites in over 30 countries worldwide. We conduct our corporate activities while respecting different cultures, histories and customs in local communities and communicating with them.

Key responsibilities

  • Respecting different customs and cultures
  • Engaging in social contribution activities in local communities
  • Preventing accidents and disasters at business sites
  • Supporting neighboring communities in case of a disaster

Major means of identifying stakeholders’ views and requests

  • Dialogue, information exchange meetings
  • Factory tours
  • Employees’ participation in community activities
  • Local volunteering activities

Dialogue with Local Communities [Point of contact: Companies and business sites of Toshiba Group]

Environmental Communication

In addition to disseminating information about Toshiba Group’s environmental initiatives in a timely manner, primarily through our Environment Website, we are also, in collaboration with local residents, administrative office, educational institutions, businesses, NPOs, and NGOs, promoting communication activities across our global worksites that reflect the age of a new normal.

Social Contribution Activities

Toshiba Group actively engages in a range of social contribution activities in addition to business activities toward the realization of a sustainable society. We are also working to contribute through exchange initiatives with local communities in the form of welfare and cleaning activities, etc.

Coexistence with Local Communities

Toshiba Group not only seeks to resolve issues faced by local communities through business, but engages in various activities that are rooted in the area as a member of the local community.

Key content for local communities

Governments and Public Bodies

Toshiba Group operates worldwide. We comply with laws and regulations of each country, including antimonopoly and anti-bribery laws, and will help resolve social issues faced by different regions and countries as a member of the local community.

Key responsibilities

  • Complying with laws and regulations, and paying taxes
  • Supporting government policies toward solving social issues

Major means of identifying stakeholders’ views and requests

  • Dialogue and proposals via economic associations and industry associations

Dialogue with Governments [Point of contact: Companies and business sites of Toshiba Group, and Government & External Relations Office]

Participation in Industry Associations

Toshiba actively participates in the activities of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association, the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, and other industry organizations to help address various issues such as the realization of a sustainable society and protection of the global environment.

Key content for governments and public bodies


We will hold dialogue with NPOs and NGOs active in areas such as the environment, human rights, and social contributions, and build partnerships leveraging mutual strengths of all parties.

Key responsibilities

  • Providing collaboration and support to solve diverse global issues
  • Collaborating with and helping local communities solve their social problems
  • Collaborating on our priority areas of social contribution activities

Major means of identifying stakeholders’ views and requests

  • Dialogue through collaboration
  • Exchange of views through stakeholder dialogue

Dialogue with NPOs and NGOs [Point of contact: Sustainability Management Group Strategic Planning Division, Environment Management Office]

Support for and Collaboration with NPOs and NGOs

We hold dialogue with NPOs and NGOs active in areas such as the environment, human rights, and social contributions, and are building partnerships leveraging mutual strengths of all parties. We determine which NPOs and NGOs to support and collaborate with based on criteria such as the degree of contribution to solving social problems, relationships with Toshiba Group’s priority business sectors, creativity, pioneer spirit, and relations with local communities.

Key content for NPOs and NGOs

Guided by the “Essence of Toshiba”, we will strive to create enriched value and ensure harmony with the earth. Through environmental management that aims to achieve a decarbonized society, a resource circulating society, and a society in harmony with nature, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Key responsibilities

  • Response to climate change
  • Response to the circular economy
  • Consideration of ecosystems (chemical substances, water, conservation of biodiversity)

Major means of identifying stakeholders’ views and requests

  • Reduction of environmental impacts of Toshiba Group’s business activities
  • Development and provision of products and services conducive to reducing environmental impacts of society as a whole

Based on Toshiba Group’s Environmental Future Vision 2050, we work simultaneously to reduce the environmental impacts of our business activities and to deliver value through products and services.

Questionnaire for Sustainability Website

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