Toshiba Group practices transparent corporate governance and optimal internal controls; and executes management with integrity, trusted by stakeholders.
As a sustainable company operating under the Basic Commitment of “Committed to People, Committed to the Future,” we aim to leverage our business activities towards the development of our society and the realization of a sustainable society.
We have set “strengthening governance” and “strengthen cyber resilience” as our material issues along with specific KPIs, which we are working to achieve through our initiatives.

KPIs and Achievements in Governance

Strengthen Governance

The basic policy and objectives of Toshiba’s corporate governance are to realize sustainable growth and raise the enterprise value of the Group over the medium- to long-term, and to contribute to the interests of all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, employees, customers, business partners, creditors, and local communities.
Our Corporate Governance Guidelines stipulate that outside directors comprise a majority (50% or greater) of directors so that the Board of Directors can appropriately perform monitoring and supervisory functions.

KPIs FY2022 Target FY2022 Achievement FY2023 Target
Percentage of outside directors on Toshiba’s Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, and Compensation Committee 100% 100% 100%
KPIs FY2022 Target FY2022 Achievement FY2023 Target
Percentage of outside directors on Toshiba’s Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, and Compensation Committee 100% 100% 100%
  • Toshiba

Strengthen Cyber Resilience

Toshiba Group is engaged in businesses centered on energy, social infrastructure, electronic devices, and digital solutions, helping support people’s lives. We consider it our responsibility to leverage the knowledge and experience we have acquired through manufacturing since our founding, not just in the physical world but also in the online connected world that extends into all areas, in order to strengthen cyber security, protect society, and deliver peace of mind.
To ensure total security for information, products, control, and data, Toshiba Group has adopted the concept of “cyber resilience”, which is the ability to prepare for possible cyber-attacks and other security incidents, minimize their impact, and recover as quickly as possible. To put this concept into practice, we have defined the following three parameters: P for “prepare,” M for “mitigate,” and R for “respond & recover.” P denotes preparations for cyber security incidents; M signifies mitigation of a loss caused by an incident; and R indicates the time required to deal with and recover from an incident. To become cyber-resilient, it is necessary to promote P and M and reduce R. To realize such cyber resilience, Toshiba Group promotes comprehensive cyber security measures from the three perspectives of governance, security operations, and human resource development.

KPIs FY2022 Target FY2022 Achievement FY2023 Target
Self-assessment of cyber security management maturity* Higher than previous fiscal year 3.4 Higher than previous fiscal year (upon reaching 4, remain at 4 or higher)
KPIs FY2022 Target FY2022 Achievement FY2023 Target
Self-assessment of cyber security management maturity* Higher than previous fiscal year 3.4 Higher than previous fiscal year (upon reaching 4, remain at 4 or higher)
  • This is currently applied to key Group companies, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corporation, and Toshiba Development & Engineering Corporation

See below for details on initiatives.

Other Initiatives

We also report on other initiatives within the governance sector.
See below.

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