SVR-DS databases are as follows.
Each database are duplicated by SVR-DS redundant funtion, therefore the loss of data due to troubles with equipments can be prevented.
Database | Outline |
Historical database | Collects and stores process data and history data |
Report database | Collects and stores report data of operations |
Network database | Collects and stores system status data and application data |
Control of application programs
Each database are duplicated by the SVR-DS redundant funtion, therefore the loss of data due to troubles with equipments can be prevented.
SVR-DS cotrols the user application programs; thus OIS-DS can monitor the conditions of application programs. For the control corresponding the event happens in the system, the TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system works more efficiently.
SVR-DS plays an intermediary role between TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system and other information systems.
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- The information contained herein is as of September, 2012.
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