What is the TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv?
TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system is designed based on our product concepts which are "Integration", "Trust and Confidence", and "Environmental Harmony". Toshiba fulfill a customer's various demands by evolving our control technology constantly.
Reliability and Robustness
We have been producing the key modules of our control system with stable quality. These can also have a duplex configuration to provide the reliability and robustness of TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system.
Each Human Machine Interface (HMI) station can use Toshiba industrial computers (IPCs) that are provided stable quality.
High Speed and Definite Response
TCnet is a network technology certified by IEC, and is advocated by TOSHIBA corporation.
TCnet system is a highly controllable control system without variation in set-up time because the TCnet network stations can transmit and receive data at high speed and definite response.
Flexible Connectivity
The system easily can connect to our existing system, and other company's system using protocols of the industrial standard. Of course, it is easy to monitor and control the connected existing system and other company's system on OIS-DS, HMI station.
Inheritance of User Assets
Several migration methods for existing DCS (Distributed Control System) to TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv will be useful for reduction of implementation cost.
Pursuing Process Performance
Toshiba has several advanced control technologies, which are the Model Driven PID control, the 2-degree-of-freedom hyper PID control, the Advanced Feed Forward control and the Double Cross Limit Combustion control.
Our technologies pursue good performance of a process.
Productivity and Usability
Our integrated engineering tool contributes to the productivity and the conservativeness of systems engineering.
Harmony with Environment
Unified Controller nv series
, the flagship controller of TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system, was created by using lead-free solder and utilizing electronic parts obtained through "green procurement" for global environment.
Of course we inspected these parts severely, and so they have reliability and stability for the requirement of power and social infrastructure systems.
System Configuration
TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system is constituted as follows.
This table can be scrolled horizontally.
Component | Outline |
OIS-DS | OIS-DS, a human machine interface, is the operator's station for monitoring system and operating a process remotely. Existing TOSDIC™-CIE systems are also monitoring objects. |
SVR-DS | SVR-DS, a server for OIS-DS, is the server station that collects process information. |
nV-Tool4 | nV-Tool4 based on IEC 61131-3 is the engineering tool for the Unified Controller nv series. |
EWS | EWS, the engineering work station, is the application environment that can use process data in the TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system for each industrial. |
IPC | Each station for operation and management of the TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system can use Toshiba industrial PC. |
nv series | Unified Controller nv series is the flagship controller of the TOSDIC™-CIE DS/nv system. |
TC-net™ I/O Loop | TC-net™ I/O is a high-speed serial I/O system. Duplex loop configuration at a transmission rate of 100 Mbps is applied. |
- TOSDIC™, ADMAP™, TC-net™ and Unified Controller nv series are registered trademarks of Toshiba Corporation.
- Other company names and product names herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies concerned.
- Model Driven control system is the control concept proposed by Mr. Hidenori Kimura, the former professor of Tokyo University, in 2000.
- The information contained herein is as of September, 2012.
- The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
- The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of TOSHIBA or others.
- TOSHIBA products should not be embedded to the downstream products which are prohibited to be produced and sold, under any law.
- TOSHIBA does not take any responsibility for incidental damage (including loss of business profit, business interruption, loss of business information, and other pecuniary damage) arising out of the use or disability to use TOSHIBA products.