X-ray Thickness Gauge
TOSGAGE-6000A Series

Multi channel profile meter built by learning-edge technology.
Provide high resolution measured data, enable to high quality control.

TOSGAGE-6000A Series


  • 1. Provide high resolution profile data for quality control of coil.
  • 2. It is possible adopt profile shape control.
  • 3. Provide stable operations with high reliability and easy maintenance.
    The ionization chamber used as multi channel type detector can be repaired without special alignment.
  • 4. It is possible to add flatness measurement and temperature profile measurement function.
  • 5. It is possible to support various interface (Ethernet, Profibus, FL-net, etc.).
TOSGAGE-6000A Series


Specifications List

This table can be scrolled horizontally.

Specifications List
Measuring range (Cold) 0.1 ~ 8.0mm
(Hot) 1.0 ~ 15.99mm
Compensation range ±15%
< Measurement at 2mm >
Reproducibility 0.1% of set thickness (2σ)
Noise 0.1% of measured thickness (2σ)
Drift 0.1% of measured thickness/10h (Based on IEC61336)
Center time constant (Cold) 10ms
(Hot) 30ms
Profile integration time 2s
  • * The specification shown above is an example. Actual specifications can be adjusted and may vary depending on installation conditions.