Research and development

Pursuing Next-Generation and Advanced Reactors with Enhanced Safety

  • Developing the reactors for the future Next-Generation Reactors Advanced Reactors Developing the reactors for the future Next-Generation Reactors Advanced Reactors
    Developing the reactors for the future Next-Generation Reactors Advanced Reactors image
  • Developing Innovative Safety Reactor based on Societal Request
  • Developing Innovative Safety Reactor based on Societal Request

We develop next-generation reactors and advanced reactors with safety enhancement that take severe accidents into account.

Next-Generation Reactor

An innovative, large capacity and safety reactor: iBR

We developed the iBR based on safety concepts, that eliminates the need for emergency evacuation and long-term relocation. It has high reliability even under severe accidents and does not need containment venting.
With its double cylindrical containment vessel and passive safety features, it provides a grace period of seven days.
With the passive safety systems contained in the containment building, which is designed against aircraft crash impact, the Specialized Safety Facilities could be rationalized and providing high economic efficiency.

* iBR : innovative,intelligent,inexpensive BWR
The 1350MWe class was named iB1350, but currently we call iBR as standard.

iBR image

Refer to “Innovative Boiling Water Reactor (iBR) achieves net zero emissions and energy security” for details of the iBR.

Advanced Reactor

Very Small Reactor MoveluX™

As for safety aspect, reactor automatically shut down and remove decay heat without operator's action during accident and has reactor autonomously shut down system by moderator material characteristics.
Heat pipe, pump-less simple cooling system, contributes to enhance economic efficiency. Solid moderator makes lower pressure system available.
MoveluX™ can supply heat of about 700°C, which makes it suitable for a broad range of applications, including heat supply and hydrogen production.

※ MoveluX™:Mobile-Very-small reactor for Local Utility in X-mark

Very Small Reactor MoveluX™ image

The small fast reactor, 4S: Super-Safe, Small & Simple

This is Toshiba's small sodium-cooled fast reactor.
It improves reliability and achieves a high level of safety by employing a reactor core cooling system by natural circulation.
It reduces maintenance by applying passive equipment in reactor internal equipment.
4S does not require refueling for long periods of time (maximum of 30 years).

The small fast reactor, 4S: Super-Safe, Small & Simple image

High Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR)

A characteristic of the High Temperature Gas Reactor is that it achieves a high safety level because no core melt, nor hydrogen vapor explosions occur. Moreover, since it employs a decay heat removal system based on natural circulation, there is no need for operators to take prompt action due to the slow change of reactor temperature during severe accidents.
The high-temperature heat extracted from the Reactor can be used for a variety of applications. They include not only power generation but also seawater desalination, hydrogen production, and steam supply to chemical plants. Moreover, we have established Load following system based on PV-proved Molten Salt Heat Storage system to adapt Renewable Energy fluctuation by HTGR.

High Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR) image
Courtesy of JAEA * Some parts have been changed