Global Network
With our expertise and rich experience in water and sewerage infrastructure development in Japan, we conduct business on a global scale. We operate worldwide, and enhance capacity to provide the best solution to meet the needs of our clients.
We contribute to the creation of environmentally advanced communities with sustainable water infrastructure in response to regional, cultural and environmental requirements.

Scope of Business
With abundant experience and expertise as an electrical system integrator in Japan, we, Toshiba, aim to expand the scope of our business from system integration to EPC(*1) and O&M(*2) services.
- (*1) EPC: Engineering, Procurement and Construction
- (*2) O&M: Operation and Maintenance
- Project planning
- Business planning
- Feasibility study - Project execution
- Engineering
- Procurement
- Construction
- After-sales services
- Maintenance
- Operation - Reflection of customer needs
- R&D

Major Market Segments and our Technologies
Market | Facility | Technology |
Municipal field
Municipal field
Municipal fieldWater treatment plant
Sewage and sludge treatment
Industrial field
Industrial field
Industrial fieldWater treatment plant
Wastewater treatment
Recycled water treatment
- (*3) ZLD: Zero Liquid Discharge
- (*4) UF: Ultra Filtration
- (*5) MF: Micro Filtration
- (*6) ASP: Activated Sludge Process
- (*7) SBR: Sequencing Batch Reactor
- (*8) MBR: Membrane Bioreactor
- (*9) MBBR: Moving Bed Bioreactor
- (*10) BNR: Biological Nutrient Removal
- (*11) UASB: Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
- (*12) RO: Reverse Osmosis

Local Affiliates
Toshiba Water Solutions Group

Region: India, South Asia, South-East Asia, Middle East, Central America and North America
Toshiba Water Solutions Group (renamed from UEM Group in 2019) was established in USA in 1973 and expanded its business to India in 1984. As a core company for global water and wastewater treatment market, the company conducts its business worldwide. With a proven record of executing over 400 EPC and O&M projects in 35 countries, the company offers consistent services from plant planning, design and construction to operation management and maintenance in both municipal and industrial fields.