Ozone Generator

Toshiba's Ozone Technology provides
Water Purification

Ozone Generator TGOGS™ image



Ozone is a powerful oxidant, stronger than chlorine. It is used to disinfect, deodorize, decolorize and decompose organic matter in water. Toshiba's TGOGS™ ozone generator ensures safety, reliability and durability with high efficiency and low power consumption.

Why Ozone?

Effects of Ozone

Effects of Ozone


1Ozone is a powerful oxidant, stronger than chlorine.

Ozone is used to disinfect, deodorize, decolorize and decompose organic substances in water. It is also used to prevent formation of THMs(*1) in water.

2Ozone molecules are unstable in water, decaying to ordinary diatomic oxygen molecules.

The ozone system has a low impact on the environment.

3Only feed gas and electric power are required for ozone generators.

Ozone is generated internally without transportation or storage.

  • (*1) THMs: Trihalomethanes


Ozone Generator

Principles of Ozone Generation

A large amount of ozone is generated efficiently by silent discharge.
The silent discharge continually occurs without spark when a high AC voltage is applied between the two electrodes placed parallel to each other through dielectric material.
When dry air or oxygen flows between the electrodes, oxygen atoms (O) are ionized, and ozone (O3) is formed in recombination of ionized oxygen atoms (O) and unionized oxygen molecules (O2).

Principles of Ozone Generation

Features of the TGOGS™ Series

Feature of TGOGS Ozone generator photo
Feature of TGOGS Ozone generator image

High efficiency and low power consumption

  • Accurate and narrow discharge gap
  • Designed using simulation technology

High level of safety

  • Subjected to rigorous testing
  • Substantial in test facilities

High reliability and durability

  • Equipped with discharge tubes on own fuse
  • Containing stainless steel high-voltage electrodes

Easy maintenance

  • Light and easy to handle
  • Simple in structure

Long life

  • Corrosion-resistant with high-voltage electrodes


  • Developing new technologies in own research laboratories

History of Toshiba's Ozone Generator

History of Toshiba's Ozone Generator
  • Launched a large cylindrical ozone generator
  • Ozonated to oxidize NOx in exhaust gases by thermal power generation
  • Developed a flat plate ozone generator
  • Introduced a high-frequency (1 kHz) power device and cylindrical ozone generator to ensure high ozone concentrations and improve efficiency
  • Applied an ozone generator to discolor the water treated at night soil disposal plants in Japan
  • Delivered the largest scale (31 kg/h) air-fed ozone generator
  • Supplied an oxygen-fed ozone generator
  • Developed a coplanar discharge ozone generator
  • Introduced ozone generators for advanced water treatment to reduce THMs in tap water, and for advanced sewage treatment to reclaim water
  • Supplied a high-concentration air-fed ozone generator (3 wt%)
  • Introduced an optimized ozone injection control system with fluorescence intensity
  • Developed a generator with enhanced energy-saving performance and high ozone concentration
  • Won the Japan Business Federation Award for invention of ozone-based chemical decontamination technology
  • Won the Japan Ozone Association Award for development of ozone-based chemical decontamination technology for nuclear power plants
  • Developed the TGOGS™ high-efficiency ozone generator series
  • First introduced a fluorescence control method for a water purification plant in Japan to reduce bromic acid, inject optimized ozone and adapt to sudden changes in influent water quality

Wide Range of Applications

For Municipal Field

Water purification plants

The ozone treatment process varies according to the purpose of treatment. Ozone injection points are determined by the expected effect or substance to be treated.

  • Reduction of THMs
  • Improvement in odor and color
  • Reduction of organic compounds
  • Disinfection
  • Removal of inorganic matter such as iron and manganese
Water purification plants

Sewage treatment plants

  • Disinfection
  • Improvements in odor and color
Sewage treatment plants

For Industrial Field


  • Reduction of COD(*2)
  • Improvements in odor and color
  • Decomposition of persistent substances such as endocrine disruptors and medicines
  • (*2) COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand
Suitable for application in:
  • Dye works
  • Oil and gas plants
  • Food and beverage factories
  • Iron-making factories
  • Pharmaceutical plants
  • Metal plating factories
  • Sugar factories
  • Leachate treatment plants
  • Pulp and paper plants

...and more


Cooling water for thermal power generation plants

  • Disinfection
  • Prevention of scaling
  • Reduction in O&M(*3) costs
  • Reduction in blowdown and make-up water
  • Ozone is decomposed into oxygen, thus no harmful substances are left or contained in the blowdown water.
Cooling water for thermal power generation plants
  • (*3) O&M: Operation and Maintenance
  • (*4) PSU: Power Supply Unit

System Configuration

We, Toshiba, provide flexible system configuration to meet the particular treatment requirements and capacities of our clients.
Ingredient gas suppliers, cooling systems, waste ozone decomposition systems and reaction tanks are configured according to the inflow water quality, treatment capacity and location of installation.
We ensure reliability, economic efficiency and maintainability to offer ozone treatment systems by taking into account different circumstances.

System Configuration

Layout of Devices

Example of containerized type

Example of containerized type

Example of layout and piping

Example of layout and piping

We offer a system layout suitable for your needs by taking into account electrical equipment; ingredient gas piping, cooling water and gases containing ozone; ease of operation and maintenance; safety of the work environment; and efficient use of installation space.

Monitoring and Control

Monitoring and control

Based on reliable electrical and instrumentation technologies cultivated over many years of experience, we offer optimal monitoring and control systems.

Product Line-up

Product Line-up
  Oxygen fed Air fed
Ozone production Max. 120 kg O3 /h Max. 50 kg O3 /h
Concentration Max. 13 wt% Max. 3 wt%
Specific energy 7 to 8 kWh/kg O3(*5) 14 kWh/kg O3(*5)
Regulation range 10 to 100% 10 to 100%
  • (*5) When the cooling water inlet temperature is 15 ℃

TGOGS™ Ozone Generators Brochure

Please download the TGOGS™ Ozone Generators brochure.

TGOGS catalog


  1. Introduction
  2. Features of the TGOGS™ Series
  3. Applications of Ozone in Water Treatment
  4. System Configuration
  5. Examples of Ozone Generators in Operation

TGOGS™ Ozone Generators (PDF)(8.88MB)

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With our expertise and rich experience in water and sewerage infrastructure development in Japan, we conduct business on a global scale.
We operate worldwide, and enhance capacity to provide the best solution to meet the needs of our clients.
We contribute to the creation of environmentally advanced communities with sustainable water infrastructure in response to regional, cultural and environmental requirements.