Hardware Design Based on 24/7 Continuous Operation
The typical characteristic of "Industrial Computers" is a hardware design based to work 24/7. The computer is the heart of the system and will have a nagative impact on the system as a whole once it stops running.
To protect your system, "Industrial Computers" have a variety of functions that differ from personal computers used for general purposes.
RAS Function
Industrial Computers" have a self-diagnostic function called the RAS function (Reliability, Availability, Serviceability), which covers computer operation surveillance, diagnosis, error detection and notification. This helps detect computer system errors at an early stage and supports speedy solution of the problems and identifies their causes.
RAID Configuration (option)
In case one of the HDDs fails, the HDD RAID (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks) 1 configuration permits the other HDD to continue operation. When the failed HDD is replaced with a new HDD while the computer is in operation, its data will be automatically copied from the failed HDD to restore the mirroring configuration. This HDD redundancy protects your data.
Easy Maintenance
Front-end Maintenance
Components such as HDDs, fans, CMOS-batteries, and filters can be replaced from the front. This means that any of these components in your system can be easily and quickly replaced without trouble and cost of calling a serviceman.
Robustness (Low failure rate)
HDD Screening Inspection
The HDDs are put to a screening inspection before shipment.
HDDs found defective, or predicted to fail later in the field, upon inspection, any are excluded from shipment. Thus, you can be sure of the high reliability of HDDs.
Strict Shipment Tests
All the products made to the specifications and configurations of your order are put to aging and shipment tests to make sure they meet the quality requirements for shipment.
Sophisticated Parts and Design
"Industrial Computers" employ highly durable and reliable parts made to a rigorous standard of quality and design.
The Separate 3-lane Structure, which takes in air to Expansion card area, CPU area and Disk drive area, achive the most effective cooling structure.
Long-Term Supply and Maintenance
Advantages of Using the Same Computer over a Long Time
The product supply period is set at five years from the day of product release* and the product maintenance period at seven years after the supply period, assuming that you will use the "Industrial Computers" over a long period of time.
(The supply period and maintenance period for model FA3100G, however, are set at four years, respectively). This will help you reduce troubles and cost of repeatedly updating your system version and verifying the operation of your applications.
*The release date of each product is indicated to page 6.