We provide a variety of services ranging from power purchase to the use of subsidies, business operations, and storage batteries to solve various issues faced by power producers, retail electricity providers, and consumers. We offer more than just the services listed below, so please feel free to contact us for more information.
Click here for "Frequently Asked Questions"
I want to stabilize revenues under FIP, as in FIT (pseudo-FIT)
This service provides the same level of income as FIT for FIP power sources. We purchase electricity and non-fossil certificates and sell them on JEPX (Japan Electric Power Exchange) or on a bilateral basis. The monthly purchase price is set so that the income of the power producer, combined with the premium granted by the OCCTO (Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators), is equal to the FIT price, thus enabling stabilization of earnings in the same way as with FIT. We can also offer long-term contracts, such as 20 years, allowing for long-term revenue projections. We can also provide fixed price purchasing.
* We can also propose “Upside Share,” in which a portion of the excess electricity is returned to the power generation company. Please feel free to contact us for more details.
What Toshiba ESS will do (example)
- Purchase and sale of electricity
- Submission of plans to OCCTO and retail electricity providers
- Conclusion of power generation quantity adjustment contracts
- Cover and reimburse imbalance costs
What the power producer will do (example)
- FIP application
- Receive premium from OCCTO (or from Toshiba ESS if fixed price)
- JEPX account
- Electricity amount certification and transfer
Recommended for the following:
Businesses that own or are considering building new power plants with low FIT purchase prices.
Businesses that want to stabilize revenues even with an FIP power supply.
I want to take advantage of the renewable energy subsidy program with an off-site PPA
This is a service in which we purchase electricity plus non-fossil certificates from non-FIT/non-FIP sources and sell them relative to specific retail electricity providers and consumers. We will assist in matching renewable energy power producers with retail electricity providers and consumers as necessary. We can also offer flexibility in terms of purchase price. Generation imbalance cost will be covered by us.
*Subsidy for Promotion of Consumer-led Introduction of Solar Power Generation and Subsidy for the Introduction of Storage Batteries Accompanied by Renewable Energy Sources.
What Toshiba ESS will do (example)
- Purchase and sale of electricity
- Submission of plans to OCCTO and retail electricity providers
- Conclusion of power generation quantity adjustment contracts
- Cover and reimburse imbalance costs
What the power producer will do (example)
- Apply for subsidies
Recommended for the following:
Businesses that wish to improve revenues by engaging in bilateral transactions with retail electricity providers and consumers.
Businesses wishing to reduce initial costs through the use of subsidies.
I want to trade non-fossil certificates under a Virtual PPA (VPPA)
This is a virtual PPA service, a system that separates the electricity generated from renewable energy plants from the non-fossil value produced and sells the electricity to JEPX and the non-fossil value to consumers. The advantage is that consumers can procure non-fossil certificates without changing their existing power contracts with retail electricity providers. As a renewable energy aggregator, we purchase electricity from power producers and sell it to the wholesale electricity market. We can also offer flexibility in terms of purchase price. Non-fossil value can be sold directly from the power producer to the consumer or purchased by us from the power producer and sold to the consumer. Imbalance costs will be covered by us. Long-term contracts are also available.
What Toshiba ESS will do (example)
- Purchase and sale of electricity
- Submission of plans to OCCTO
- Conclusion of power generation quantity adjustment contracts
- Cover and reimburse imbalance costs
What the power producer will do (example)
- FIP application
- JEPX non-fossil value trading member application and account registration
- Certification and transfer of electricity for non-FIT non-fossil certificates
Recommended for the following:
Businesses wishing to supply non-fossil certificates to consumers in remote areas.
Businesses that wish to supply non-fossil certificates to consumers without changing their contracts with retail electricity providers.
I want to improve revenues by using storage batteries alongside renewable energy
This is a service in which we create and control operation plans to maximize revenue from storage batteries installed alongside renewable energy power plants. In the case of FIP power sources, the system incorporates a pseudo-FIT scheme to achieve an income equivalent to that under FIT while generating additional revenue from storage batteries. Both electricity and non-fossil certificates will be purchased by Toshiba ESS, operated within Toshiba ESS’ power generation balancing group, and traded on JEPX.
What Toshiba ESS will do (example)
- Purchase and sale of electricity
- Submission of plans to OCCTO
- Conclusion of power generation quantity adjustment contracts
- Cover and reimburse imbalance costs
What the power producer will do (example)
- FIP application
- Apply for subsidies
- Grid connection application
Recommended for the following:
Businesses that want to improve revenues for existing FIT power sources.
Businesses wishing to reduce losses resulting from output control.
I want you to handle the day-to-day operational tasks of a power producer on our behalf
This is a service in which we take advantage of our experience and expertise as a renewable energy aggregator to perform tasks on behalf of power generators, such as the submission of planned values for power generation balancing groups owned by the power producers themselves. Imbalance costs are covered within the scope of the service provision fee. Service contracting fees are set according to a price table based on the size of the power plant, and long-term contracts are also available.
What Toshiba ESS will do (example)
- Submission of plans to OCCTO and retail providers
- Cover imbalance costs (within the scope of the service contracting fee)
- Bidding to JEPX on behalf of the power producer (for sale of electricity to the market)
- Support for various contracts with power producers
What the power producer will do (example)
- Conclusion of power generation quantity adjustment contracts/intra-area self-wheeling contracts
- Cover imbalance costs (less that covered by Toshiba ESS)
- Application to OCCTO
- Application to JEPX
- Certification and transfer of electricity for non-FIT non-fossil certificates
Recommended for the following:
Power producers who want their company to remain the owner of the power generation balancing group while having day-to-day operational tasks handled on their behalf.
Power producers who want to do business by taking advantage of our operational expertise.
I want to increase the rate of renewable energy through self-wheeling
This is a service in which we handle operations such as the submission of planned values for your self-wheeling of electricity generated at your own renewable energy power plants located in remote areas to where your* consumers are located. Imbalance costs are covered within the scope of the service provision fee.
- Transmission to group companies and other companies with which we have formed partnerships (as long as requirements are met) is also possible.
What Toshiba ESS will do (example)
- Submission of plans to OCCTO and retail providers
- Cover imbalance costs (within the scope of the service provision fee)
What the self-wheeling business will do (example)
- Conclusion of power generation quantity adjustment contracts/intra-area self-wheeling contracts
- Cover imbalance costs (less that covered by Toshiba ESS)
- Settlement of self-wheeling fees
Recommended for the following:
Businesses wishing to reduce their own electricity rates and CO2 emissions.
Businesses that do not have sufficient space on their premises, but can install a renewable energy power plant in a remote location.
I want to sell excess electricity from in-house generation and consumption (surplus electricity)
In addition to purchasing surplus electricity generated from renewable energy power generation equipment installed at your facilities, we can also offer proposals in which we perform power purchase and balancing services on your behalf when you supply electricity to other facilities through self-wheeling. After receiving information and data on demand at the demand location and power generation, we will present purchase conditions and estimates.
Frequently Asked Questions
What areas are covered by your services?
Toshiba ESS’ services are available in each of Japan’s ten electric power areas (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Chubu, Tokyo, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa)
What types of renewable energy sources are eligible?
Solar, wind (onshore and offshore), biomass, hydropower, and geothermal power are eligible.
What size of power sources are eligible?
High-voltage and extra high-voltage power sources are eligible.
Low-voltage sources (excluding residential solar) are also eligible, but in the event that the number of cases is small, it may not be possible to accommodate such requests.
Can you refer us to purchasers?
We will ask you about your target area and conditions, and then support matching you with retail electricity providers and consumers through the Toshiba ESS network.