Equipment/Technical services
Providing Heavy ion therapy equipment that satisfies the needs of customers
We will provide Heavy ion therapy equipment to meet the customers' needs. We will propose the optimal facility layout and equipment jointly with the customer.
Customizing the overall facility

Providing treatment rooms suitable for various treatment

Rotating gantry treatment room
The rotating gantry treatment room irradiates target with Heavy ion beam from any angle by turning the irradiation nozzle. The X-ray imaging device is equiped for patient positioning, and it also works for respiratory-gated irradiation system.

Fixed beam treatment room
The fixed beam treatment room, unlike the rotating gantry, irradiates target with Heavy ion beam using the fixed irradiation nozzle in the horizontal direction or the vertical direction. When the tumor is irradiated from various angles, the angle is set by rolling the robotic couch. In the same manner as the rotating gantry treatment room, the fixed beam treatment room also has X-ray imaging device, etc.