Radio Transmission System

Radio Transmission System

Provides radio links in the event of a disaster for the people's security.

Provides radio links in the event of a disaster for the people's security.

Prefectural Disaster Prevention Radio System

  1. Provides radio links among prefectural government offices, municipal offices, disaster response agencies and other organizations. Also establishes a wide-area network in the prefecture.
  2. Communication among prefectural and municipal offices is made possible.
  3. With the use of a combined satellite communication and multiplex radio connections, the risk of simultaneous failure in times of disaster is decreased, thus building a more reliable communication network.

Satellite Communication System

  1. Deploys a communication system resistant to disasters on the ground.
  2. Provides communication links not only at disaster response centers but also in disaster areas by vehicle mounted earth station and transportable very small aperture terminals (VSAT).
  3. Provides radio links nationwide. Also exchanges information not only discretely but also simultaneously.
  4. Has the capacity to send telephone signals, faxes, large video files and other data.

Microwave Band Multiplex Radio Communication System

  1. Links between disaster response centers by microwave radio circuits and sends telephone signals, faxes, large video files and other data.
  2. Provides stable communication lines in the event of a disaster by using radio links that have very low possibility of cable disconnection.

Municipal Disaster Prevention Radio System

  1. Assists local governments to deliver disaster and administrative information to local residents.
  2. Configurable to suit specific purposes, including full-area and limited-area broadcasting.
  3. Allows to send voice data, texts and other data through the system.
  4. Allows personnel to communicate with each other via mobile stations.
Municipal Disaster Prevention Radio System

In-tunnel Radio Retransmission Broadcast System

  1. Allows drivers to listen to AM and FM radio in tunnels where radio waves might normally be blocked.
  2. Interrupts a radio program to provide evacuation guidance via radio in the event of a traffic accident.
In-tunnel Radio Retransmission Broadcast System

Weather Radar System

  1. Measures the intensity of rainfall over a wide area by sending microwave pulses and detecting signals reflected back from rain droplets.
  2. Utilizes solid-state transmitters. High-precision observation is made possible with Dual-polarization technology.
  3. Expected to enable the observation of rapidly developing cumulonimbus that are likely to cause tornadoes and torrential rain locally.
Weather Radar System