AGVs and AMRs

Unattended operations enabled by eliminating the need for battery replacement.

Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) play a key role in factory automation. Since charging these is a highly time-consuming procedure, it is usually necessary to have a huge number of spare batteries or multiple sets of AGVs and AMRs. When combined with an automatic charging function, SCiB™ will eliminate the need for spare batteries and reduce the number of AGVs and AMRs required, thanks to its rapid-charging characteristics.

Increase in operating efficiency

Reduction in
operating costs

Reduction in waste

Safe operation

Eliminating battery replacement because of rapid charging

The combination of the rapid-charging feature of SCiB™ and an automatic charging function makes it possible to create AGVs and AMRs that run on a battery alone.
This eliminates the need to charge spare batteries and replace flat batteries with fully charged spares.
In addition, its long life helps extend the replacement purchase cycle, thereby reducing the operating cost and waste. SCiB™ also obviates the workload for battery replacement.

Lineup of SCiB™

For inquiries about SCiB™ products and specifications, click here.