Contact Us
The common shares of Toshiba Corporation were delisted on December 20, 2023.
Inquiries About IR
About Tender Offer for the Shares of Toshiba Corporation, please see here.
Please read the following notes before making an inquiry.
Inquiry form
To access an IR inquiry sheet.
If you would like to send a message other than Investor Relation Issues, including Product Inquiries, please click here for Toshiba General Inquiries.
Corporate Communications Division
1-1, Shibaura 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8001, Japan
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Before making an inquiry, please read the following.
We use your personal data for the purpose of replying to you and providing information.
- Toshiba groups will use personal data you input only for the purpose for responding to your inquiry.
- Our group companies or third party contractors may use the personal data to the extent necessary to carry out such purpose.
- You can request us at any time to disclose, correct or delete your personal data that are retained by us.
- You can withhold disclosing your personal data to us at your option, but in such case, please note that we may not be able to offer you our services.
- Please look at Toshiba Corporation's Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for more.
- Children under 16 years old are requested to make an inquiry after receiving the consent of their parents or guardians.
- For inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, or during company holidays, we will reply on the earliest working day.
If you have an inquiry to the Investor Relations Group, please use the “Contact us” to contact the group.
If you have an inquiry about Toshiba products or services, please visit “Product Inquiries” instead.