Cybersecurity that realizes Toshiba's CPS

Toshiba protects important infrastructure such as energy, manufacturing, transportation, and medical institutions, and supports the safety and security of our customers' businesses and people and society. Based on our extensive experience in security operation management for both information systems and control systems.

Cyber ​​Security Threats in Industrial IoT

By promoting DE/DX in the industrial world, it is expected that the on-site situation will be visualized, productivity will be improved, profits will be increased, and AI will be introduced to help alleviate the labor shortage of skilled workers in the field.  On the other hand, as control systems begin to connect to the outside world, a new problem “Cybersecurity”  arises.

However, the configuration of control systems and the degree of conversion to DX differ greatly from company to company, and in factories and plants, priority is given to stable continuation of operations, and for example, it is difficult to apply security patches, and normal information security measures are difficult on Industrial area. Security is required in the industrial and manufacturing fields in line with the DX era.