Toshiba Corporate Manufacturing Engineering Center

Core Manufacturing Technology

Intelligent robot technology

Growing labor shortages and further diversification of work are pressing issues for factories and warehouses. Therefore, in addition to conventional forms of repetitious work, intelligent robots are expected to perform autonomous operations, responding flexibly to the environment and work requirements.
We are developing intelligent robots and putting them to practical use.

[Image] Intelligent robot technology

Core technologies for intelligent robots

When humans do something, they see, think, and act. Similar to humans, intelligent robots require three core technologies: image recognition, motion planning, and control technologies. In addition to these technologies, we are developing safety technologies while building and utilizing a robot platform.

[Image] 5 core technologies for intelligent robots

5 core technologies for intelligent robots

Connecting to cyber-physical systems (CPS)

We are also promoting the connection of intelligent robots to cyber-physical systems (CPS) as devices for edge computing. Connecting to CPS will create new value and offer diverse customers automation solutions that would be unachievable by standalone robots.

[Image] Connecting to cyber-physical systems (CPS)

Building and utilizing a robot platform

We have been building a Toshiba robot platform based on open-source robot operating system (ROS) software. By applying our core technologies on the platform, various types of intelligent robots can be developed efficiently.

[Image] Building and utilizing a robot platform