- Operation and Control
Automatic adjustment of deceleration characteristic models in Automatic Train Operation systems (ATO)
Achieves high stopping accuracy even given individual differences between train sets or variations in braking power resulting from weather or vehicle occupancy.
- To achieve comfortable and accurate station stops, Toshiba’s ATO uses a deceleration characteristic model to predict changes in train speed and position, and then selects appropriate braking orders.
- During braking and deceleration, it estimates deceleration based on changes in speed, and automatically adjusts short-term parameters related to “braking effect,” thereby achieving high stopping accuracy even amid short-term changes in deceleration characteristics resulting from weather or vehicle occupancy.
- After stopping at a station, the system automatically adjusts long-term parameters related to “braking effect” based on the results of short-term parameter adjustments between stations, thereby ensuring a comfortable ride even with individual differences between train sets and changes over a period of years.
- Automatic Train Operation systems (ATO)
Benchmarks, strengths, and track record
- Installed in all existing train line ATO systems delivered by Toshiba.
Please include the title “Toshiba AI Technology Catalog: Automatic adjustment of deceleration characteristic models in automatic train operation systems (ATO)” or the URL in the inquiry text.
Please note that because this technology is currently the subject of R&D activities, immediate responses to inquiries may not be possible.
- “Automatic Train Operation System for Subway Trains”; Toshiba Review Vol. 63 No. 12 (2008) (PDF)
- “ATO systems applying predictive control: evaluating stopping accuracy in commercial operations”, 47th Symposium on Cybernetics for Railways, No. 530 (2010)
- “Toshiba’s Automatic Train Operation systems: Achieving energy-efficient automatic running while adhering to running times between stations, based on running plans”; Rolling Stock and Technology No.177 (2011)
- “Development of Automatic Train Operation technologies: Achieving both riding comfort and stopping accuracy, with energy-efficient running that adheres to running times between stations” (2016) (in Japanese)