Toshiba AI Technology Catalog

  • Operation and Control

Model-based A/C control

Controls A/C facilities to achieve both comfort and energy conservation.

  • Creates an energy model for all elements of A/C facilities as a single system.
  • Calculates operational settings to minimize energy consumption while maintaining comfort.

Results of verification tests at the Lazona Kawasaki Toshiba Building (2. Model-based A/C energy conservation control) (Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation) (in Japanese)


  • A/C systems in buildings, railways, etc.
  • Heat source systems at plants, etc.

Benchmarks, strengths, and track record

  • Received the 2016 Energy Conservation Grand Prize “Energy Conservation Center Chairman’s Award” (received jointly by Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Nikken Sekkei, Obayashi Corporation, and the Toshiba Group’s NREG Toshiba Building Co., Ltd. (currently Nomura Real Estate Building Co. Ltd.)).
  • 2015 Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan Conference Outstanding Lecture Award


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Please note that because this technology is currently the subject of R&D activities, immediate responses to inquiries may not be possible.
