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Gas_Insulated_Transformers.pdf (PDF) (4.1MB)
Toshiba_Power_Transformers.pdf (PDF) (15.56MB)

169-252kV_Gas_Insulated_Switchgear.pdf (PDF) (1.28MB)
362-420kV_Gas_Insulated_Switchgear.pdf (PDF) (940KB)
550kV_Gas_Insulated_Switchgear.pdf (PDF) (890KB)
72.5-145kV_Gas_Insulated_Switchgear.pdf (PDF) (529KB)
72.5_to_1100kV_High_Voltage_Gas_Insulated_Switchgear.pdf (PDF) (4.96MB)

GIS_arrester.pdf (PDF) (611KB)
Polymer_Arresters.pdf (PDF) (2.33MB)
Porcelain_Arresters.pdf (PDF) (1.18MB)
Transmission_Line_Arresters.pdf (PDF) (468KB)

1. Digital Substation

GR-200 Series for Digital Substation (PDF) (1.87MB)

2. Services & Solutions

Service & Solutions - Grid Protection Automation (PDF) (1.21MB)
Cyber Security Services for Power System Protection & Automation (PDF) (1.88MB)
Retrofit Enhancement Services for Power System Protection & Automation (PDF) (555KB)
Training Services for Power System Protection & Automation (PDF) (1.73MB)
Fault analysis & Grid Simulation Services for Power System Protection & Automation (PDF) (1.5MB)
Maintenance Services for Power System Protection & Automation (PDF) (1.92MB)

3. GR-200 Series

GR200_brochure.pdf (PDF) (3.43MB)

01) GRZ200 -Distance Protection

GRZ200_brochure_15016-G2A-2.13.pdf (PDF) (1.96MB)
GRZ200_Manual_6F2S1915-G2A-0.48.pdf (PDF) (24.27MB)

02) GRL200 -Line Diffierential Protection

GRL200_brochure_15017-G2A-2.11.pdf (PDF) (2.06MB)
GRL200_Manual_6F2S1914-G2A-0.49.pdf (PDF) (25.07MB)
GIF200_Manual_6F2S1916-0.5.pdf (PDF) (475KB)

03) GRT200 -Transformer Protection

GRT200_brochure_16001-G2A-1.12.pdf (PDF) (3.14MB)
GRT200_Manual_6F2S1924-G2A-0.30 (PDF) (24.01MB)

04) GRB200 -Busbar Protection

GRB200_Centralized_brochure_16013-G2A-1.10.pdf (PDF) (3.38MB)
GRB200 (Decentralized) brochure_18005-G2A-0.22.pdf (PDF) (3.38MB)
GRB200_Manual_6F2S1931-G2A(Centralized)-0.20 (PDF) (19.63MB)
GRB200_Manual_6F2S1933-G2A(Decentralized)-0.11 (PDF) (21.95MB)
GRB200_Manual_6F2S1923-G2A(Centralized-Replica)-0.03.pdf (PDF) (1.35MB)
GRB200_Manual_6F2S1902-G2A(Decentralized-Replica)-0.05.pdf (PDF) (1.94MB)

05) GRD200 -Multi Function Protection

GRD200_brochure_16004-G2A-0.32.pdf (PDF) (2.35MB)
GRD200_Manual_6F2S1927-G2A-0.24 (PDF) (27.8MB)

06) GBU200 -Bay Control

GBU200_brochure_16010-G2A-0.24.pdf (PDF) (2.34MB)
GBU200_Manual_6F2S1926-G2A-0.25.pdf (PDF) (26.39MB)
GIO200_brochure_14010-G2A-0.2.pdf (PDF) (2.88MB)

07) GRH200 -High Impedance Busbar Protection

GRH200_brochure_20005-G2A-0.2.pdf (PDF) (3.92MB)
GRH200_Manual_6F2S1958_G2A-0.05.pdf (PDF) (13.41MB)

08) GMU200 -Merging Unit

GMU200_brochure_G2A-0.01.pdf (PDF) (2.23MB)
GMU200_Manual_6F2S1991-0.00.pdf (PDF) (15.36MB)

A1) GR-TIEMS V2.0 - Engineering and Monitoring Software for GR-200 Series (Latest Version)

GR-TIEMS_V2.0_Operation_Manual(6F2M0203)_0.02.pdf (PDF) (30.93MB) (ZIP) (29.79MB)
GR-TIEMS_ReleaseNote_20241118.pdf (PDF) (343KB)

A2) GR-TIEMS V1.0 (Maintenance Support Finished)

GR-TIEMS Operation Manual(6F2M1082) 0.07.pdf (PDF) (15.04MB)
GR-TIEMS_01_01_7079.exe (EXE) (9.56MB)

A3) Model Database for GR-TIEMS

GR-TIEMS-MDB_01_01_0569.exe (EXE) (253.81MB)

  A4) Cyber Security Function

Cyber Security Function_Manual_6F2S1983_0.01.pdf (PDF) (3.07MB)
GR-AIM_brochure_GKP-99-23017_0.00.pdf (PDF) (840KB)
GR-AIM_Operation Manual_6F2S1990_0.00.pdf (PDF) (1.17MB) (ZIP) (12.06MB)

  A5) IEC 61850 Process Bus Communication Function

IEC 61850 Process Bus Communication_Manual_6F2S1986_0.03.pdf (PDF) (4.63MB)

4. GR-200 Compact Series

01) GRE200 Multi-function Protection & Control

GRE200_brochure_19022-0.14.pdf (PDF) (0Bytes)
GRE200_Manual_Model_1,2(6F2T0200)-0.19.pdf (PDF) (14.65MB)
GRE200_Manual_Model_3,4(6F2T0201)-0.12.pdf (PDF) (12.5MB)
GRE200_Manual_Model_5,6(6F2T0207)-0.03.pdf (PDF) (16.02MB)

02) GRW200 Line Differential Protection for Direct Fibre & Pilot-wire

GRW200_brochure_20034-0.09.pdf (PDF) (3.96MB)
GRW200_Manual_6F2T0205-0.05.pdf (PDF) (13.7MB)

5. GRE-Series (for MV Systems)

01) GRE110 -Overcurrent and Earth Fault Protection and Control 

GRE110_Brochure_12023-2.8.pdf (PDF) (910KB)
GRE110_Manual_6F2T0172-9.2.pdf (PDF) (3.36MB)

02) GRE120 -Motor Protection and Control

GRE120_Brochure_12024-2.4.pdf (PDF) (923KB)
GRE120_Manual_6F2T0174_5.2.pdf (PDF) (1.93MB)

03) GRE130 -Voltage and Frequency Protection and Control

GRE130_Brochure_12025-2.5.pdf (PDF) (1.2MB)
GRE130_Manual_6F2T0176_5.2.pdf (PDF) (2.35MB)

04) GRE140 -Directional Overcurrent and Earth Fault Protection and Control

GRE140_Brochure_12026-2.7.pdf (PDF) (1.2MB)
GRE140_Manual_6F2T0177-9.0.pdf (PDF) (6.65MB)

05) GRE160 -Transformer Protection

GRE160_Brochure_12027-2.6.pdf (PDF) (924KB)
GRE160_Manual_6F2T0179-3.1.pdf (PDF) (2.83MB)

06) GRE170 -Machine Protection

GRE170_Brochure_12028-2.6.pdf (PDF) (1.0MB)
GRE170_Manual_6F2T0194-2.1.pdf (PDF) (2.74MB)

A1) RSM100 -PC Interface for GRE-Series and GR-100 Series

IEC103Config_Manual_6F2S0839-5.3.pdf (PDF) (902KB)
PLC_TOOL_Manual_6F2S0810-2.9.pdf (PDF) (2.03MB)
RSM100(GR-100)_Manual_6F2S0715-9.4.pdf (PDF) (3.04MB)
RSM100(GRE)_Manual_6F2T0185_3.0.pdf (PDF) (4.23MB) (ZIP) (50.85MB) (ZIP) (51.56MB)
RSM100_overview_RevD.pdf (PDF) (2.77MB)

A2) RSM210 -IEC61850 Engineering Software for GRE-Series

6F2T0193(RSM210-Operation-Manual)r2.0.pdf (PDF) (5.63MB) (ZIP) (85.36MB)

6. GSC1000-Substation Automation System

GSC1000_Leaflet_6647_1903A0-R1.pdf (PDF) (2.63MB)
GSU100_Catalog_GKP-99-20040-R1.pdf (PDF) (826KB)
GSC1000_Manual_21_30_0000.exe (EXE) (54.61MB)

7. GR-100 Series

01) GRZ100 -Distance Protection (Out of production)

GRZ100-704B_705B_706B_6F2S0894-0.1.pdf (PDF) (5.52MB)
GRZ100B-6F2S0834-0.7.pdf (PDF) (6.42MB)
GRZ100B-6F2S0846-0.6.pdf (PDF) (6.76MB)
GRZ100D-6F2S0851-2.2.pdf (PDF) (6.07MB)

02) GRL100 -Line diffierential Protection (Out of production)

GRL100-6F2S0869-9.1.pdf (PDF) (6.97MB)
GRL100_6640-1.6.pdf (PDF) (1.53MB)
GRL100B_7xxB-6F2S0850-0.7.pdf (PDF) (5.96MB)

03) GRL150 -Line diffierential Protection for Direct Fibre Pilot Wire Application

GRL150-6F2S0828-2.7.pdf (PDF) (3.58MB)

04) GRT100 -Transformer Protection (Out of production)

GRT100B_6F2S0789-3.1.pdf (PDF) (3.54MB)
GRT100C_6F2S0844-1.1.pdf (PDF) (4.5MB)
GRT100D_6F2S0857-7.1.pdf (PDF) (4.84MB)

05) GRB100 -Busbar Protection (Out of production)

GRB100B_6F2S0784-3.6.pdf (PDF) (5.09MB)
GRB100B_6F2S0814-1.9.pdf (PDF) (5.18MB)
GRB100D_6F2S0882-2.2r.pdf (PDF) (6.45MB)

06) GRB150 -High Impedance Differential Protection (Out of production)

GRB150B_6F2S0790-1.1.pdf (PDF) (1.22MB)
GRB150D_6F2S0900-3.1.pdf (PDF) (3.26MB)

07) GRR100 -Auto-Reclose Controller GRR100 (Out of production)

GRR100B-6F2S0791-1.1.pdf (PDF) (1.34MB)

08) GRC100 -Breaker Failure Protection (Out of production)

GRC100-6F2S0732-1.5r.pdf (PDF) (1.57MB)

09) GRF100 -Frequency & Voltage Protection (Out of production)

GRF100B-6F2S0816-4.1.pdf (PDF) (2.17MB)

10) GRD110 -Overcurrent Protection (Out of production)

GRD110-5xxx-6F2S0858-0.1r.pdf (PDF) (3.39MB)
GRD110-6F2S0754-4.2.pdf (PDF) (3.46MB)
GRD110D-6F2S0903-1.2.pdf (PDF) (4.71MB)

11) GRD130 -Under & Overvoltage Protection (Out of production)

GRD130-6F2S0757-3.1.pdf (PDF) (2.74MB)
GRD130D-6F2S0904-1.2.pdf (PDF) (4.02MB)

12) GRD140 -Overcurrent Protectin (Out of production)

GRD140-6F2S0758-1.1.pdf (PDF) (4.16MB)
GRD140D-6F2S0897-5.3.pdf (PDF) (5.84MB)

13) GRD150 -Feeder Manager (Out of production)

GRD150-6F2S0842-1.1.pdf (PDF) (5.93MB)

14) G1IF1 -Cross-site Fibre Link Unit (Out of production)

G1IF1-6F2S0755-0.7.pdf (PDF) (549KB)

15) G1IF2 -Optical Interface Unit (Out of production)

G1IF2_6F2S0794-0.2r.pdf (PDF) (460KB)

16) G1IF4 -Interface Unit (Out of production)

G1IF4-6F2S0877-2.1.pdf (PDF) (2.18MB)

17) G1PR2 -Protocol Converter for GR-100 series (Out of production)

G1PR2-6F2S0793-0.7.pdf (PDF) (676KB)

18) GRBtool -Software Tool for GRB100 (ZIP) (4.03MB)

A1) RSM110 -Mapping Tool for GR-100 Series (ZIP) (3.9MB)

A2) RSM120 -IFU Engineering Tool for G1IF4 (ZIP) (6.72MB)

A3) RSM100 (Please refer to GRE-Series)

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We recommend that you download up to 20 files at one time.

Check the contents of the files after you download them.
If a file is corrupt, please click the button to download the file again.

If you have any questions, inquire at "Contact Us".

Please click "Download the selected items" button only once.