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Toshiba Group Announces Environmental Future Vision 2050
Reduce 50% GHG emissions by FY2030, contributing to the realization of a net zero emissions societyTOKYO— Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO: 6502) today announced Toshiba Group's Environmental Future Vision 2050, a new long-term vision with a global perspective that responds to the drive for decarbonization, the transition to a circular economy and a society that lives in harmony with nature.
Toshiba introduced its Environmental Vision 2050 in 2007. It outlines an ideal picture of a future where all people can lead affluent lifestyles in harmony with the earth, a goal that the company has promoted ever since. However, recent years have seen many changes. Internally, Toshiba Group is advancing its business transformation under the Toshiba Next Plan. Externally, the Group must respond to international developments, such as the Paris Agreement(*1) and its measures to counter climate change, and calls to overcome other social issues, including resource depletion and loss of biodiversity. Toshiba recognizes that, if it is to continue to realize growth while contributing to a sustainable society, it is important to provide value and respond to global trends from a long-term perspective.
Environmental Future Vision 2050 was developed to respond to these changing circumstances. Its targets include a 50% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout Toshiba’s value chain by FY2030, against FY2019, as a contribution toward realizing a net zero emissions(*2) society by 2050.
Environmental Future Vision 2050 envisions a sustainable society as decarbonized, that circulates resources, and that is in harmony with nature. It sets goal for contributing to its realization through environmental management that creates enriched value and ensures harmony with the earth. Using the same backcasting(*3) approach that it applied to its 2007 vision, Toshiba will promote initiatives in three areas: climate change, the circular economy, and ecosystems.
Figure: Toshiba Group’s Environmental Future Vision 2050
Climate change - Toward contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions to net zero by 2050, Toshiba aims to cut emissions throughout its value chain by 50% in FY2030 and more than 80% in FY2050, both against FY2019.
These goals are consistent with Japan’s targets under the Paris Agreement, and essential for realizing the future envisaged by the Agreement. To achieve them, Toshiba will expand its investment in energy-saving equipment and the use of renewable energy, leverage its technologies to create products and services that contribute to GHG reductions, and promote businesses that involve climate adaptation measures. Toshiba has also committed to setting science-based targets(*4) that can be objectively validated as its FY2030 GHG reduction goals.
The circular economy - Toshiba will continue to promote efficient use of resources in products, services and business activities, proactively collaborate with industry organizations, government agencies, and other companies, and look for opportunities to promote the transition to a circular economy business model. Specifically, in addition to reducing waste generated by business activities and to increasing recycling of used products and parts, Toshiba will apply its digital technologies to building circular economy business models.
Ecosystems - Toshiba will contribute to a society where people can live in harmony with nature and continue to enjoy the blessings of ecosystems by promoting compliance with policies and regulations on chemical substance management in countries around the world, proper management of water resources, and conservation of biodiversity in and around its business and production sites.
Through these efforts, Toshiba will reduce the lifecycle environmental impacts of its products and services, thereby contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. With the aim of integrating business and environmental management, Toshiba will actively develop environmental contribution measures in its focus business areas in line with the Toshiba Next Plan.
As an infrastructure services company, Toshiba provides society with highly reliable services and state-of-the-art technologies that contribute to solving social issues, and also strives to enhance corporate value. Toward ensuring sustainable growth, Toshiba will continue operating on an ethical and transparent management base by improving its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, and creating and providing rich value for its diverse stakeholders.
Toshiba’s corporate activities also contribute to achievement of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on 10 of those goals. Toshiba Group is making every effort to maximize positive impacts and minimize negative impacts for each of them.
Motivated by the basic commitment of Toshiba Group, "Committed to People, Committed to the Future,” Toshiba will advance its environmental management to create enriched value in harmony with the earth.
*1 The Paris Agreement: an international framework adopted at the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) that seeks to reduce GHG emissions. It aims to keep the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To this end, the Agreement’s target is to lower GHG emissions to substantially zero by the latter half of this century.
*2 Net zero emissions: Reduce GHG emissions with energy-saving products and decarbonized and low-carbon energy technologies, and by utilizing renewable energy and carbon capture technologies in power generation.
*3 Backcasting: a method that defines a desired goal and works back through the series of actions necessary for its achievement.
*4 Science-Based Targets, SBT: Science-based targets are scientifically grounded GHG reduction targets set by companies on a medium- to long-term basis in order to keep the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Science-based targets are validated by the SBT initiative.