News Releases

Toshiba Publishes English Edition of CSR Report 2014

7 Aug, 2014


Toshiba Group CSR report 2014

TOKYO—Toshiba Corporation (Tokyo: 6502) today announced that the English edition of the Toshiba Group Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2014 (hereinafter referred to as “CSR Report 2014”), a comprehensive account of Toshiba Group’s latest CSR activities, is now available at:

Toshiba has published the report since 2004 as a mean to provide the company’s stakeholders with an authoritative resource on Toshiba Group’s CSR policies, plans, programs and activities; this is the 11th edition.

The CSR Report 2014 can be downloaded as a PDF from Toshiba’s CSR website and readers can make their own version by selecting the topics that interest them.

This year Toshiba, as part of ISO26000 implementation, initiated CSR reviews with an independent third-party organization, and by doing so identified human rights, supply chain CSR and environmental management as important key issues (materialities). The report contains standard disclosures from GRI G4 guidelines*1, and highlights Toshiba Group's approach for these material issues.

Three articles highlight major acitivities in the last year.

An article highlighting human rights looks at current initiative in respect of conflict minerals issues, and also covers a workshop held in February this year for human resources managers in Asia. The workshop used the Universal Declaration of Human Right as a basis for discussing business risk, a major concern for Toshiba Group’s business.

A second article look at supply chain CSR, including measures to promote better understanding of Toshiba Group procurement policy, and “KAPATIRAN*2” the supplier partnership program that Toshiba Group has conducted in the Philippines since 2012.

The third article highlights environmental management. It outlines “Environmental Report 2014”, which will be published separately, and Toshiba Group’s environmental policies and measures.

The report also provides detailed accounts of CSR activities based on the core subjects of ISO26000: “Organizational Governance”, “Human Rights”, “Labor Practices”, “The Environment”, “Fair Operating Practices”, “Customers”, and “Community Involvement and Development”.

The Japanese edition of CSR Report 2014 is also available online at:

*1 The 4th edition of the sustainability reporting guideline of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) (May, 2013 announcement).
*2 The program which the Philippines Ministry of Labor introduced in 2011, major companies support labor and safety approaches of the small and medium-sized suppliers.