Toshiba Issues Revised Business Forecasts for FY2003 16 September, 2003
TOKYO -- Toshiba Corporation today issued revised consolidated and non-consolidated business forecasts for the first half and full fiscal year to March 31, 2004. The company also announced its intention to nullify its interim dividend for the first half of the current fiscal term.
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Consolidated forecast Today's announcement revises downwards the forecast that Toshiba issued with the announcement of its results for the last fiscal year, on April 25, 2003. The key points are as in the table below. |
(1) 1st Half FY2003 (Apr. 1st, 2003 - Sept. 30, 2003)
(2) FY2003 (Apr. 1st, 2003 - Mar. 31, 2004)
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Non-consolidated forecast Today's announcement revises downwards the forecast that Toshiba issued with the announcement of its results for the last fiscal year, on April 25, 2003. The key points are as in the table below. |
(1) 1st Half, FY2003 (Apr. 1st, 2003 - Sept. 30, 2003)
(2) FY2003 (Apr. 1st, 2003 - Mar. 31, 2004)
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Reasons for revision While Electronic Devices and Social Infrastructure segments are performing favorably, this does not compensate for worsening results in the Digital Products segment. |
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Planned Interim dividend for 1H/FY2003 In accordance with the revisions described above, the board of Toshiba today decided the intention to nullify its interim dividend, as it did last year. The dividend payment for the end of the current fiscal year, which was 3-yen per share for the last fiscal year, is yet to be decided. |
Cautionary Statements The above forecasts contain "Material Information" as defined by the Securities and Exchange Law of Japan. Should you first learn of this information on this home page within 12 hours of its release (before 3:00am on September 17, 2003 JST), you might be regarded as a "primary recipient" of information relevant to insider trading. In that case, selling, buying or other transaction of shares of stock or other securities of Toshiba Corporation before the expiration of the 12-hour period are prohibited by the law. |