Toshiba AI Technology Catalog

  • Sensor data recognition
  • Status estimation
  • Numerical analysis
  • Indexing

Technology for comparing the work of skilled workers and beginners

Automatically identifies skilled workers and beginners.

  • Extracts elemental tasks from work data measured using acceleration sensors, etc.
  • Determines whether data input using neural networks with attention mechanisms are from skilled workers or beginners. Also extracts elemental tasks with high dependency on skills at the time.
  • Joint research with Osaka University


  • Analyze tasks in the front lines of production.

Benchmarks, strengths, and track record

  • By using neural networks equipped with attention mechanisms, this technology can extract elemental tasks with high dependency on worker skills.
  • Attained outstanding results through verification using data from actual manufacturing workplaces.


Inquiries to the Corporate Manufacturing Engineering Center of Toshiba Corporation

Please include the title “Toshiba AI Technology Catalog: Technology for comparing the work of skilled workers and beginners” or the URL in the inquiry text.
Please note that because this technology is currently the subject of R&D activities, immediate responses to inquiries may not be possible.


  • Qingxin Xia, Atsushi Wada, Takanori Yoshii, Yasuo Namioka, and Takuya Maekawa: Comparative Analysis of High- and Low-Performing Factory Workers with Attention-based Neural Networks, Proceedings of 18th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, Nov,. 2021.