Toshiba AI Technology Catalog

  • Numerical analysis
  • Anomaly detection

Battery system health monitoring technology

Detect deterioration or failures in currently operating battery system, without stopping the system.

  • Using this technology, it is possible to monitor the health of battery systems working in electric power systems or mobility applications.
  • Using voltage and other vital data on the battery system, health-estimation is calculated every day, and the trends of daily health are visualized and confirmed.
  • Because health can be monitored during operations, there is no need to stop daily operation of the battery system.


  • Battery systems for electric power systems
  • Battery systems for ships
  • Battery systems for EV buses

Benchmarks, strengths, and track record

  • There is no need to stop regular operation; additional operation costs for inspection for customers are not required.
  • Can be used in a variety of applications, including electric power systems and mobility applications.
  • Cascaded health monitoring is available even if applications change; e.g., for reused battery systems. Post facto analysis is also available if operational data is logged.


Contact the Toshiba Corporate Research & Development Center

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Please note that because this technology is currently the subject of R&D activities, immediate responses to inquiries may not be possible.