Toshiba AI Technology Catalog

  • Media data analysis

Unsupervised image clustering: IDFD

Realizes strong performance on inspection image clustering at manufacturing site, and reduces costs of visual checking and manual data analysis.

  • Accuracy for unsupervised clustering of public image data sets increased from 62.3% to 81.5% (the state-of-the-art perfirmance).
  • Achieves highly accurate unsupervised clustering by learning feature preferable for clustering from complex images.


  • Inspection images in semiconductor manufacturing
  • Visual Inspection images in the manufacturing field

Benchmarks, strengths, and track record

  • Achieved unsupervised clustering accuracy of 81.5% and 95.4% respectively for CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-10 image data sets. (62.3% and 71.0% using conventional methods)
  • Achieved state-of-the-art unsupervised image clustering accuracy; adopted at ICLR2021.