Toshiba AI Technology Catalog

  • Speech dialogue
  • Advice

Q&A dialog

Automatically creates chatbots that respond to user questions based on FAQs.

  • Automatically creates chat bots that respond to user questions based on FAQs.
  • Even when the user asks an ambiguous question, the system can treat with the paraphrasings and respond to narrow down the candidate answers.


  • Respond to questions about the details of office work.
  • Respond to user questions at call centers or as part of Internet services.
  • Provide support when questions arise in manufacturing or maintenance workplaces.

Benchmarks, strengths, and track record

  • There are no competitor products with a system that can provide keywords to narrow down candidate responses.
  • Toshiba Digital Solutions Corporation has incorporated the system into the new “Komendori® Scenario-less AI chatbot service.”


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Please note that because this technology is currently the subject of R&D activities, immediate responses to inquiries may not be possible.


  • “A Q&A dialogue system that can be built automatically based on FAQs”, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Understanding and Dialogue Processing (SIG-SLUD)