Basic Policy

Toshiba Group has formulated the Basic Policy for the Environment which lays out specific environmental strategies to be shared by all members of the Group.

Toshiba Group's Basic Policy for the Environment

Toshiba Group holds environmental initiatives to be one of our top priority tasks in corporate management, guided by The Essence of Toshiba. We will strive to create enriched value and ensure harmony with the earth to be committed to people and committed to the future. Through our environmental management that aims to achieve a decarbonized society, a resource circulating society, and a society in harmony with nature, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and turn on the promise of a new day.

Promoting environmental management harmonized with business operations

  • Toshiba Group assesses the impacts of its business activities and products and services on the environment (including biodiversity), sets environmental impact reduction targets, and implements environmental activities.
  • Toshiba Group continuously improves its environmental management through audits and activity reviews.
  • Toshiba Group complies with all laws and regulations, industry guidelines it has endorsed, and its own standards on the environment.
  • Toshiba Group further raises employees' environmental awareness, and the company as a whole makes efforts for environmental protection.
  • Toshiba Group operates globally and promotes environmental activities throughout the Group accordingly.


Reducing environmental impacts through business activities and offering environmentally conscious products and services

  • Toshiba Group recognizes that natural resources are finite, and it implements vigorous environmental measures to promote their effective, practical use in terms of both business activities as well as products and services.
  • Toshiba Group develops and provides environmentally conscious products and services that contribute to reducing environmental impacts throughout their life cycle.
  • In all phases of activities - including the design, procurement, manufacturing, logistics, sales, and disposal phases - Toshiba Group implements measures to decrease environmental impacts, such as those for responding to climate change, effective resource use, and chemical management.
  • Toshiba Group considers what value and meaning it can provide to society and strives to develop environmental technologies for the future in order to contribute to realizing a sustainable society.

Working together with stakeholders

  • Toshiba Group actively communicates with stakeholders, such as local communities and society, and promotes environmental activities in collaboration with them.