Response to the Circular Economy

Medium- to Long-term Vision

  • Promote efficient use of resources in both business activities and products and services.
  • Actively collaborate with relevant parties, such as industry organizations, government agencies, and other companies, in order to adapt our business models to the circular economy.

FY2022 Achievements

  • Waste volume in business activities:
    30,000 t
  • Waste volume waste generated per unit compared to FY2021:
  • Amount of resources saved in products*:
    200,000 t
  • Amount of the use of recycled plastics in products*:
    1,552 t

*Cumulative total from FY2021.

Approach to Key Risks and Opportunities

Under the Environmental Future Vision 2050 and the Seventh Environmental Action Plan, Toshiba Group aims to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by reducing waste volume in business activities, increasing amount of resources saved in our products and services, and recycling resources from a long-term perspective, while promoting businesses conducive to the circular economy.

Risks Opportunities Toshiba Group Initiative
  • Increase in management costs due to stricter regulations on resource use and disposal
  • Increase in raw material procurement costs due to resource restrictions
  • Decline in corporate value due to delayed response to resource circulation
  • Improved competitiveness as a result of sophistication of technologies that contribute to resource circulation
  • Development of new markets and expansion of markets for circular economy-related businesses
Risks Opportunities Toshiba Group Initiative
  • Increase in management costs due to stricter regulations on resource use and disposal
  • Increase in raw material procurement costs due to resource restrictions
  • Decline in corporate value due to delayed response to resource circulation
  • Improved competitiveness as a result of sophistication of technologies that contribute to resource circulation
  • Development of new markets and expansion of markets for circular economy-related businesses

Under the linear economic system, which is based on mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal, a decrease in the rate of potential economic growth has become apparent due to the risk of resource depletion, the limitations of waste treatment, and increased environmental impacts caused by marine plastic debris and so on. In order to solve such social issues, as a Europe and other global trends, a shift to a circular economy that maximizes added value through efficient use of resources through servicing, etc., while reducing resource input and consumption and making effective use of stock is required.

Toshiba Group has simultaneously reduced environmental impact and costs by minimizing resource inputs and eliminating waste at the manufacturing stage in domestic and overseas production processes, in products and services additionally, we are expanding the amount of resources saved by downsizing products and increasing the amount of recycled plastic resources, including packaging materials.
In the future we will further connect the circle of resource circulation and carbon recycling by promoting the transformation into a cyber-physical system technology company, which is our goal, in active cooperation with related entities, including industry associations, government agencies, and other companies. working to increase the amount of recycled plastic resources, including packaging materials.
By doing so, we aim to build a circular economy business model that decouples resource consumption and environmental impact from economic activities.