In response to rising concerns over water problems worldwide, Toshiba Group is promoting sustainable water resource management. Each of our production sites has incorporated the policy of reducing the volume of water received into its annual plan in order to develop specific strategies and conduct follow-up surveys on an ongoing basis. The total volume of water received in FY2022 was 18.0 million m3 and the volume of water received per unit activity was 104% of the total for the previous year, so our targets is not achieved, however, we are continuously promoting wide-ranging efforts, such as such as the use of recycled wastewater from the site and the introduction of a system to use rainwater.
Amount of water received and rate of improvement of the amount of water received per unit activity*1
Breakdown of the amount of water received (FY2022)
- Basic-unit uses values such as production output, the number of products manufactured, the number of persons and total floor area, etc, that are related to the total volume of water received associated with manufacturing.
- The rate of improvement per unit activity of output with FY2020 as 100%
Case: Reducing water use by introducing a cooling water circulation system
Nishishiba Electric Co., Ltd.
Nishishiba Electric Co., Ltd. develops and manufactures products related to marine electrical systems as well as generator and industrial systems that support social infrastructure.
Previously, in the testing process for fully closed (IP44*) large generators to be installed on vessels, industrial water was used as the cooling water, which was treated after use as industrial wastewater. To improve, we introduced a new cooling tower as a cooling water circulation system, and we changed to a method of circulating and reusing cooling water. As a result, we reduced the amount of water used by approximately 5,500 m3 annually, which is equivalent to the amount of water in approximately ten 25-m swimming pools.
We will strive to conserve water resources by using water efficiently.
- IP (International Protection) code: Performance standards that grade the dust and water resistance of the protective structure of equipment.
Case: Reducing water use by improving hand-washing facilities at manufacturing sites
Himeji Operations, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation
To promote efficient use of water resources, Himeji Operations of Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation switched the wall faucets to automatic faucets at nine hand-washing areas and ten bathrooms across the site. By simultaneously upgrading eleven flush type lavatories to an automatic backflush type that can control water flow, we successfully reduced the amount of water used by 240m3 annually.
This initiative led to not only effective use of water resources but the reduction of CO2 emissions from energy used during water purification and electricity for automatic faucets, resulting in an initiative that contributes to both resource savings and global warming prevention. The initiative also contributed to reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection by limiting the opportunities for people to touch faucets through the introduction of automatic faucets.