Toshiba Group promotes biodiversity conservation activities as an important measure for the activity area of "consideration of ecosystems," alongside water resource and chemical substance management. The activities are promoted based on the common internal guidelines established for Toshiba Group companies, with the aim of contributing to the creation of a world in harmony with nature, the world's common goal.
Employee-participatory activities in collaboration with local communities
Aiming to contribute to the achievement of the “nature positive” world, Toshiba is promoting biodiversity conservation activities at approximately 60 global sites. With reference to the 23 targets of the new global framework, the “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework” (“first draft” in 2021), we have set five activity themes: “building of ecosystem networks,” “conservation of rare species and promotion of ex situ conservation,” “response to marine plastics issues,” “response to climate change (mitigation, adaptation),” and “conservation of water.” Under these themes, we are engaged in activities according to the characteristics and issues of each area, including those on the premises and those in the neighborhood of Toshiba sites, together with our stakeholders in the community. Each site's activities are implemented with the viewpoints of “collaboration,” “publicity,” and “education,” having the aim of expanding and deepening the activities. Since many of these activities are planned and participated by employees themselves, the activities lead to improved awareness of the environment at each site as well as to continued development of the activities.
■ Five activity themes and 3 boosting tools
Activity Theme
Theme 1 Building of ecosystem networks
Creating biotopes, tree planting contributing to building ecosystem networks, etc.
Theme 2 Conservation of rare species, promotion of ex situ conservation
Conserving rare plants and animals on and off the premise, ex-situ conservation
Theme 3 Response to marine plastics issues
Cleanup on and off the premise, at rivers and oceans, reduction of one-way plastics at company cafeterias and company shops, etc.
Theme 4 Response to climate change (mitigation, adaptation)
Tree planting contributing to climate change mitigation and prevention or reduction of natural disaster, creation of green curtains, etc.
Theme 5 Conservation of water
Cleanup at rivers and oceans, water recharge through tree planting, etc.
Boosting Tool
Tool 1 Collaboration
Expanding and deepening activities through collaboration with various stakeholders, such as public administrations, NPOs/NGOs, local citizens, company employees, etc.
Tool 2 Education
Holding education classes at nearby schools or introducing Toshiba Group's biodiversity activities at seminars carried out by local governments or at education classes for employees, etc.
Tool 3 Publicity
Introducing activities to the public through company websites or reports, applying for outside awards or recognitions, signing up for awareness programs and campaigns carried out by public administrations or organizations, etc.
■ Activity examples
(1) Activity theme 1: “Building of ecosystem networks”
“Creating a biotope within the premises” / Mie Operations, Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation
(2) Activity theme 2: “Conservation of rare species and promotion of ex situ conservation”
“Conservation of endangered species of Hyogo prefecture (Golden venus chubs and Thoroughworts)” / Himeji Operations of Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation, Himeji Operations-Semiconductor of Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
(3) Activity theme: 3 “Response to marine plastics issues”
“Awareness-raising activities for employees on the issue of marine plastics; discontinuation of the use of plastic cutlery and plastic bags in the company cafeteria” / Toshiba Tec Singapore Pte Ltd.
(4) Activity theme 4: “Response to climate change (Mitigation, adaptation)”
“Forest maintenance and conservation activities at Kaga Toshiba Forest” / Kaga Toshiba Electronics Corporation
(5) Activity theme 5: “Conservation of water”
“Water resource conservation awareness for employees” / Toshiba Tec Malaysia Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd.
Other Toshiba Group activities are introduced on the following special website below:
Contribution to the "30by30 Target"
The “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework” has a target that aims to effectively conserve at least 30% of land and sea areas as sound ecosystems by 2030 (target 3, commonly called the "30by30 target"). This global-scale initiative related to land aims to expand the protected areas and OECM (Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures; locations other than protected areas that contribute to biodiversity conservation). In Japan, the “30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity” has been established with the aim of expanding OECM in the country. In FY2023, a program for certifying locations where conservation is underway through private-sector initiatives etc., or where management that does not mainly intend to implement conservation is nevertheless acknowledged as contributing to the protection of the natural environment, has started (Secretariat: Ministry of the Environment). The locations certified in this program will then be registered on the OECM world database. Since Toshiba Group establishes business sites globally and recognizes sustainable use of land to be an important issue, we participate in the Alliance as a first step toward directly contributing to the achievement of the "30by30 target." Going forward, we will aim to contribute to expanding the number of Japan`s OECMs through nature conservation activities on the premises and in the surrounding areas of Toshiba sites in Japan, as well as collect information and consider how we can contribute to the target through our sites abroad.
- Japan’s 30by30 Roadmap
- 30by30 alliance (Japanese only) (Ministry of the Environment)
- Participation in the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity (Sustainability Site)
- Biodiversity conservation activities at Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation ( Imabari Complex) (Japanese only)
Case: Certified as one of Japan`s OECM by Ministry of the Environment (Oct, 2023)
Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation Imabari Complex
Imabari City`s Odagahama Beach is inhabited by many of the prefecture’s endangered species. Imabari Complex, aiming to implement community-based biodiversity conservation activities, continuously conduct land maintenance and environmental education sessions for nearby elementary school students at the beach, in cooperation with local residents, Ehime Prefecture, Imabari City, NPOs, and specialists. In recognition of these activities, the company was certified by the Ministry of the Environment as one of Japan`s OECM, first ever certification for Toshiba Group.
- News&Topics (Japanese only) (Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation)
Land maintenance
at Odagahama Beach
Education session
for elementary school students
Endangered species of
Ehime Prefecture (Linaria japonica)
Assessment of Biodiversity
Toshiba Group uses “IBAT,”* an international assessment tool, to collect information on protected areas in the surroundings of our global sites and other key areas important for biodiversity conservation as well as information on endangered species inhabiting the area, in order to conduct biodiversity-related assessments. Going forward, we will promote biodiversity conservation activities that are in line with the actual conditions of each area based on the assessment results.
Example of IBAT assessment
- Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool: A tool hosted by the IBAT Alliance, a biodiversity project whose participants include the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), which provides concrete information on biodiversity and important habitats around the world. Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)