The cloud service for practical IoT data deployment, combining digital twins and applications that embody our manufacturing expertise.

This cloud service bolsters the storage and utilization of IoT data in manufacturing, based on expertise accumulated by the Toshiba Group at manufacturing worksites over the years.
Quickly visualize manufacturing status changes and traceability, while taking your productivity and quality to the next level with an integrated data model that rapidly links IoT data with business data generated at manufacturing sites.


Integrated data model covers the entire product life cycle and links worksites with management

Integrated data model that supports both real-time linkage of data from worksites to management (vertical integration) and seamless linkage of product life cycle information (horizontal integration), provided as a digital twin.

Suite of applications that increases the value of IoT data

Applications and analytical tools that address various needs in manufacturing will be at your fingertips. Includes applications for correlation analysis between processes, traceability to pinpoint the causes when problems occur, and visualization according to 5M1E.


Quickly see the effects after startup

Functionality to visualize stored IoT data comes standard equipped. Mapping IoT data and business data on the integrated data model designed for manufacturing also lets you quickly store and utilize data.

Combine the optimal modules to use

Various additional services such as visualization templates and analysis engines will be sequentially added to the lineup. Once you’ve begun using the system, you can add the functions you need at the timing that you need them.

Flexibly scale up the systems as needed

Being able to start storing and using IoT data from a single device or operation keeps initial investment cost down. From there, you can gradually expand the applicable scope to production lines and factories as a whole according to the size of your business.

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