ifLink platform accelerates business creation via open IoT

ifLink platform is an open IoT platform that modularizes various IoT devices and web services into combinations that enable the creation of easy-to-useconvient mechanisms.
This platform can be applied to use cases in a wide variety of settings, from manufacturing, retail, and physical stores to nursing care, entertainment, education, farming, and more. It can be installed to smartphones, mounted gateways, professional business-use tablets, interactive robots, and many other types of information terminals to assist in speedy launches of commercial services and improving user convenience.


ifLink platform delivers easy access to various IoT services. How it works:

Modularize various IoT devices and web services, connect them to ifLink platform, and use the ifLink App’s “If-Then Execution Engine,” and you can create If (if it is this...) – Then (then do this...) recipes with the values and statuses of those devices and services as conditions to be acted on by “if-then” rules. Create all kinds of IoT services through diverse combinations of If modules and Then modules.

Various IoT devices & web services

Modularize with a microservices development kit connected to ifLink platform

Combine modules via “If-Then” rules to create If-Then recipes

Execute the If-Then recipe to quickly try out IoT services

Various IoT devices & web services

Modularize with  a microservices development kit connected to ifLink platform

Combine modules via “If-Then” rules to create If-Then recipes

Execute the If-Then recipe to quickly try out  IoT services

Expand your open IoT business ecosystem with ifLink platform

Using ifLink platform enables you to swiftly create new IoT products and services. As the modules increase, the possibilities for diverse services will expand.
We support the co-creation of services utilizing ifLink platform. We aim for environ ment the business ecosystem generated through ifLink together with our various partners(ifLink platform partners, ifLink module partners, ifLink service partners) expands throughout the world.

ifLink platform partners: Business operators who include ifLink platform services in information terminals that have ifLink platform built in and commercially sell them
ifLink module partners: Business operators who develop ifLink microservices and commercially sell IoT devices and web services that can be connected to ifLink
ifLink service partners: Business operators who commercially provide IoT services that utilize ifLink platform to users


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